Public Domain
Bacon's Essays, and Wisdom of the AncientsBacon's Essays, and Wisdom of the AncientsIn the early part of the year 1597, Lord Bacons first publication appeared. It is a small 12mo. volume, entitled Essayes, Religious Meditations, Places of Perswasion and Disswasion. It is dedicated The Essays, which are ten in number,...
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The Old Man or, Ravings and Ramblings round ConistoneThe Old Man; or, Ravings and Ramblings round Conistone It has long been a favourite notion with me that if, instead of general guides to, or descriptions of all the Lake country comprised in single volumes, of which we have a superabundance, we could...
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La première canadienne du Nord-ouestLa première canadienne du Nord-ouestLa premire Canadienne-Franaise qui partit du Canada pour aller la Rivire Rouge, dans le Nord-Ouest, fut Marie-Anne Gaboury, pouse de J.-Bte Lajimonire et mre de la nombreuse famille Lajimonire tablie au Manitoba. Elle arriva dans ce pays ds le commencement...
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Dekameron (3. rész)Dekameron (3. rész) - Száz novellagyesebb tallgatk e vlemnyt oda mdostk, hogy az asszony bizony nem rt, hanem iszony egygy liba; valami hajlam utni hzassg szerencstlen trgya, kibe a marquis a nszlsig belebolondult, s most mr nagyon bnja, hogy azt tev. Marquis Malmont egyszer...
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Dekameron (2. rész)Dekameron (2. rész) - Száz novellaTrtnt ez a klns eset az 1668-ik esztendben, Balyik Andrs uram fbirsga alatt; a mikoron is vala Dl Mihly uram derk becsletes keresztyn polgrember a Csap-utczban, kinek nemcsak szp gazdasga, tornczos hza s jrmos krei voltak, de a mi...
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Dekameron (1. rész)Dekameron (1. rész) - Száz novellaIrasztalomon ll egy koponya, a mirl azt lltjk, hogy Karadzim khn feje volt valaha, a ki Esztergom alatt esett el; elre ll fogai, nagy kil pofacsontja, htranyomott homloka, behajl halntkcsontjai s ers tarkja bizonyoss teszik mongol eredett; minden csontja...
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Faery Lands of the South SeasFaery Lands of the South Seas The islands of the South Seas are places of an interest curiously limited. The ethnological problem presented by the native is interesting only to men of science, commerce is negligible, there is little real agriculture, and no industry...
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Three Men: A NovelThree Men: A NovelThere are many solitary graves amid the woods of Kerschentz; within them moulder the bones of old men, men of an ancient piety, and of one of these old men, Antipa, this tale is told in the villages of Kerschentz. Antipa...
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RebellionRebellion I Jim Connor II One Flesh III An Economic Unit IV The Head of the House V For Idle Hands to Do VI Triangulation VII A Sentimental Journey VIII The Life Force IX The Pretenders X Moxey XI Fusion XII Moxey's Sister XIII...
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Hamlet: Drama en cinco actosHamlet: Drama en cinco actos DRAMA EN CINCO ACTOS TRADUCCION DE LA OBRA DE G U I L L E R M O S H A K E S P E A R E POR L. FERNANDEZ MORATIN CASA EDITORIAL MAUCCI Gran medalla de...
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The Egregious EnglishThe Egregious EnglishIt has become the Englishman's habit, one might almost say the Englishman's instinct, to take himself for the head and front of the universe. The order of creation began, we are told, in protoplasm. It has achieved at length the Englishman. Herein...
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Colección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas de Ultramar. Tomo 5, De Los Documentos Legislativos, IColección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas de Ultramar. Tomo 5, De Los Documentos Legislativos, IEn las cifras en nmeros romanos impresas en versalita en el original, el tamao de la letra U (1000) es mayor...
- €5,92 EUR
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El Payador, Vol. IEl Payador, Vol. I - Hijo de la PampaTitulo este libro con el nombre de los antiguos cantores errantes que recorran nuestras campaas trovando romances y endechas, porque fueron ellos los personajes ms significativos en la formacin de nuestra raza. Tal cual ha pasado...
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Pleiades Club—Telegraphers' Paradise on Planet MarsPleiades Club—Telegraphers' Paradise on Planet MarsIn offering the Pleiades Club to the public, I have no apologies to make. Some may object to the declarations contained herein, but they are all consistent with intelligent beliefs, and not contrary to fixed or orthodox faith. There...
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Snowed Up or, The Sportman's Club in the MountainsSnowed Up; or, The Sportman's Club in the MountainsI never did in all my born daysnever! The idee of this little snipe comin out here, fresh from the States, an tellin a man like me, whats done nothin but guide wagon-trains acrosst the prairie...
- €5,92 EUR
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Purcell Ode, and Other PoemsPurcell Ode, and Other PoemsThe words of the Ode as here given differ slightly from those which appeared with Dr. Parrys Cantata, sung at the Leeds Festival and at the Purcell Commemoration in London last year. Since the poem was never perfected as a...
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The Tunnel: Pilgrimage, Volume 4The Tunnel: Pilgrimage, Volume 4 When Mrs. Bailey had taken the half-crown they stood smiling at each other. Mrs. Bailey looked exactly as she had done the first time. It was exactly the same; there was no disappointment. The light coming through the glass...
- €5,92 EUR
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Liljecronan kotiLiljecronan kotiHe voivat viel tn pivnkin luetella kaikki ne aidat, jotka silloin kaatuivat kumoon ja kaikki ne olkikatot, jotka lensivt hajalleen ja kaikki ne navetat, jotka suistuivat maahan, jotta elukat hautaantuivat useammiksi piviksi katonkannattimien alle. He voivat nytt kaikki ne paikat, miss tuli psi...
- €5,92 EUR
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The Mania of the Nations on the Planet Mars and its Terrific ConsequencesThe Mania of the Nations on the Planet Mars and its Terrific Consequences - A Combination of Fun and WisdomMANY millions of centuries ago, when the celestial globe on which we live and struggle started to emerge from the hot-air habit and commenced to...
- €5,92 EUR
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The Status of the Jews in EgyptThe Status of the Jews in Egypt - The Fifth Arthur Davis Memorial LectureThe Arthur Davis Memorial Lecture was founded in 1917, under the auspices of the Jewish Historical Society of England, by his collaborators in the translation of The Service of the Synagogue,...
- €5,92 EUR
- €5,92 EUR
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