Public Domain
The Deceased Wife's Sister, and My Beautiful Neighbour, v. 3The Deceased Wife's Sister, and My Beautiful Neighbour, v. 3I found Martelli to be more useful to me than I could have expected. He had called himself practical, and he was practical. He was used to the punctilious regularity of schools, to the difficult...
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Bei uns im Arzgebirg': Heiteres aus dem ErzgebirgeBei uns im Arzgebirg': Heiteres aus dem ErzgebirgeDe Mitglieder von Kegelklub Feuergeister in Altstadtel warn abn mit Kegeln fertig und ginge vir in der Gaststub, d s' sollt noch Hauptversammling sei. 's dauret net lang, soen se in klen Biffetstebel im Tisch rim, un...
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The Timber PirateThe Timber PirateNights sable curtain was soon to fall on the short-lived drama of a Winter day in the Laurentians. The departing sub-arctic sun, in its last pale glory, sent up from the omnipresent whiteness myriads of glistening beams that stabbed the eyes like...
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John Cheap, the Chapman's Library. Vol. 1: Comic and HumorousJohn Cheap, the Chapman's Library. Vol. 1: Comic and Humorous - The Scottish Chap Literature of Last Century, ClassifiedA name is very often only a definition of a thing in one of its aspectsgenerally the most obvious to ordinary observation, though not always the...
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Cathalina at GreycliffCathalina at GreycliffIn these chapters the author has used her own family names, to which she fancies she has a right. There are, however, some changes; it was, for instance, a Katherine Knickerbocker who married a Van Buskirk. The Aunt Katherine of the story...
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Queen of the Blue WorldQueen of the Blue WorldIt was hot there in the tiny cabin of the wing with the rocket blasts thrumming behind them. Rurak dropped the sweat-sticky circle of his radiophone and peered down at the foul blueness of the swampland. A range of low...
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Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 3, No. 28, December, 1921Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 3, No. 28, December, 1921 - America's Magazine of Wit, Humor and FilosophyOn September 27th our train #12 was held at Robbinsdale 37 minutes loading what is stated to have been 36,000 lbs. of mail. In order that provision...
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The Thing of VenusThe Thing of VenusThe gailang gas hung in low soft waves over the motley crowd of the tiny, hidden gailang den. Laughter rose hysterically from the trio of women slummers, as the gas tore their natural reserves and modesty into shreds. A scarred space-pirate...
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Gods of SpaceGods of SpaceThe weird purple glow of the planetoid was apparent now, even to the naked eye. The end of Roy Atwood's long, lonely journey was at hand. In the narrow control-turret of his small spaceship he sat gazing. Planetoid-150, in the belt out...
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The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 1020, July 15, 1899The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 1020, July 15, 1899r. Black, said Lucy, speaking rather suddenly after her pause, Miss Latimer and I are keeping house together just now, and we are hopeful of securing the services of a highly respectable elderly woman,...
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George Borrow's Second Tour in WalesGeorge Borrow's Second Tour in WalesThe reader of Dr. Knapps Life of Borrow will remember that, three years after the 1854 expedition to North Wales, George Borrow made a rapid traverse through the south-western portion of the Principality. The incidents of the former excursion...
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Frank Merriwell's Marriage Or, Inza's Happiest DayFrank Merriwell's Marriage; Or, Inza's Happiest DayA half million enthusiastic followers of the Merriwell brothers will attest the unfailing interest and wholesomeness of these adventures of two lads of high ideals, who play fair with themselves, as well as with the rest of the...
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Kunszállási emberekKunszállási emberekAz igazi neve Cseh Lukcs volt. Egy vvel azutn, hogy hozznk kltztt, mindenki Vrcse Lukcsnak hitta, vagy rviden a vrcsnek. A klseje s a neve csak az tletet adta meg az elnevezshez; maga az elnevezs, a megjells, a a megblyegzs valamilyen hasonl formban...
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Ylioppilas ja papintytär: KertomusYlioppilas ja papintytär: KertomusMies oli ylioppilas, ja tytt papintytr. Mies oli lhes kahdenkymmenenkahdeksan, tytt vain viidentoista vanha. Mies oli pitk ja laiha, piti tukkaa hieman otsalla, nytti miettivlt ja vlist krsivlt. Tytt oli pieni, piti ruskeata tukkaansa vapaasti ohimoille silitettyn, ja sen alta tuli...
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An Australian Ramble Or, A Summer in AustraliaAn Australian Ramble; Or, A Summer in AustraliaI send this from the Orizaba, one of the finest, if not the finest, of the fine steamers of the Orient Line that keep open the communication between this country and Australia; and this is how it...
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The Face of the Earth as Seen from the AirThe Face of the Earth as Seen from the Air - A Study in the Application of Airplane Photography to GeographyScarcely a generation has passed during the evolution of the airplane from a ridiculous dream to a practical factor in the work of the...
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Genealogie der familie Franssen te Tegelen, van 1651 tot hedenGenealogie der familie Franssen te Tegelen, van 1651 tot hedenReeds in het oud verbond bij de Joden had en onderhield men geslachtlijsten, zoodat ieder kon aanwijzen, opklimmende tot Abraham, uit welk geslacht hij afstamde. Zoo sproten de H. Maagd Maria en de H. Jozef...
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The Annual Report on the Health of the Parish of St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington, during the year 1874The Annual Report on the Health of the Parish of St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington, during the year 1874I propose in this, the Nineteenth Annual Report of the Medical Officer of Health, to follow the plan adopted in my previous reports: that is to say,...
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A Letter to Sir Richard Ford and the Other Police MagistratesA Letter to Sir Richard Ford and the Other Police Magistrates - Upon the Prevalancy of Gaming, and the Infamous Practices of Common InformersI have taken the liberty to consume a few minutes of your valuable time, for the purpose of awakening your attention...
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