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Sodom and Gomorrah, TexasSodom and Gomorrah, TexasMANUEL shouldn't have been employed as a census taker. He wasn't qualified. He couldn't read a map. He didn't know what a map was. He only grinned when they told him that North was at the top. But he did write...
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Other People's Business: The Romantic Career of the Practical Miss DaleOther People's Business: The Romantic Career of the Practical Miss DaleThe knocking at the side door and the thumping overhead blended in a travesty on the anvil chorus, the staccato tapping of somebody's knuckles rising flute-like above the hammering of Joel's cane. TO some...
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The McBridesThe McBrides - A Romance of ArranCrotal, lichen. "A traill," you sluggard. Cleiteadh mor, big ridge of rocks. Bothanairidh, summer sheiling. Birrican, a place name. Rhuda ban, white headland. Bealach an sgadan, Herring slap. Skein dubh, black knife. Crubach, lame. Mo ghaoil, my darling....
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The Island TreasureThe Island TreasureSharply shouted out in quick succession came these orders from Captain Snaggs, the hoarse words of command ringing through the ship fore and aft, and making even the ringbolts in the deck jinglealbeit they were uttered in a sort of drawling voice,...
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CHF 83.97- CHF 5.66
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The Death Shot: A Story RetoldThe Death Shot: A Story RetoldLong time since this hand hath penned a preface. Now only to say, that this romance, as originally published, was written when the author was suffering severe affliction, both physically and mentallythe result of a gun-wound that brought him...
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Principle and Practice: The Orphan FamilyPrinciple and Practice: The Orphan FamilyLet none sit down to read this little tale, whose interest can only be excited by the relation of uncommon circumstances, of romantic adventures, of poetical perplexities, or of picturesque difficulties. No beauties of this kind will be here...
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The King's Esquires Or, The Jewel of FranceThe King's Esquires; Or, The Jewel of FranceHis Most Christian Majesty King Francis the First had a great preference for his Palace of Fontainebleau among the many places of residence from which he could choose, and it is interesting to glance into that magnificent...
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Julian HomeJulian HomeIt was Speech-day at Harton. From an early hour handsome equipages had been dashing down the street, and depositing their occupants at the masters houses. The perpetual rolling of wheels distracted the attention every moment, and curiosity was keenly on the alert to...
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Eric, or Little by LittleEric, or Little by LittleHurrah! hurrah! hurrah! cried a young boy, as he capered vigorously about, and clapped his hands. Father and mother will be home in a week now, and then we shall stay here a little time, and then, and then, I...
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The Lady of the Basement FlatThe Lady of the Basement FlatAt three oclock this afternoon Evelyn Wastneys died. I am Evelyn Wastneys, and I died, standing at the door of an old country home in Ireland, with my hands full of ridiculous little silver shoes and horseshoes, and a...
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A Chinese Command: A Story of Adventure in Eastern SeasA Chinese Command: A Story of Adventure in Eastern SeasA furious gust of wind tore down the chimney, blowing the smoke out into the small but cosily-furnished sitting-room of the little cottage at Kingston-on-Thames, and sending a shower of sparks hissing and spluttering on...
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A Forgotten Hero Or, Not for HimA Forgotten Hero; Or, Not for HimClarice, with another courtesy and a murmur of thanks, took her seat in the recess of the window, where her mother was already sitting. For these two were mother and daughter; a middle-aged, comfortable-looking mother, with a mixture...
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The Billow and the RockThe Billow and the RockScotland was a strange and uncomfortable country to live in a hundred years ago. Strange beyond measure its state of society appears to us when we consider, not only that it was called a Christian country, but that the people...
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Chester Rand or, The New Path to FortuneChester Rand; or, The New Path to Fortune Transcribers Note: Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note. Dialect spellings, contractions and discrepancies have been retained. The Table of Contents was not contained in the book and has been created for the convenience of...
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CHF 134.36- CHF 5.66
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Helen and Arthur or, Miss Thusa's Spinning WheelHelen and Arthur; or, Miss Thusa's Spinning WheelObvious typographical errors have been corrected. A list of changes is found at the end of this text. A small number of words were spelled or hyphenated inconsistently. These inconsistencies have been maintained and a list is...
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La Femme AbbéLa Femme AbbéCette Correspondance crite bien avant 1789, ne renferme rien de surnaturel, ni de contre nature. Le lecteur, quel qu'il soit, en fermant ce livre, ne sentira point son me fltrie, ou pniblement affecte; il en sera quitte, peut-tre, pour quelques douces larmes....
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Lady Audley's SecretLady Audley's SecretThe person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of his knowledge, the work of authorship identified is in the public domain of the country from which the...
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Murder at BridgeMurder at BridgeThe person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of his knowledge, the work of authorship identified is in the public domain of the country from which the...
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Jane EyreJane EyreCagirlwithasoutherndrawl, Kristin Hughes, Kymm Zuckert, Laurie Anne Walden, Kristin LeMoine, Jennifer Hormell, David Barnes, Cori Samuel, Kirsten Ferreri, Kristin Huges, Sarah Key-DeLyria, Peter of Buckinghamshire England, Maria Elmvang, Lizzie Driver, Desgine, Ezwa, Lucy Burgoyne, Becky Miller, Judy Bieber, Betsie Bush, Catharine Eastman, Michelle...
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The Lost ChildThe Lost Child On that morning, which was the morning before Christmas, two important events happened simultaneouslythe sun rose, and so did M. Jean-Baptiste Godefroy. Unquestionably the sun, illuminating suddenly the whole of Paris with its morning rays, is an old friend regarded with...
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