Body, Mind & Spirit
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La Monja de los CasamientosIntrigas y traiciones delinean la seductora historia de matrimonios aristocráticos, donde los personajes buscan riqueza y poder en la antigua sociedad imperial rusa.Las pérdidas y ganancias de fortuna se mezclan con luchas personales de superación, mientras valores morales, como los del personaje Tamara, apaciguan...
- CHF 57.33
- CHF 57.33
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La Espada y la FeEn primer lugar, "La Espada y la Fe" corresponde a la segunda de una serie de tres novelas, comenzando con el título "Gládio de Sangre."Ahora, continuando la saga de los personajes en su búsqueda por los cami-nos de la elevación espiritual, presentamos otra etapa...
- CHF 52.11
- CHF 52.11
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Mujeres del Evangelio y Otros personajes transformados por su encuentro con JesúsLa SAGA de aquellos cuyas vidas fueron transformadas por el encuentro con Jesús, contada por quienes vivieron en Judea en la época del Maestro. El espíritu de Esteban revela detalles de varios relatos evangélicos, narrando el antes, el después y más el texto bíblico...
- CHF 45.14
- CHF 45.14
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Rosana, La Tercera Víctima FatalSuspenso, muerte y el reencuentro de Rosana y Rafael, en la espiritualidad, tras una serie de misteriosos crímenes ocurridos en un pequeño pueblo rural. Junto a los acontecimientos que envuelven la trama, se evidencia una fuente de luz que explicará el drama, según los...
- CHF 49.59
- CHF 49.59
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Gemelas: No se separa lo que la vida unióGemelas está ambientada en el interior de Mato Grosso y las ciudades de Río de Janeiro y Brasilia. En la trama, dos hermanas gemelas recién nacidas son vendidas por su madre y, por lo tanto, separadas al nacer. El padre de las niñas, al...
- CHF 60.03
- CHF 60.03
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¡Hijos, estoy viva!Este es un testimonio de que el amor es la mayor de las virtudes. Dicen que el mayor dolor de un ser humano es la pérdida de un hijo. Pero qué pasa con la pérdida al revés: la madre que deja a sus hijos?...
- CHF 45.14
- CHF 45.14
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Homosexualidad: Kardec ya hablaba de esoEl libro "Homosexualidad: Kardec ya hablaba de eso", demuestra la disposición y competencia del consagrado investigador, escritor y orador espírita Paulo Da Silva Neto Sobrinho, para discutir temas controvertidos y de gran interés para la sociedad con sus estudios y argumentos contundentes, basados sobre...
- CHF 45.14
- CHF 45.14
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Manual of Zen BuddhismDaisetsu Teitaro Suzuki (Suzuki Daisetsu Teitarō, October 18, 1870 - July 12, 1966) was a Japanese author of books and essays on Buddhism, Zen and Shin that were instrumental in spreading interest in both Zen and Shin (and Far Eastern philosophy in general) to...
- CHF 26.75
- CHF 26.75
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Dans Le Silence Des PassionsElma avait beaucoup à apprendre sur le VIH et le sida. C'est ce que montre cette oeuvre, qui était stockée depuis plus de dix ans, attendant le bon moment pour être publiée.L'instructrice Elma, dans la spiritualité, était une secouriste expérimentée et éclairée. Possédant de...
- CHF 57.33
- CHF 57.33
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Song of Samadhi: My experience with super consciousnessThis book in unequivocal terms brings the magical spell of realization as it progresses to truth. Little 'I' outgrows cosmos; 'I' is unconscious during merger. It affirms our eternal existence beyond the ephemeral pools of emotions, flesh, and blood. It affirms "World is in...
- CHF 39.15
- CHF 39.15
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Ayurveda Demystified: For Optimum Western LivingIntroducing Ayurveda into Western living involves understanding a new language, new philosophy and new lifestyle, not an easy task. However as an instructor, I quickly discovered that the wisdom is worth pursuing; following this modified basic wisdom taught in the accompanying class became an...
- CHF 18.57
- CHF 18.57
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The Morning of Spiritual Youth Improved in the prospect of Old Age and its Infirmities"I need make no apology far publishing the following Letters, as the Subject was first delivered in several Discourses, and is now by the particulardesire of many friends, published to the Church in the form of familiar Letters-appearing in the homely dress of plain...
- CHF 16.68
- CHF 16.68
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The Seven Sacred Seals: Portals To GraceThe journey into the Seven Sacred Seals is a journey beyond the frontiers where most people spend their lives. It is a passage into the world of Illumination, into the fabric of light that stitches both time and space together, and that will lead...
- CHF 53.72
- CHF 53.72
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Tapestry of Creation: Revive your primal and divine creativity to make your entire life your greatest work of artYou are creative because you exist.This book is here to remind you that the revival of your primal and divine creative fire is just one breath away.The world is a tapestry of art and beauty, creation itself is continually painting with the world as...
- CHF 27.84
- CHF 27.84
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Emotional Self-Care for Black Women: Boost Your Confidence & Mental Health with a Powerful Program in 90 Days! Learn to Love Yourself, Increase MotivaIf you're a black woman trying to cultivate the motivation, confidence, and self-love you've always wanted, then keep reading!Are you a black woman who's struggling to find motivation and meaning in your life?Have you felt like your efforts are futile because nothing you do...
- CHF 23.48
- CHF 23.48
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Lucid Dreaming: The Best Lucid Dreaming Techniques and Tips for OBE and Lucid DreamingMaster The Best Techniques for Lucid Dreaming, OBE, and Astral ProjectionYou're about to discover a proven strategy on how to use the best techniques for lucid dreaming and OBE so that you can experience and create an extraordinary dream life.In this book, you will...
- CHF 18.25
- CHF 18.25
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Haunting Poe: His Afterlife in Richmond and BeyondEdgar Allan Poe has had a busy afterlife.The author of The Raven and The Tell-Tale Heart might have died back in 1849, but some claim that did not stop him from composing poetry for another four decades. Others say he still makes appearances in...
- CHF 54.79
- CHF 54.79
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Cómo Comunicarse con Espíritus: Efectivas Maneras para Hablar y Conectar con el más AlláAlguna vez te has encontrado con alguien que simplemente es "demasiado perceptivo o sensible"? Te consideras una persona cuyas emociones se ven influenciadas por su entorno? Te sorprendería saber que no es algo único y aislado? Entonces sigue leyendo..."Las mejores predicciones no son las...
- CHF 22.17
- CHF 22.17
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Embracing Your Higher Self: A Practical Guide to EnlightenmentDr. Zach's book, Embracing Your Higher Self: A Practical Guide To Enlightenment, teaches the essential meditation and mindfulness skills required to connect with your Higher Self and achieve enlightenment. The book provides an oversite on what enlightenment is and how to achieve this previously...
- CHF 30.97
- CHF 30.97
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A Journey Through Ten Thousand Veils: The Alchemy of Transformation on the Sufi PathA Journey Through Ten Thousand Veils is an in-depth account of the journey of the soul on the path of return to its Lord. Sheikha Maryam Kabeer was guided on her journey of profound transformation and illumination to meet and be guided by Awakened...
- CHF 61.88
- CHF 61.88
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