Public Domain
Tales of Shipwrecks and Other Disasters at SeaTales of Shipwrecks and Other Disasters at Sea"Shipwrecks, Uncle Thomas! oh yes, we shall be delighted!" exclaimed three or four voices, as the boys crowded round the fire, each striving who should sit nearest their kind old Uncle, who delighted to amuse them by...
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Quaker StrongholdsQuaker StrongholdsWhether Quakerism be, as some Friends believe, destined to any considerable revival or not, it seems at least certain that any important revival of religion must be the result of a fresh recognition and acceptance of the very principles upon which the Society...
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Mississippi Piney Woods: A Photographic Study of Folk ArchitectureMississippi Piney Woods: A Photographic Study of Folk ArchitectureThe dogtrot house described by Eudora Welty in Losing Battles is in every Mississippians memory. Dogtrots, a part of the Mississippi landscape since the early 19th century, were one of the most popular forms of folk...
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I-em-hotep and Ancient Egyptian medicine: II. Prevention of valvular diseaseI-em-hotep and Ancient Egyptian medicine: II. Prevention of valvular disease - The Harveian Oration delivered before the Royal college of physicians on June 21, 1904Mr. President and Gentlemen, The officials fellows and friends of this college assemble to-day, as we and our predecessors have...
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The Ecclesiastical Orders of KnighthoodThe Ecclesiastical Orders of KnighthoodWidespread interest in the Ecclesiastical Orders of Knighthood has been demonstrated by continual requests for information pertaining to them on the part of libraries and individual persons, particularly those who have been knighted. In the United States this interest lies...
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Venus Has Green EyesVenus Has Green Eyes"In a few hours it'll be wetter'n a swamp duck's gullet," said Charlie, grinning behind his whiskers. "And darker'n West Pluto!" Charlie had been trapping otters here for five years and accepted the long nights as resignedly as the mud, the...
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The Planet That Time ForgotThe Planet That Time ForgotShe stood upon the high battlements of the palace, overlooking the land of Toom, with sunlight splashing over the beauty and radiance of her. She, Oomith, mataiya of Toom. Her eyes wandered to the road that wound, ribbon-like, far beyond...
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For the BirdsFor the BirdsAmong the fondest and most memorable moments of childhood are the discoveries of songbirds nesting in the backyard. The distinctive, mud-lined nests of robins and their beautiful blue eggs captivate people of all ages. Likewise, the nesting activities of house wrens, cardinals,...
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From an Easy ChairFrom an Easy ChairThis little book is a reproduction, with some emendations, of articles which appeared in the Daily Telegraph in the six months between the beginning of last October and the end of April. If it should meet with success, further collections of...
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Buccaneer of the Star SeasBuccaneer of the Star Seas"... and thou shalt be immortal!" Such was the curse of that 13th Century sorcerer. Now Carlyle roamed the uncharted star-seas, seeking Death as he sought the richly-laden derelicts in that sargossa of long-vanished space-galleons. An unpleasant shudder went through...
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Carnegie Institution of Washington publication no. 268Olympic Victor Monuments and Greek Athletic ArtThe purpose of the present work is to study what is known of one of the most important genres of Greek sculpturethe monuments erected at Olympia and elsewhere in the Greek world in honor of victorious athletes at...
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The Arab conquests in Central AsiaThe Arab conquests in Central AsiaThe Oxus is a boundary of tradition rather than of history. Lying midway between the old frontier of Aryan civilisation formed by the Jaxartes and the Pamr and the natural strategic frontier offered by the north-eastern escarpment of the...
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My Literary ZooMy Literary ZooCan not fail to be of the utmost interest to any and all who have spent any time in the country and observed the ways of country people. Miss Sanborn is simply inimitable in her ability to catch the humorous in what...
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L'affaire du bonnet et les Mémoires de Saint-SimonL'affaire du bonnet et les Mémoires de Saint-SimonLe 25 aot 1683, Saint-Simon, qui s'appelait alors le vidame de Chartres, reut, l'occasion de sa fte, la Saint-Louis, un petit volume reli en maroquin rouge, portant sur la couverture: au centre, les armoiries de sa maison;...
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Life Stories for Young PeopleSwiss Heroes: An Historical Romance of the Time of Charles the BoldThe period of the Swiss Heroes romance is in the days of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy; and the sentiment of its title is to be found in the careers of the...
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Seeing LincolnSeeing LincolnCome with us, all you who are new to the city or you who bid fair to live and die in Lincoln without ever having seen her various faces. Well teach you inwell, we dont know how many lessonssomething about the city in...
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A Manual of Mending and Repairing With DiagramsA Manual of Mending and Repairing; With DiagramsThe author of this work modestly trusts that all who read it with care will admit that in it he has distinctly shown that mending or repairing, which has hitherto been regarded as a mere adjunct to...
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The Plus Food for Minus MealsThe Plus Food for Minus MealsPerhaps the meals you serve are bulk-minus meals. Kelloggs All-Bran is the bulk-plus food so necessary in the well-balanced diet. Serve as a cereal, combined with other cereals, or use it as an ingredient in many tempting and economical...
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Young heroes of our navyPaul JonesThe writer feels the most sincere diffidence in making use of the mighty name and personality of Paul Jones, who, as Cooper justly says, was not only a great seaman but a great man. An excuse, however, is not wanting. It is justifiable...
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