Body, Mind & Spirit
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Walking With SobonfuSusan Hough experienced a profound shift in her life when she first encountered the works of Sobonfu Somé. What she didn't realize, at the time, was that those books would lead her to a profound lifelong connection with the author. Through her friendship with...
- CHF 59.19
- CHF 59.19
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Activate Your Pineal Gland: An Introduction to Your Third Eye and Exercises to Awaken the Higher MindIn this guided workbook for exploring the supernatural powers of the third eye, lightworker and author Bianca Ruehlig offers an overview of the gland's history, its physical and metaphysical functions, and the various exercises that can help it open and activate dormant abilities such...
- CHF 23.05
- CHF 23.05
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Doce Casas, LasIn The Twelve Houses, acclaimed astrologer Howard Sasportas explores in detail the experiences and situations associated with each of the houses, describing not only their tangible associations but also the more subtle meanings of each of the different spheres of life. A pioneering volume...
- CHF 44.88
- CHF 44.88
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Akhkharu - Vampyre MagickAKHKHARU - Vampyre Magick is a truly grimoire of forbidden, guiding and inspiring the aspirant towards the heretical and considerably 'secretive' initiatory rites formulated from the Black Order of the Dragon, beginning in the mid-1990's. Vampyre Magick is founded on the core and foundation...
- CHF 60.86
- CHF 60.86
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Be Your Own Guide: Where Science and Spirituality Meet - The Law of Attraction and Affirmation HandbookLearn how to find inner peace and fulfillment through self-awareness.This is a guide to access your own inner guru through affirmation and self-discipline.Be Your Own Guide is a book for skeptics and believers alike!This book will share concepts and techniques for self-healing that combine...
- CHF 15.54
- CHF 15.54
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Natural Remedies for Sleep: Essential Oils, Meditation, Acupressure, and More for a Good Night's RestDiscover non-pharmaceutical solutions for better sleep A good night's sleep can do wonders for your physical and mental health. But if you struggle with falling or staying asleep, your frustration may have you looking to sleep medicine for help. This natural remedies book will...
- CHF 23.69
- CHF 23.69
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The Word: Mystical Revelations of Jesus Christ through His Two WitnessesJesus Christ is the avatar of the ages-the same yesterday, today and forever. We knew him when he walked the streets of Atlantis and Lemuria. We also knew him in eras of darkness, when he sought to lead men to the light. His message...
- CHF 29.56
- CHF 29.56
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Close AgainNew York Times bestselling author Ella Frances Sanders presents the book we all must have to remind ourselves of the things we miss from our pre-2020 lives and the things we will enjoy again, such as standing next to people in a coffee shop,...
- CHF 25.92
- CHF 25.92
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Extraordinary Contact: Life Beyond IntrudersDebra Jordan-Kauble is an "ordinary" woman with a habit of attracting the extraordinary. After reporting a terrifying anomalous experience to Budd Hopkins-pioneering researcher of alien abduction phenomena-Debra's life takes a dramatic turn as she becomes the central figure in Hopkins' best-selling book, Intruders, and...
- CHF 33.33
- CHF 33.33
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North American Monsters: A Contemporary Legend CasebookMining a mountain of folklore publications, North American Monsters unearths decades of notable monster research. Nineteen folkloristic case studies from the last half-century examine legendary monsters in their native habitats, focusing on ostensibly living creatures bound to specific geographic locales. A diverse cast of...
- CHF 98.69
- CHF 98.69
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The 2026 AwakeningAre the Giza pyramids a giant sundial pointing to the entrance to Edgar Cayce's Hall of Records?In 1935, America's greatest psychic, Edgar Cayce, said that there is an ancient Hall of Records under the Sphinx. He said that this Hall of Records contains 32...
- CHF 22.40
- CHF 22.40
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Force of NatureWhat is divine feminine energy, and how can we channel it? Force of Nature explores this question through the lens of an African woman grappling with childhood, womanhood, cultural identity, and the societal issues that disproportionately affect women.This poetry collection parallels African women to...
- CHF 35.50
- CHF 35.50
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Entity Attachment Removal - Self-Help Procedure: The ABC of Releasing Spirit Attachments for Do It YourselfersI, Rise' Harrington, was emotionally/mentally unbalanced with multiple entity (lost soul) attachments until I was in my mid-50s. This is when I happened upon the concept of soul intrusion/attachment and began my research in earnest to help myself and others. In this book you...
- CHF 22.14
- CHF 22.14
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Mission Spaciale: Commencant à AgarthaLe livre de Mariana, Agartha - Le Monde Intérieur de la Terre, venait de sortir, lorsqu'elle a reçu la visite de son ami cosmique et source d'inspiration, Jan Fridegård, qui lui a dit qu'il était lui aussi allé voir Agartha. Il a raconté ses...
- CHF 32.61
- CHF 32.61
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The Great Big Book of Amazing Me: Writing Prompt JournalThere are over seven billion people on this planet, but there is only one you. Isn't that amazing? To celebrate your excellence, here's a place to create a record of everything that makes you so very special. It's time to really get to know...
- CHF 13.81
- CHF 13.81
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Manifestation Letters Scripting Journal With Affirmations: Law of Attraction Lined Notebook, Create Your Dream LifeThis inspiring journal will help you to script your dream life into existence. Every other page features an inspiring affirmation to remind you that you can truly have whatever you desire. In this journal, you will write letters to whomever or whatever you choose...
- CHF 12.94
- CHF 12.94
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Sis, Be Nicer to YourselfCould you be sabotaging your relationships, health, finances and career and not be aware? Your daily habits and mindset pattern can be programmed to block the very thing you desire. Without knowing it you are blocking the love and happiness you desire to manifest....
- CHF 29.60
- CHF 29.60
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Guía de Telepatía en Español: Cómo Desarrollar tus Habilidades Psíquicas y Desarrollar una Consciencia Extra SensorialTe gustaría tener el don de la intuición extra sensorial? Te gustaría aprender a utilizar ese don para comunicarte con otras personas a través de la mente? Te gustaría saber los secretos de telépatas avanzados? Continúa leyendo..."Muchos le temen por ignorancia, otros la quieren...
- CHF 24.53
- CHF 24.53
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Lectura de la palma de la mano: Desvele los secretos de la quiromancia para saber sobre usted y su futuroSi quiere descubrir cómo leerse a sí mismo y a los demás utilizando la quiromancia, entonces continúe leyendo... Se pregunta cuál es el propósito de su vida? Ha pensado alguna vez en su verdadero camino? Si pudiera, descubriría su verdadera vocación, una carrera adaptada...
- CHF 44.45
- CHF 44.45
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Yoga Nidra: The Irest Meditative Practice for Deep Relaxation and HealingA new edition of this acclaimed guide--updated with the most current, research-supported iRest(R) practices and insights Within you resides an ever-present self that is always whole and healthy, filled with an abiding sense of inner peace, and completely indestructible. This is your true Essence,...
- CHF 32.83
- CHF 32.83
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