Explore our collection of education books and early education books at our online bookstore, including top titles for teachers and Pearson Education textbooks. Discover must-read and best-selling educational reads that provide valuable insights and resources for teaching and learning.
SAP Fico Beginner's Handbook: SAP for Dummies 2020, SAP FICO Books, SAP ManualSAP for Dummies, SAP BooksAn SAP ERP Tutorial Book to learn SAP FICO without stress in step-by-step screenshots guided handholding approach.The book explains the complex concepts in a simple language to guide YOU to gain confidence, get comfortable, and improve productivity using SAP FICO.End-users...
- CHF 27.89
- CHF 27.89
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Historia de los Tudor: Una guía fascinante sobre los Tudor, la guerra de las Dos Rosas, las seis esposas de Enrique VIII y la vida de Isabel4 manuscritos completos en 1 libro Los Tudor: Una Fascinante Guía de la Historia de Inglaterra desde Enrique VII hasta Isabel I Las guerras de las Dos Rosas: Una guía fascinante de las guerras civiles inglesas que derribaron la dinastía Plantagenet y pusieron a...
- CHF 35.20
- CHF 35.20
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The One Big Book - Grade 3: For English, Math and ScienceThe One Big Book - Grade 3 For English, Math, and ScienceAll in one book with bright, colorful pages that your kids will love! The colorful version of the book is sold only by Ace Academic Publishing English: This book enables your children to...
- CHF 34.80
- CHF 34.80
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How The Bible Led Me to IslamIn the summer of 1996, Yusha Evans went on a passage through the Bible and its four Gospel. He scrutinized more than five different religions in search of God and His message. In 1998, he reverted to Islam.He yearned for the truth in life...
- CHF 17.61
- CHF 17.61
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Because We Care: A Handbook for Chaplaincy in Emergency Medical ServicesOver the past half century, the field of chaplaincy has come to a fork in the road. Many will recognize the well-traveled path of traditional chaplaincy. Others will follow the newer but clearly marked way to professional chaplaincy: a clinically trained, evidence-based discipline, reflecting...
- CHF 19.02
- CHF 19.02
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Exploring the Building Blocks of Science Book 4 Laboratory NotebookIntroduce kids to the excitement of doing hands-on, real science experiments with Exploring the Building Blocks of Science Book 4 Laboratory Notebook. Each easy to perform experiment encourages students to use critical thinking skills and is organized around the scientific method-the process real scientists...
- CHF 72.08
- CHF 72.08
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Tips for #CollegeLife: Powerful College Advice for Excelling as a College Freshman"The best thing about college is having the privilege be yourself and fashion out your natural potentials."In Tips for College Life, author Bukky Ekine-Ogunlana draws on over a decade helping teenagers and their parents and her own experience as a college Freshman to offer...
- CHF 39.52
- CHF 39.52
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The Stalking SeagullsThis book is Dyslexic inclusive; it is printed in a font that everyone can read, including people with dyslexia.One boy. One sandwich. One hungry flock of seagulls. Armed with his beastly beach balls and bucket blockade, Alec strives to safeguard his sandwich. In this...
- CHF 37.18
- CHF 37.18
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Cambridge International as and a Level Law Second EditionWe are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education to gain endorsement for this forthcoming title. Build strong subject knowledge and skills with the only published course to offer full and comprehensive coverage of the syllabus for examination from 2023. -Engage with relevant and up-to-date...
- CHF 171.39
- CHF 171.39
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Teaching Social and Emotional Learning in Health EducationEvery new print copy includes 365-day access to the Navigate eBook. Teaching Social and Emotional Learning in Health Education: Applications in School and Community Settings provides instructors with the tools they need to successfully incorporate social and emotional learning into their classrooms. It aligns...
- CHF 167.36
- CHF 167.36
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Caring in Crisis: Stories to Inspire and Guide School LeadersLearn, reflect and grow from 40 true stories of caring school leadership during times of crisis When faced with crises, most leaders handle the moment by leaning into triage and logistics. This book challenges you and your teams to adopt caring people-first strategies instead....
- CHF 68.57
- CHF 68.57
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Bankers in the Ivory Tower: The Troubling Rise of Financiers in Us Higher EducationExposes the intimate relationship between big finance and higher education inequality in America. Elite colleges have long played a crucial role in maintaining social and class status in America while public universities have offered a major stepping-stone to new economic opportunities. However, as Charlie...
- CHF 60.61
- CHF 60.61
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Suspended: Punishment, Violence, and the Failure of School SafetyThe disturbing truth: school suspension does more than impede Black students' academic achievement--it also impacts their parents' employment and can violate state and federal laws.Finalist of the C. Wright Mills Award by the Society for the Study of Social ProblemsDecades of urban disinvestment and...
- CHF 70.52
- CHF 70.52
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Mindful Math 1: Use Your Algebra to Solve These Puzzling Picturesvolume 1A classic Tarquin format that has been used to teach hundreds of thousands - possibly millions - of students over the years This book is intended to provide a restful way for students to revise and reinforce their algebra skills. On every page there...
- CHF 15.40
- CHF 15.40
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Historia de los judíos: Una guía fascinante de la historia de los judíos, desde los antiguos israelitas hasta la Segunda Guerra Mundial, pasanSi desea descubrir la cautivadora historia de los judíos, siga leyendo...El pueblo judío es uno de los grupos humanos más antiguos del planeta. Los judíos vivieron junto a los antiguos egipcios, babilonios, fenicios y sumerios, todos los cuales han desaparecido de las páginas de...
- CHF 24.92
- CHF 24.92
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Historia de España: Una guía fascinante de la historia española, desde la Hispania romana, los visigodos, el Imperio español, los BorbonesSi desea descubrir la fascinante historia de España, siga leyendo...A lo largo de los siglos, España ha estado sujeta al señorío de otros países. Fue ocupada por los antiguos griegos y romanos, los visigodos, los franceses y los musulmanes. Ha sido el patio de...
- CHF 29.34
- CHF 29.34
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Essentials of Elementary Social StudiesEssentials of Elementary Social Studies is a teacher friendly text that provides comprehensive treatment of classroom planning, instruction, and strategies. Praised for its dynamic approaches and a writing style that is conversational, personal, and professional, this text enables and encourages teachers to effectively teach...
- CHF 119.84
- CHF 119.84
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Texas Politics TodayDelivering unrivaled insight into the latest trends and issues, Jones/Maxwell/Crain/Davis/Wlezien/Flores' TEXAS POLITICS TODAY, 19th edition, combines a comparative approach with tightly integrated learning objectives and questions addressing the Texas GOVT2306 Core Objectives. Equipping you to think critically, it offers expanded coverage of ideology and...
- CHF 539.53
- CHF 539.53
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Liezi: World of Delusions: A complete translation and analysis of Liezi (列子)Liezi (列子 c.450-375BC), Laozi and Zhuangzi are the 3 pillars of philosophical Daoism.A lesser known philosopher among the trio, we have seen few translations of his work.The Liezi text of 139 short amusing stories in 8 chapters, are contemplative on life and death.Tales, Kuafu...
- CHF 38.20
- CHF 38.20
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Prepared: What Kids Need for a Fulfilled LifeA blueprint for how parents can stop worrying about their children's future and start helping them prepare for it, from the cofounder and CEO of one of America's most innovative public-school networks"A treasure trove of deeply practical wisdom that accords with everything I know...
- CHF 29.14
- CHF 29.14
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