Public Domain
The War-Nymphs of VenusThe War-Nymphs of VenusThe voluptuous golden civilization of Arron was doomed. Licentious laughter echoed through the water-kingdom, unmindful of the relentless, clanking invasion of the Gorts. What fools, this handful of warrior-maidens led by a puny Earthman, to pit their thin strength against Tollgamo's...
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Prevailing Prayer: What Hinders It?Prevailing Prayer: What Hinders It?Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1884, by FLEMING H. REVELL, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Printed and bound by J. L. Regan & Co., Chicago. The two first...
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Kotipoluilta II: Pieniä kertoelmiaKotipoluilta II: Pieniä kertoelmiaEllill oli omat vihkonsa, joihin piirteli harakanvarpaita, maisemia ja kaikkia mit mielikuvitus osasi keksi. Nytteli niit islle ja kysyi aina, josko olivat hyvi. Tietystihn is mynsi, ett olivat. Etenkin lampaat, hanhet ja muut sentapaiset tutut elimet olivat kovin nkisins. Niit ei...
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Kotipoluilta I: Pieniä kertoelmiaKotipoluilta I: Pieniä kertoelmiaTytt oli pappilan Irkku, Mustin paras leikkitoveri, paras ystv. Tytn kydess kymmenett, tuotiin kykkiin ern pivn pajuinen vasu ja vasussa oli musta koiran pentu, lihava ja kmpelminen vetkale, josta pian kasvoi Irkulle kisakumppani, harras ja uskollinen toveri. Lukemattomia talvipuhteita vietettiin renkituvassa....
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The Construction of the Small HouseThe Construction of the Small House - A Simple and Useful Source of Information of the Methods of Building Small American Homes, for Anyone Planning to BuildImmediately after the war the housing shortage made itself very evident, because the landlords discovered that it existed,...
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Bűbájosok (Novellák)Bűbájosok (Novellák)Egy pillanatig szdl fejjel lltam ott, lmos szememet az rasztalra meresztve, az ra hlt helyre, melyen apr arany-pocsolyban forrott s bugyborkolt a fny s a melegsg. A dlutn szilaj vilgtsban mindez hihetetlennek tetszett. Valami erszakos s robbansszer van minden lopsban. Utna pedig oly...
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The Manor SchoolThe Manor SchoolChristian Mitford was thirteen years of age. She was a tall girl with a pale face, a little pronounced in expression, and quantities of thick, untidy, very bright fair hair, which had a habit of tumbling in a great mass over her...
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Dangerous Dilemmas: Startling but TrueDangerous Dilemmas: Startling but TrueSince that bright autumn day both Germany and Belgium have seen the evil results attending public gambling when practised by weak-minded individuals, and have banished the too fascinating game to Monaco, to the great delight of the prince of the...
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Jean-Christophe, Volume 2Jean-Christophe, Volume 2 - La Révolte, La Foire sur la PlaceAu seuil d'une priode nouvelle de Jean-Christophe, dont le caractre de critique un peu vive risquera de blesser tour tour les lecteurs de tous les partis, je prie mes amis et ceux de Jean-Christophe...
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Animal Stories from Eskimo LandAnimal Stories from Eskimo Land - Adapted from the Original Eskimo Stories Collected by Dr. Daniel S. NeumanThe Eskimos are a kindly, industrious, smiling people. To our way of thinking their lives are uncivilized and cheerless. And yet, in their own primitive way, they...
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Alma vascaAlma vascaCuando en la descampada cima del monte, sentado bajo el cielo luminoso, veo tenderse a mis pies la muchedumbre de colinas, caadas y vallecicos, no puedo decir propiamente que mi impresin sea entonces intelectual, porque apenas toman parte las ideas en mi arrobo;...
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Warum und Weil. Physikalischer TeilWarum und Weil. Physikalischer Teil. - Fragen und Antworten aus den wichtigsten Gebieten der gesammten Naturlehre.Warum? Das ist die stehende Frage im Kindesmunde, die Eltern und Lehrern so viel Noth macht, und die man leider so hufig mit der Antwort zurckweist: Das verstehst Du...
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Treasure of TritonTreasure of TritonTriton was a dead world. The hydrogen snow that covered the illimitable desolation of the plain glowed a weird green in the dying Neptune-light. Above it, grim and black, towered the west wall of the great Temple of Triton. The evening gale...
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Spirit Slate Writing and Kindred PhenomenaSpirit Slate Writing and Kindred Phenomena The author of the present volume is not an opponent of spiritualismon the contrary, he was brought up from childhood in this belief; and though, at the present writing, he does not acknowledge the truth of its teachings,...
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The Monster That Threatened the UniverseThe Monster That Threatened the UniverseLimio hugged the dying fires of Chaos. He was not cold, for the fires that burned in the center of the cold star were not dead, only dying. But they were the source of life to the monster who...
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Satellite of FearSatellite of FearThe Comet's control-room was silent except for the monotonous beat of Ken Grant's restless pacing. Six months on Ceres' frigid, shadowy Darkside had driven the tan from his face, etched lines of worry about his mouth. Darkside had a way of doing...
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Jean-Christophe Volume 1Jean-Christophe Volume 1 - L'Aube, Le Matin, L'AdolescentLe premier embrasse la jeune vie de Christophe (L'Aube, Le Matin, L'Adolescent), l'veil de ses sens et de son cur dans le nid familial, dans l'troit horizon de la petite patrie,jusqu' l'preuve d'o il sort meurtri, mais...
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The Deep Sea Hunters: Adventures on a WhalerThe Deep Sea Hunters: Adventures on a WhalerCome on, I dont believe it. You cant fool me that way, replied Tom, tossing aside his book. Whats the joke? Why the old Hector wouldnt floatshes had grass growing out of her seams for years. It...
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The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 11, November, 1883The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 11, November, 1883John H. Washburn, Chairman; A.P. Foster, Secretary; Lyman Abbott, Alonzo S. Ball, A.S. Barnes, C.T. Christensen, Franklin Fairbanks, Clinton B. Fisk, S.B. Halliday, Samuel Holmes, Charles A. Hull, Samuel S. Marples, Charles L. Mead, Wm....
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- €6,19 EUR
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