Public Domain
The Camp Fire Girls at Half Moon LakeThe Camp Fire Girls at Half Moon LakeOne of the girls, wearing a corduroy costume of hunters green and a tam-o-shanter of the same shade, was carrying a rifle, while over her shoulder hung a brace of rabbits and half a dozen quail. To...
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The Hopi IndiansThe Hopi IndiansWhoever visits the Hopi falls perforce under the magic influence of their life and personality. If anyone entertains the belief that a good Indian is a dead Indian, let him travel to the heart of the Southwest and dispel his illusions in...
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Oeuvres complètes de Charles Péguy, Oeuvres de poésie (tome 6)Oeuvres complètes de Charles Péguy, Oeuvres de poésie (tome 6) - Le Mystère des Saints Innocents; La tapisserie de sainte Geneviève et de Jeanne d'Arc; La tapisserie de Notre-Dame. Title: Oeuvres compltes de Charles Pguy, Oeuvres de posie (tome 6) Subtitle: Le Mystre des...
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El tratado de la pinturaEl tratado de la pinturaDeuda de mi obligacion era siempre, por lograr el honor de ser indivduo de un cuerpo de quien es V. A. dignsimo Xefe, poner S. R. P. qualquiera produccion de mi limitado ingenio; pero tratando sta obra de un arte...
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The Angel in the CloudThe Angel in the CloudTo those who may favor these pages with perusal, I make this earnest request: that, if they commence, they will read all. Knowing that the best mode of dealing with doubts is to state and refute, successively, I regret that...
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Irresolute CatherineIrresolute CatherineA DULL patter of sheeps hurrying feet came from behind a small knoll that jutted into the track along the mountain. The level plateau was wide and smooth below the towering slopes, and the threads of water crossing it at intervals had laid...
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The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knt, in his Voyage into the South Sea in the Year 1593The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knt, in his Voyage into the South Sea in the Year 1593 - Reprinted from the Edition of 1622Many of the early voyages to the Spanish possessions in South America, are open to the charge of having been...
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Index for Works of Robert W. BuchananIndex for Works of Robert W. Buchanan - Hyperlinks to all Chapters of all Individual Ebooks Title: Index for Works of Robert W. Buchanan Subtitle: Hyperlinks to all Chapters of all Individual Ebooks Author: Robert Williams Buchanan and David Widger Release Date: July 13,...
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A History of Economic DoctrinesA History of Economic Doctrines - from the time of the physiocrats to the present dayIn the economic curricula of French universities much greater stress is laid upon the history of economic theory than is the case anywhere else. Attached to the Faculty of...
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Femtio fabler för barnFemtio fabler för barn ag undrar, hvem den tiggarn vara m? Svart r den gunstig herrn frn topp till t. Frn hus till hus han gr i djupa snn, Och kraxar fram s hest en ngslig bn: I flickor sm och gossar, jag begr...
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The Diggings, the Bush, and MelbourneThe Diggings, the Bush, and Melbourne - or, Reminiscences of Three Years' Wanderings in VictoriaThe following short narrative was written specially for a small circle of intimate acquaintances, who varied the dulness of village life by meeting once a week to read manuscript essays...
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The Land of JoyThe Land of JoyJohn North unlocked the door and threw it open. The study was in semi-darkness and filled with the accumulated heat and fust of the summer. Ghostlike objects took shape before him and resolved themselves into chairs and couches and tables draped...
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The WanderersThe WanderersTrees and trees and treesa world of trees! Little size and middle size and giant size, short and tall, slender and thick, broad-leafed, narrow-leafed, rough-barked, smooth-barked, dark green, bright green, one solid hue, or spangled or variegated with many-coloured flowers, trees that bore...
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Visser's Nederlandsch-Indisch Vegetarisch KookboekVisser's Nederlandsch-Indisch Vegetarisch KookboekIn 1909 reeds verscheidene maanden bezig aan de samenstelling van een degelijk Vegetarisch Kookboek voor de tropen, dat tot dusverre niet bestaat, werd mijne aandacht getroffen door de vraag no. 132 (in het blauwe gedeelte van het Damesweekblad voor Indi no....
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Trolley FollyTrolley FollyMy friend the Seor Don is of a precise and military bearing, clad with a dignity that enhances his scant five feet of stature to herculean proportions. He is a handsome little man with pompadour hair and a bold Wilhelm der Kaiser mustache....
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The Natural History of Pliny, Volume 1 (of 6)The Natural History of Pliny, Volume 1 (of 6)Thus far have I treated of the position and the wonders of the earth, of the waters, the stars, and the proportion of the universe and its dimensions. I shall now proceed to describe its individual...
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Engraved GemsEngraved GemsMy former treatise, Engraved Gems, their Place in the History of Art, being largely illustrated and inconvenient in size, I have abridged the work and with new material prepared this volume. The various epochs of gem engraving from the earliest eras down to...
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Great Western Railway InstructionsGreat Western Railway InstructionsThe amount of cant to be given to a curve is governed by the speed at which trains run over it, and in no case must the raising of the outer rail in Running Lines be less than is given in...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of H. G. WellsIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of H. G. Wells - Hyperlinks to all Chapters of all Individual Ebooks The art of ignoring is one of the accomplishments of every well-bred girl, so carefully instilled that at last she can even ignore her own...
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Omega: The Last days of the WorldOmega: The Last days of the WorldThe magnificent marble bridge which unites the Rue de Rennes with the Rue de Louvre, and which, lined with the statues of celebrated scientists and philosophers, emphasizes the monumental avenue leading to the new portico of the Institute,...
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