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Public School EducationPublic School Education CHAPTER I. PAGE Introductory 7 CHAPTER II. EducationIts Object and Necessity 17 CHAPTER III. Origin of the Public School System 41 CHAPTER IV. Expos of the Public School System 75 CHAPTER V. Evil Consequences of the Public School System on the...
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History of EducationHistory of EducationThe importance of a knowledge of the history of education was never so fully recognized as at the present time. Normal schools and teachers' colleges give this subject a prominent place in their professional courses, superintendents require candidates for certificates to pass...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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The Legacy of IgnorantismThe Legacy of IgnorantismI have the honor to appear before you accepting with great pleasure an invitation which the Assistant Director, Mr. Osias, kindly extended to me. Having left the choice of the subject to my discretion, I deemed it worth while to speak...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Een Meisje-Student over 'Een Meisje-Studentje'Een Meisje-Student over 'Een Meisje-Studentje'Het is niet om het boek zelf dat ik over Een meisje-studentje van Annie Salomons enkele dingen wensch te zeggen, maar wel om den indruk, dien het boek naar buiten maakt. Was het een minder belangrijk en belangwekkend milieu, waarin...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Paedagogische OverwegingenPaedagogische OverwegingenHelaas, neen, bekende ik. Althans niet practisch. Wij ouderen van dagen, zijn daar meestal niet meer toe in staat. Wij missen de kracht om bij de opvoeding onzer lievelingen de strengheid door te voeren, welke het kind tot een zelfstandig, vrij individu kan...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Child and Country: A Book of the Younger GenerationChild and Country: A Book of the Younger Generation... To-day the first glimpse of this manuscript as a whole. It was all detached pieces before, done over a period of many months, with many intervening tasks, the main idea slightly drifting from time to...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of EducationA Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of EducationThe Author of the following pages is a plain man, who has endeavoured to write a plain book, for the purpose of being popularly useful. The philosophical form which his enquiries have assumed, is the result rather...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Schedule of Salaries for Teachers, members of the Supervising staff and othersSchedule of Salaries for Teachers, members of the Supervising staff and others. - January 1-August 31, 1920, inclusive1. ORDERED, That the salaries of teachers, members of the supervising staff, and others in the public schools are hereby established for the period January 1 to...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Popular EducationPopular Education - For the use of Parents and Teachers, and for Young Persons of Both SexesWho is sufficient for these things? is a question[vii] which any one may well ask when sitting down to the preparation of a treatise on popular education. The...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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St. John's College, CambridgeSt. John's College, CambridgeApproaching the College from the street we enter by the Great Gate. The gateway with its four towers is the best example of the characteristic Cambridge gate, and dates from the foundation of the College. It is built of red brick...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Here and Now Story BookHere and Now Story Book - Two- to seven-year-oldsThese stories are experiments,experiments both in content and in form. They were written because of a deep dissatisfaction felt by a group of people working experimentally in a laboratory school, with the available literature for children....
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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The New EducationThe New Education - A Review of Progressive Educational Movements of the Day (1915)During 1910, 1911, and 1912, as a part of a general plan to write a book on education, I reread a great deal of the classical educational literature, and carefully perused...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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The Life and Times of John WilkinsThe Life and Times of John Wilkins - Warden of Wadham College, Oxford; Master of Trinity College, Cambridge; and Bishop of ChesterThis little book is written as an offering to the Members of Wadham College for the Tercentenary of its foundation. The writer makes...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Essai sur l'éducation des aveuglesEssai sur l'éducation des aveuglesLes Personnes qui desireroient se procurer des Exemplaires de l'Essai sur l'Education des Aveugles, imprim sous la direction de M. Clousier, Imprimeur du ROI, voudront bien s'adresser Versailles, M. Felix de Nogaret, Bibliothcaire de Madame COMTESSE D'ARTOIS, Secrtaire de la...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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A Vindication of the Rights of WomanA Vindication of the Rights of WomanThe person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of his knowledge, the work of authorship identified is in the public domain of the...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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The Romance of MathematicsThe Romance of Mathematics - Being the Original Researches of a Lady Professor of Girtham College in Polemical Science, with some Account of the Social Properties of a Conic; Equations to Brain Waves; Social Forces; and the Laws of Political Motion.The lectures, essays, and...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Rapport sur l'Instruction Publique, les 10, 11 et 19 Septembre 1791Rapport sur l'Instruction Publique, les 10, 11 et 19 Septembre 1791 - fait au nom du Comité de Constitution à l'Assemblée Nationale RAPPORT. COLES PRIMAIRES. COLES DE DISTRICT. COLES DE DPARTEMENT. COLES POUR LES MINISTRES DE LA RELIGION. COLES DE MDECINE. COLES DE DROIT....
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Nature StudyOntario Teachers' Manuals: Nature StudyThis Manual is placed in the hands of the teachers in the hope that the suggestions which it contains on lesson topics, materials, books of reference, and methods in teaching will be found helpful to all teachers and in particular...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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The 1926 TatlerThe 1926 TatlerSCHOOL days are joy days; days filled with the pleasures of friendships and the gladness of intimacy, with the satisfaction of work well done and the pride in having done it for ones school. And we at Northrop School have been blessed...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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The School and the WorldThe School and the WorldIn December, 1917, the present writers wrote a little book entitled "Political Education in a Public School," in which they put forward their views as to what the aims and methods of a modern liberal education should be. They also...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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