Explore our collection of education books and early education books at our online bookstore, including top titles for teachers and Pearson Education textbooks. Discover must-read and best-selling educational reads that provide valuable insights and resources for teaching and learning.
Sprachförderung durch Musik im Kindergarten. Theoretischer Hintergrund, Fallstudien und PraxisbeispieleWissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich P dagogik - Kindergarten, Vorschule, fr hkindl. Erziehung, Note: 1, Universit t Siegen (Musiktherapie), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Muttersprache zu lernen, ist f r die meisten Menschen kinderleicht. Und doch gibt es Kinder, f r die...
- CHF 38.07
- CHF 38.07
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Einfuhrung in Den AnfangsunterrichtIm Anfangsunterricht der Grundschule werden die Grundlagen fur erfolgreiche schulische Bildungsverlaufe von Kindern gelegt. Hieraus ergeben sich besondere Aufgaben und Herausforderungen fur Grundschullehrerinnen und -lehrer bei der Gestaltung von Lehr-Lernprozessen, namlich weitaus heterogen zusammengesetzten Lerngruppen im ersten und zweiten Schuljahr eine gemeinsame Bildung zu...
- CHF 53.98
- CHF 53.98
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Le Nez: édition bilingue russe/français (+ lecture audio intégrée)Texte int gral.En dition bilingue russe/fran ais, avec lecture audio int gr e: Non seulement vous pouvez lireLe Nez en fran ais et en russe, mais vous pouvez aussi couter la lecture de cet ouvrage dans sa version originale russophone ainsi que dans sa...
- CHF 17.79
- CHF 17.79
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Vie d'Alexandre" ...C'est un fait tenu pour constant que, du c t paternel, Alexandre descendait d'Hercule par Caranus, et que, du c t de sa m re, il se rattachait aux acides, par N optol me1. On dit que Philippe, tant Samothrace, tout jeune encore,...
- CHF 16.52
- CHF 16.52
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Writing For PleasureThis booklet is third in a series about reading, writing and responding to literature. It focusses on how to make writing pleasurable and interesting and would be ideal as part of teacher training, staff discussion, curriculum development or just reading and using. Author: Michael...
- CHF 7.75
- CHF 7.75
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The Orange Shirt Story Teacher Lesson PlanA teacher lesson plan to futher explore the book. May include comprehension questions, group activities, conversation starters, quizzes, language arts activities, and colouring pages. When Phyllis Webstad (nee Jack) turned six, she went to the residential school for the first time. On her first...
- CHF 7.71
- CHF 7.71
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Learn Hungarian with Fairy Tales: Interlinear Hungarian to EnglishBest way to learn Hungarian by readingDo you want to learn Hungarian with real Hungarian stories? It's easy with Hungarian and interlinear English. This book contains 160+ pages of Hungarian Fairy Tales with every word translated so you can keep on reading. We have...
- CHF 14.56
- CHF 14.56
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Fighting GladiatorWhen it comes to fighting manuals, Dwight McLemore's Fighting Weapons series (including books on the tomahawk, staff, sword, and Bowie and other big knives) has earned him a legion of loyal followers. Now in a labor of love that took decades to complete, McLemore...
- CHF 63.16
- CHF 63.16
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Ultralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and Accelerate Your CareerFuture-proof your career and maximize your competitive advantage by learning the skill necessary to stay relevant, reinvent yourself, and adapt to whatever the workplace throws your way in this essential guide that goes beyond the insights of popular works such as Extreme Productivity, Deep...
- CHF 47.49
- CHF 47.49
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Syntax Knowledge to PracticeThe Literacy How Professional Learning Series translates the latest reading research into how-to instructional practices. Based on the current and comprehensive Literacy How reading model, the Series draws upon the authors' decades of expertise and experience working with thousands of general and special education...
- CHF 56.65
- CHF 56.65
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A Course of Study in LATIN AND GREEK WORD ROOTS, Grade 5 - HSRevised for 2023!!!! Improves decoding, spelling, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Engages students and teaches word roots the building blocks for words. Presents hundreds of word roots that translate to understanding thousands of words. Each lesson presents a word pattern chart, discovery puzzles, word cards,...
- CHF 24.21
- CHF 24.21
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How to Write a Book: An 11-Step Process to Build Habits, Stop Procrastinating, Fuel Self-Motivation, Quiet Your Inner Critic, Bust ThroughHave you thought about writing a book? Do you just not know where to begin? Do you get writer's block just thinking about writing a book?Best-selling non-fiction author David Kadavy shares his simple process for writing a book. Build confidence, ditch your inner critic,...
- CHF 16.18
- CHF 16.18
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School Based Assessment in English: A guide and workbook for studentsThis workbook was designed based on the guidelines outlined in the amended CXC CSEC English syllabus effective for the May - June 2018 examinations. It was developed in response to requests of teachers and students to have resources, validated by CXC, to assist them...
- CHF 30.74
- CHF 30.74
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Learning Bengali Alphabet for English speakers: Teach yourself Bengali (Bangla) alphabetThe aim of this book is to help English-speaking children & adults learn the Bengali (Bangla) alphabet. Throughout the book, English phonics has been used to help the reader pronounce the Bengali letters correctly. Each letter in the book comes with an image depicting...
- CHF 17.25
- CHF 17.25
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Guía práctica del Método Montessori: Con más de 100 actividades para hacer en casa de 0 a 6 añosLa Gu a Pr ctica Montessori es un libro dirigido a padres y madres que quieran integrar la filosof a Montessori en casa con sus hijos. xito internacional de ventas, traducida a cuatro idiomas.✓ Incluye: Una introducci n b sica a los principios de...
- CHF 22.65
- CHF 22.65
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101 Questions and Answers for the Cabin Crew InterviewMastering the cabin crew selection process is an art that you can learn. Your answers should be relevant, diplomatic and painting you in the best possible light. This book will teach you how to formulate the correct answer the complex behavioral interview questions such...
- CHF 29.13
- CHF 29.13
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Tech with Heart: Leveraging Technology to Empower Student Voice, Ease Anxiety, and Create Compassionate ClassroomsBring a Higher Level of Compassion to Your Teaching Academic-related anxiety is common in high-achieving and struggling classrooms alike. So how can teachers calm students' fears and empower them as learners? Educator Stacey Roshan found the answer with technology. In Tech with Heart, Stacey...
- CHF 32.32
- CHF 32.32
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Rti at Work(tm) Plan Book: (A Workbook for Planning and Implementing the Rti at Work(tm) Process)Create a path to success for every student with the support of our RTI at Work(TM) Plan Book by experts Austin Buffum and Mike Mattos. Broken down into 40 weekly planning pages, the plan book helps individuals and collaborative teams stay on top of...
- CHF 36.19
- CHF 36.19
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2 Practice Tests for the Olsat Grade 1 (2nd Grade Entry) Level B: Gifted and Talented Prep Grade 1 for Otis Lennon School Ability TestThis book contains two full-length OLSAT(R) Grade 1 Level B practice tests, which provide gifted and talented OLSAT test preparation.The OLSAT Level B practice test is for: 1st grade students applying for entry into Gifted and Talented 2nd Grade programs. Using these practice tests...
- CHF 38.85
- CHF 38.85
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New York State Grade 4 Math Test Prep: New York 4th Grade Math Test Prep Book for the NY State Test Grade 4.The objective of our NY State Test Prep Book for fourth grade math is to provide students, educators, and parents with practice materials focused on the core skills needed to help students succeed on the NY State Math grade 4 assessment.A student will fare...
- CHF 33.66
- CHF 33.66
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