Business & Economics
Explore the best business and economics books, including top entrepreneur reads, finance essentials, and foundational texts. Browse our online bookstore for bestsellers and highly recommended books in business and economics.
Investing Made Simple and Easy: The 49 Essential Personal Finance, Wealth Management, and Trading Tips That Pro's Should ShareInvesting Made Simple and EasyThe 35 essential personal finance, wealth management, and trading tips that pro should share The world's greatest investors had strategies. Here's yours... all condensed into an easy-to-understand roadmap to success. Do you have discipline and patience? Then you have two...
- CHF 25.62
- CHF 25.62
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Allgemeine Wirtschaftspolitik: Konjunktur- Und Wachstumspolitik in Der Offenen Wirtschaft: Editiert Und Herausgegeben Von Karen Horn, Karl-Heinz PaquéIn diesem zweiten Band der "Allgemeinen Wirtschaftspolitik" liefert Herbert Giersch ein Kompendium des konjunkturpolitischen Wissens seiner Zeit, das noch heute fasziniert. Es vereinigt die Erkenntnisse volkswirtschaftlicher Theorie und wirtschaftspolitischer Praxis, die der Autor in eineinhalb Jahrzehnten der universitären Lehre und Forschung sowie der Tätigkeit...
- CHF 144.23
- CHF 144.23
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Eventforschung: Events Und 'The New Normal'Live, digital und hybrid - Das New Normal steht für die Integration analoger und digitaler Kanäle. Die Beiträge in diesem Konferenzband gehen auf die erfolgreiche Verknüpfung von Medien im Umgang mit den aktuellen Herausforderungen in einem pandemischen Umfeld ein. Vor diesem Hintergrund zeigen Forscher...
- CHF 199.70
- CHF 199.70
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Aufklärung Von Compliance-Verstößen: Whistleblowing, Arbeitnehmerüberwachung, AuskunftspflichtenDieses Buch bietet einen Überblick über praxisrelevante rechtliche Fragen im Zusammenhang mit Compliance-Verstö en. Von Routinekontrollen bis zum Ernstfall der Ermittlungen gegen Unternehmensangehörige wird dargestellt, wie Unternehmen das Verhalten Ihrer Mitarbeiter kontrollieren, ohne dabei selbst rechtliche Grenzen zu übertreten. Damit dient das Werk als...
- CHF 31.43
- CHF 31.43
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Die Kommune 2.0: Wissensmanagement ALS Bestandteil Eines Modernen VerwaltungsmanagementsIn diesem Buch untersucht Stefanie Osterhage die aktuelle und bis jetzt für den öffentlichen Sektor wenig erforschte Thematik des Wissensmanagements und schlie t somit eine Forschungslücke. Denn hat die Privatwirtschaft die Bedeutung von Wissen erkannt und geeignete Ma nahmen zum Wissensmanagement etabliert, so findet...
- CHF 144.23
- CHF 144.23
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Toward Inclusive Access to Trade Finance: Lessons from the Trade Finance Gaps, Growth, and Jobs SurveyDrawing on a decade of surveys, this report discusses trade finance trends and identifies how access to trade finance can become more inclusive. A persistently large trade finance gap is an ongoing global challenge, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises, which continue to face...
- CHF 60.91
- CHF 60.91
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Breathing to HustleAt 7 I knew I was going to be someone big, I knew I was going to be a big deal. I just didn't know what I'll be doing or how it will play out. To be honest, I didn't care, I was too...
- CHF 18.12
- CHF 18.12
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Strategisches Und Operatives Logistikmanagement: BeschaffungDieses Buch gibt anhand zahlreicher Beispiele einen Überblick über das Subsystem Beschaffung. Es verdeutlicht anschaulich Grundlagen, Strategien und mathematische Methoden. Die quantitativen Methoden zur Materialbedarfsplanung, zu den deterministischen und stochastischen Lagerhaltungsmodellen sowie zur Qualitätssicherung werden in ihrem Verfahrensablauf algorithmisch beschrieben und an vielen logistischen...
- CHF 88.74
- CHF 88.74
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Nightingale: Say Goodbye to YesterdayMoving to an upscale retirement community is daunting enough but when local residents find out that Adelia is not a wealthy widow and her property was purchased by someone else, the fight begins. They are determined to force her out of her new home...
- CHF 29.49
- CHF 29.49
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The Portfolio Life: How to Future-Proof Your Career, Avoid Burnout, and Build a Life Bigger Than Your Business CardWhat Color Is Your Parachute? meets Out of Office in this inspiring, practical playbook to achieve sustainable work-life balance while optimizing your happiness, personal growth, and bank accounts. Pouring yourself into a single full-time job is the riskiest move you can make. Your parents'...
- CHF 42.90
- CHF 42.90
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La Ciencia de Las Ventas / Napoleon Hill's Science of Successful SellingEl método de ventas original de Napoleon Hill que dio origen a uno de los más grandes referentes para el éxito y los negocios a nivel mundial. Con La ciencia de las ventas, un curso dedicado a los alumnos de la Universidad de Extensión...
- CHF 28.04
- CHF 28.04
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El equipo hablaPocas experiencias profesionales son tan gratificantes como participar en un verdadero equipo. Porque hay una energía inusual flotando por el ambiente, una especie de magia que aporta claridad, motivación y sentido. Los resultados entonces son extraordinarios y la realización es total.Por eso quien lo...
- CHF 29.59
- CHF 29.59
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Get Good At Sales: A Fundamental Guide to Guarantee Your Success in Sales and in LifeThere is more to sales than just sales. To Get Good at Sales, it all starts with you. Knowing how to sell will help you achieve the success in every area of your life by building wealth, health, and happiness for a lasting legacy....
- CHF 31.49
- CHF 31.49
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Collective Skill Formation in the Knowledge EconomyInterest in collective skill formation systems has been high for a long time, but recent structural economic and societal developments have led commentators to question their viability. In particular, the shift towards a knowledge economy creates a number of challenges for these highly praised...
- CHF 234.26
- CHF 234.26
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The Hallman Legacy: Impact of the Hallman Family in Waterloo RegionIn South Central Ontario, the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation has contributed almost $90 million to Waterloo Region for social, educational, and mental health services since 2004. It is one of Canada's largest philanthropic trusts. Yet, despite this profound impact, the Hallman legacy is not...
- CHF 29.57
- CHF 29.57
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The Technology Doesn't Matter: Prioritizing the People in It Business AlignmentDiscover the secret to productive IT-business alignment In The Technology Doesn't Matter: Prioritizing the People in IT Business Alignment, veteran IT executive Rachel Lockett delivers an engaging and insightful discussion of how to turn around IT departments struggling to effectively collaborate with their business...
- CHF 44.39
- CHF 44.39
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Business as Unusual with SAP: How Leaders Navigate Industry MegatrendsIn global business, change is always afoot. Are you only focused on today's processes, or are you looking ahead at tomorrow's best practices? Choose to do business as unusual! In this new book, executives Thomas Saueressig and Peter Maier are joined by seasoned industry...
- CHF 118.28
- CHF 118.28
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Reo 101: How To Become A REO Listing AgentPHILIP BARRETT is the Broker/Owner of Home Value Realty, LLC; a residential and commercial brokerage in South Florida. Over the past 22 years, Philip has forged relationships with lending institutions, local cities, government agencies, and hedge fund owners. Some of his clients include Fannie...
- CHF 46.82
- CHF 46.82
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China's Great Wall of Debt: Shadow Banks, Ghost Cities, Massive Loans, and the End of the Chinese MiracleA stunning inside look at how and why the foundations upon which China has built the world's second largest economy, have started to crumble. Over the course of a decade spent reporting on the ground in China as a financial journalist, Dinny McMahon gradually...
- CHF 48.34
- CHF 48.34
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The Fuzzy and the Techie: Why the Liberal Arts Will Rule the Digital WorldA Financial Times Business Book of the Month from a leading venture capitalist offers a host of revelations on who will be driving innovation in the years to come. Finalist for the 2016 Financial Times/McKinsey Bracken Bower Prize “Scott Hartley artfully explains why it...
- CHF 29.33
- CHF 29.33
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