Discover the best-selling art books and insightful artist biographies at our online bookstore, featuring a curated selection of must-read books about art and artwork. Explore our collection to find the best books to read, from captivating artist biographies to beautifully illustrated artwork books.
Heart of EuropeHeart of EuropeBY RALPH ADAMS CRAM, Litt.D., LL.D. F.A.I.A., A.N.A., F.R.G.S. ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS 1916 {iv} Copyright, 1915, by CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS Published October, 1915 {v} TO E. S. C. WHO SOME DAY MAY KNOW THE HEART OF EUROPE AND TO...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Naturalistic Photography for Students of the ArtNaturalistic Photography for Students of the Art.At a meeting of the French Academy of Sciences, held in Paris on the 19th day of August, 1839, Louis Jacques Mand Daguerre, in the presence of the flower of Parisian art, literature and science, gave a demonstration...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Dauber: A PoemDauber: A Poem Four bells were struck, the watch was called on deck, All work aboard was over for the hour, And some men sang and others played at check, Or mended clothes or watched the sunset glower. The bursting west was like an...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Rooman keisareita marmorihahmossaRooman keisareita marmorihahmossaJos nousette Kapitoliumille nhdksenne Julius Cesarin ja miss hnet kohtaisi, ellei siell? niin lk odottako saavanne katsella Sullan "huolettomasti vytetty poikaa", jonka olento on hillitn, eleet houkuttelevat, tukka kihara, silmt mustat ja vilkkaat ja jsenet kauniisti pyristyneet ja solakat! Se Cesar, Afroditen...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Un hollandais à Paris en 1891: Sensations de littérature et d'artUn hollandais à Paris en 1891: Sensations de littérature et d'artIl faut bien quil soit dans la petite ville dHilversum, o lon tisse la laine et le coton, un de ces poles de Hollande, dans lesquels le sage, comme au temps de Descartes, senferme...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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La dame qui a perdu son peintreLa dame qui a perdu son peintreIl a t tir de cet ouvrage: 20 exemplaires sur papier de Chine, numrots de 1 20; 10 exemplaires sur papier du Japon, numrots de 21 30; 70 exemplaires sur papier de Hollande, numrots de 31 100. Le...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Das zweite Gesicht: Eine LiebesgeschichteDas zweite Gesicht: Eine LiebesgeschichteSie ghnte herzhaft, reckte sich, sprang auf, schttelte ihre Rcke zurecht, klopfte sich die Schrze glatt, bckte sich ber eine Torfkuhle, um zu sehen, ob ihr Haar noch in Ordnung sei und ob die Haube nicht schief sitze, stemmte die...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Italian BackgroundsItalian BackgroundsTo the mind curious in contrastssurely one of the chief pleasures of travelthere can be no better preparation for a descent into Italy than a sojourn among the upper Swiss valleys. To pass from the region of the obviously picturesquethe country contrived, it...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Le musée du Louvre, tome 2 (of 2)Le musée du Louvre, tome 2 (of 2)LE roi est reprsent dans tout lclat de la jeunesse. Quentin La Tour a rendu avec bonheur cette tte charmante et fine qui faisait de Louis XV le plus beau gentilhomme de France. Le front, dun dessin...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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U.S. Copyright Renewals: Artwork 1960-1964U.S. Copyright Renewals: Artwork 1960-1964 - Catalog of Copyright EntriesA list of works of art, scientific and technical drawings, photographic works, and prints and pictorial works for which renewal registrations were made during the period covered by this issue. Arrangement is alphabetical under the...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Vision and DesignVision and DesignThis book contains a selection from my writings on Art extending over a period of twenty years. Some essays have never before been published in England; and I have also added a good deal of new matter and made slight corrections throughout....
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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U.S. Copyright Renewals: Artwork 1951-1959U.S. Copyright Renewals: Artwork 1951-1959 - Catalog of Copyright EntriesAn alphabetical list, by author (artist, or employer in case of a work made for hire) or the renewal claimant in the case of photographic works, of all works of art, scientific and technical drawings,...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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William Morris to WhistlerWilliam Morris to Whistler - Papers and addresses on art and craft and the commonweal. OF the collected papers and addresses which form this book, the opening one upon William Morris was composed of an address to the Art Workers' Guild, an article which...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Belgiens Volkscharakter, Belgiens KunstBelgiens Volkscharakter, Belgiens KunstDiese Schrift will Verstndnis wecken fr das uns verwandte flmische Volk, das eine furchtbar traurige Vergangenheit jhzornig, das Englands neidisch-verrterische Politik verbohrt gegen uns gemacht hat, das sich aber im Vollbewutsein seiner unsterblichen Rasse so frei und stark und zwingend in...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Design and TraditionDesign and Tradition - A short account of the principles and historic development of architecture and the applied artsIT may be urged with some reasonable basis of truth that much of the modern art work fails to attain the level of that of the...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Secrets of Earth and SeaSecrets of Earth and SeaTHE present volume is, like its predecessors, "Science from an Easy Chair" (Series I and Series II) and "Diversions of a Naturalist"mainly a revision and reprintwith considerable additionsof articles published in daily or weekly journals. The first chapter appeared originally...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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The Relation of Art to NatureThe Relation of Art to NatureIn his very convincing and lucid treatise on the fundamental principles of art, John W. Beatty gives us a most absorbing theme to followthe relation of art to nature, as expressed in their own words by artists themselves, of...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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The Men of the 90sThe Men of the NinetiesThe day Beardsley left his stool and ledger in a London insurance office and betook himself seriously to the illustration of that strange comic world of Congreve, a new manifestation of English art blossomed. It had, no doubt, been a...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Trattato generale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte: Italica, Etrusca e RomanaTrattato generale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte: Italica, Etrusca e Romana Questo volume, secondo i criter dell'illustre e compianto prof. Gentile, non dovrebbe avere introduzione, perch questa sta dinanzi al II volume per l'archeologia e per l'arte greca. Ma ragioni di opportunit indussero l'editore...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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The Arts and Crafts of Ancient EgyptThe Arts and Crafts of Ancient EgyptThis present handbook is intended to aid in the understanding of Egyptian art, and the illustrations and descriptions are selected for that purpose only. The history of the art would require a far greater range of examples, in...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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