Public Domain
Matti Pohto: Vanhojen suomalaisten kirjain pelastajaMatti Pohto: Vanhojen suomalaisten kirjain pelastajaSeuraaville sivuille on koottu silyneet vhiset tiedot elmntyst, joka tuloksissaan ja suorittajansa henkiln nhden meidn ja luultavasti muidenkin kansain sivistyshistoriassa on ainutlaatuinen. Se suurty, mink Matti Pohto suomalaisten kirjain ystvn ja kerjn vaatimattomassa elmssn suoritti, hertti kyll jo tekijns...
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Élisabeth de Bavière, Impératrice d'AutricheÉlisabeth de Bavière, Impératrice d'Autriche - Pages de journal, impressions, conversations, souvenirsCette impratrice qui, par une fuite continuelle, par son ventail interpos et par la pratique de la restriction mentale avait pu jusqu sa mort cacher le chef-duvre quelle stait elle-mme cre, nous allons...
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Children of destinyChildren of destinyThe hot June sunshine poured down upon the great fields of yellow wheat at Deerchase, and the velvet wind swept softly over them, making long billows and shadowy dimples in the golden sea of grain. The air was all blue and gold,...
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Under the mizzen mast: A voyage round the worldUnder the mizzen mast: A voyage round the worldSo much interest in this narrative has been expressed that the author has been led to insert in a new edition things which it would have contained in the first, had the design been to give...
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The Cave GirlThe Cave GirlThis was the fourth time that the thing had crept from out the wood as darkness was settlingthe fourth time during those three horrible weeks since he had been cast upon that lonely shore that he had watched, terror-stricken, while night engulfed...
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Troubled starTroubled starAt least once in every generation there turns up a person who is embarrassing to the Custodians of History. With neither talent nor ambition, nor studious application nor admirable character, this person succeeds where the bright and the studious and the intellectually honest...
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Opinion de Defrance, sur les postes et messageries: Séance du 16 Pluviôse, an VOpinion de Defrance, sur les postes et messageries: Séance du 16 Pluviôse, an VDepuis trop long-temps le Directoire excutif appelle votre attention sur la situation actuelle des postes et messageries, et sollicite, en faveur de ces tablissemens dutilit publique et particulire, des moyens prompts...
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Maida's little houseMaida's little houseThe three were Laura Lathrop; her brother, Harold Lathrop; their friend, Arthur Duncan. Rosie did not join them on the grass. She seated herself in the hammock behind them and began to swing, first slowly, then so violently that her black curls...
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O CortiçoO Cortiço Os meus honrados collegas do jornalismo, e todos esses grandes publicistas que fatigam o co e a terra para provar que esta em que estamos a verdadeira epoca de transio, esses nos diro se a Providencia andaria bem ou mal se hoje...
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The narcotic drug problemThe narcotic drug problemIt is a fact becoming more and more obvious that too little study and effort to interpret their physical condition have been given to those unfortunates suffering from narcotic drug addiction. We have neglected their disease in its origin and subsequent...
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Tales of the Long BowTales of the Long BowTHESE tales concern the doing of things recognized as impossible to do; impossible to believe; and, as the weary reader may well cry aloud, impossible to read about. Did the narrator merely say that they happened, without saying how they...
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Travels in Western AustraliaTravels in Western Australia - being a description of the various cities and towns, goldfields, and agricultural districts of that stateThe Daily Chronicle: This book is a pleasant and interesting one; it tells what somebody really saw and felt, not what somebody thought the...
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Langs den Nijl: Herinneringen eener reis in EgypteLangs den Nijl: Herinneringen eener reis in Egypte - De Aarde en haar volken, 1868Wat ik u mededeelen ga, zijn schetsen uit mijne reisportefeuille: herinneringen aan een tochtje door Egypte, in het voorjaar van 1863 ondernomen. Het doel mijner reis is voor u van...
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Clovis, Tome 1 (of 2)Clovis, Tome 1 (of 2)L'histoire de la socit moderne a gravit pendant plusieurs sicles autour d'un peuple prdestin, qui en a crit les pages les plus mmorables: je veux parler du peuple franc. Le premier aprs la chute du monde antique, il a jet...
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My bird and my dog: A tale for youthMy bird and my dog: A tale for youthWhile as infants you yet sported at my knee, I perceived that the mind of man, brought forth in sin, like the earth cursed by the Almighty, requires cultivation, and that the utmost vigilance and care...
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The cobbler of NîmesThe cobbler of NîmesIt was the month of June, 1703, and about noontide on the last day of the week. The fair in the market-place at Nmes was therefore at its height. A juggler was swallowing a sword in the midst of an admiring...
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Travels in Western Africa in 1845 & 1846, Volume 2 (of 2)Travels in Western Africa in 1845 & 1846, Volume 2 (of 2) - comprising a journey from Whydah through the Kingdom of Dahomey to Adofoodia in the interiorThe Zafidah MountainsZoogahReception by the CaboceerBamayIts MarketCuriosity of the PeoplePopulationThe Davity MountainsDaragowQualifications for a CaboceerThe River Zoa,...
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An account of the slave trade on the coast of AfricaAn account of the slave trade on the coast of AfricaThe following sheets are intended to lay before the public the present state of a branch of the British commerce, which, ever since its existence, has been held in detestation by all good men,...
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Mirth and metreMirth and metreIf any one of those mysterious autocrats who do the reviews on some newspaper or serial shall, in his condescension, deign to inform public opinion what he may think about Mirth and Metre, that autocrat, unless he be in an unhoped-for state...
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Cenno storico sull'antichissima città di Ruvo nella PeuceziaCenno storico sull'antichissima città di Ruvo nella Peucezia Eccoti il mio Cenno Istorico sullantichissima citt di Ruvo che ti ho promesso. Sar forse questa lultima mia produzione letteraria. Il peso degli anni aggravato vie pi dalle forti e continue traversie di salute che sto...
- €6,13 EUR
- €6,13 EUR
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