Discover a variety of cooking books and recipes, including vegan and vegetarian cookbooks, modernist cuisine, and other food books. Find good recipe books, best-selling titles, and the best books to read.
Instant Pot Max Pressure Cooker Cookbook 2020-2021: The Complete Guide Recipe book for Smart & Busy People Enjoy 700 Affordable Tasty 5-Ingredient RecFor a fast, luxurious, and healthy daily cooking experience.There are several pressure cookers available for purchase, but the Instant Pot Max Pressure Cooker is unmatched. It not only makes cooking fast and convenient, but it also ensures that the nutritional value of the food...
- $36.28 SGD
- $36.28 SGD
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DASH DIET For Beginners: Lower Blood Pressure, Reduce Cholesterol and Manage Diabetes Naturally: Lower Blood Pressure, Reduce Cholesterol and MIf you've always wanted to take charge of your health or lose weight but grueling diets are not for you then keep reading...Studies of US National Institutes of Health proven that DASH diet can substantially lower blood pressure as effective as - or more...
- $66.53 SGD
- $66.53 SGD
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Ik Hou Van Italiaans Voedsel 2022: de Beste Italiaanse Recepten Om Uw Gasten Te VerrassenWil je graag weten hoe je gemakkelijk heerlijke Italiaanse recepten maakt?Zo ja, lees dan verder...Er staan zoveel recepten in dit boek dat het niet uitmaakt of je een groenteliefhebber of een vleesliefhebber bent, er zijn zeker recepten die je aanspreken, of het nu een...
- $94.31 SGD
- $94.31 SGD
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AZ Intézkedési Recepteim 2022: Finom És KedvezŐ Receptek KezdŐknekGyors és egyszerű megoldásokat szeretne a konyhában az Instant Pot elsajátítására?Hajlandó vagy több szabadidőre, miközben finom ételeket főzöl?Nos, ha a válasz igen, olvass tovább...Hogy ezt segítsem, az egyetlen Instant Pot szakácskönyv elkészítésére összpontosítottam, a kiváló eredmények érdekében, könnyen és könnyedén elkészíthető receptekkel bárki számára.Az...
- $90.27 SGD
- $90.27 SGD
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O Incrível Livro de Receitas de CaféO café é uma das bebidas mais consumidas pela manhã, após as principais refeições, ou à tarde para acompanhar um lanche ou simplesmente para afastar o sono e a preguiça.A bebida tem efeito termogênico e ajuda na perda de peso, além de ajudar a...
- $80.46 SGD
- $80.46 SGD
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Biblia Pentru GrĂtarul Și GrĂtarul TĂuVrei să impresionezi familia și oaspeții cu abilitățile tale de grătar?Nu există nimic mai bun, într-o după-amiază caldă și însorită, decât carnea care se gătește încet pe grătar. Vreți să puteți găti un grătar perfect, de fiecare dată când aprindeți cărbunele? Unde puteți găsi...
- $94.72 SGD
- $94.72 SGD
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Idealna KsiĄŻka Kucharska Dla PoczĄtkujĄcychSlowo cookie odnosi się do "malych ciastek" wywodzących się od holenderskiego slowa "koekje" lub "koekie". Ciasteczka zawierają wiele takich samych skladników jak ciastka, z wyjątkiem tego, że mają mniejszą proporcję plynu z większą proporcją cukru i tluszczu w stosunku do mąki.Przepisy na ciastka mogą...
- $94.72 SGD
- $94.72 SGD
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Tobula SusapaukŲ KŪpininko Knyga PradedantiemsZodis sausainis reiskia "mazus pyragaičius", kilusius is olandų kalbos zodzio "koekje" arba "koekie". Sausainiuose yra daug tų pačių ingredientų, kaip ir pyragaičiuose, isskyrus tai, kad juose yra mazesne skysčio ir didesne cukraus bei riebalų proporcija miltuose.Sausainių receptus galima paruosti daugybes formų, skonių ir tekstūrų...
- $96.73 SGD
- $96.73 SGD
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BaŞlangiçlar İçİn Tatli Yemek Kİtabi: Özleminizi Giderecek 100 benzersiz ve yapımı kolay tarifTatlı, yemeği tamamlayan bir yemektir. Kurs, şekerlemeler gibi tatlı yiyeceklerden ve muhtemelen tatlı şarap ve likör gibi bir içecekten oluşur. Orta Afrika ve Batı Afrika'nın çoğu gibi dünyanın bazı bölgelerinde ve Çin'in çoğu yerinde, yemeği bitirmek için tatlı kursu geleneği yoktur.Tatlı terimi, bisküviler, kekler,...
- $92.72 SGD
- $92.72 SGD
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Pilnas Oro Grupintuve ReceptŲ KnygaKas yra oro gruzdintuve? Oro gruzdintuve is esmes yra sustiprinta stalvirsio konvekcine orkaite - joje maistas nekepamas. Oro gruzdintuve imituoja gruzdintuveje rezultatus tik naudojant karstą orą ir mazai aliejaus arba jo visai nera. Paprasčiausiai tariant, oro gruzdintuve yra kompaktiska cilindro formos konvekcine orkaite. Tai...
- $95.73 SGD
- $95.73 SGD
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Eat to Prevent and Control Disease Cookbook (Black and White Print)This is the Black and White edition of Eat to Prevent and Control Disease Cookbook. This cookbook comes with 70+ vegetarian recipes of Indian cuisine featuring herbs and spices with medicinal properties and superfoods to prevent and control chronic diseases. La Fonceur, the author...
- $96.80 SGD
- $96.80 SGD
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The Keto Grill 14-Day Keto Kick-Start"The Keto Grill 14-Day Keto Kick-start" is an easy-to-follow step-by-step customizable guide to the ketogenic nutritional lifestyle plan. Lose up to 10 -14 Pounds in 14 days. The Keto Grill 14-Day Keto Kick-start features recipes from The Keto Grill the experts in all things...
- $57.09 SGD
- $57.09 SGD
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Indische Kulinarische Kunst 2022: Einfache Und Authentische Indische Rezepte Ohne KomplikationEntdecken Sie die köstlichen Rezepte Indiens, um diese Vielfalt an Aromen in Ihre Küche zu bringen.Dieser Reiseführer stützt sich auf die reichen Traditionen Indiens und bringt Ihren Geschmack an Orte, an denen Sie wahrscheinlich noch nie zuvor waren.Sie werden die selten geschmeckten regionalen Küchen...
- $90.27 SGD
- $90.27 SGD
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El Libro de Cocina de Galletas Perfecto Para PrincipiantesLa palabra galleta se refiere a "pequeños pasteles" derivados de la palabra holandesa "koekje" o "koekie". Las galletas contienen muchos de los mismos ingredientes que los pasteles, excepto que tienen una menor proporción de líquido con una mayor proporción de azúcar y grasa que...
- $94.71 SGD
- $94.71 SGD
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El Libro de Cocina de Postres Para PrincipiantesEl postre es un curso que concluye una comida. El curso consta de alimentos dulces, como dulces, y posiblemente una bebida como vino de postre y licor. En algunas partes del mundo, como gran parte de África Central y África Occidental, y la mayor...
- $94.71 SGD
- $94.71 SGD
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Your Daily Food Journal Pages: A Food, Water and Exericise JournalStudies show keeping track of what you eat is one of the best ways to manage your weight. This easy-to-use log book allows you to jot down the foods you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. It also includes places to note calories,...
- $40.31 SGD
- $40.31 SGD
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Iberians on wine: Spanish and Portuguese wines and everything surrounding them"Iberians on wine" aims to be a valuable source on Portuguese and Spanish wines and everything surrounding them, from cooking to the latest social trends in the Peninsula. It situates and celebrates wine in context. Iberians on wine avoids using complicated technical language to...
- $54.29 SGD
- $54.29 SGD
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The Essential Air Fryer Recipe Book: The Best Book you Needed to Have for your Air FryerEasy Air Fryer Recipes for Quick & Hassle-Free Frying! I bet you crave simple, no-fuss air fryer recipes! That's why I decided to create the best air fryer cookbook with delicious & easy meals that you'll ever need to cook in your air fryer!...
- $59.11 SGD
- $59.11 SGD
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The Making of Mămăligă: Transimperial Recipes for a Romanian National DishMamaliga, maize porridge or polenta, is a universally consumed dish in Romania and a prominent national symbol. But its unusual history has rarely been told. Alex Drace-Francis surveys the arrival and spread of maize cultivation in Romanian lands from Ottoman times to the eve...
- $79.66 SGD
- $79.66 SGD
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The 2022s Appetizers and Aperitifs BookThe medical community is at the forefront of teaching the public about the dangers of ignorance and the repercussions of that stupidity. The finest and most self-sacrificing vocation on the planet is that of cutting the branch between itself and the tree of Financial...
- $97.53 SGD
- $97.53 SGD
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