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Operation: Outer SpaceOperation: Outer SpaceJed Cochrane tried to be cynical as the helicab hummed softly through the night over the city. The cab flew at two thousand feet, where lighted buildings seemed to soar toward it from the canyons which were streets. There were lights and...
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Madame ChrysanthèmeMadame ChrysanthèmeC'est le journal d'un t de ma vie, auquel je n'ai rien chang pas mme les dates, je trouve que, quand on arrange les choses, on les drange toujours beaucoup. Bien que le rle le plus long soit en apparence madame Chrysanthme, il...
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Orange and Green: A Tale of the Boyne and LimerickOrange and Green: A Tale of the Boyne and LimerickThe subject of Ireland is one which has, for some years, been a very prominent one, and is likely, I fear, for some time yet to occupy a large share of public attention. The discontent,...
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Captured by the NavajosCaptured by the NavajosIt was late in the fall of the second year of the civil war that I rejoined my company at Santa F, New Mexico, from detached service in the Army of the Potomac. The boom of the sunrise gun awoke me...
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Null-ABCNull-ABCTranscriber's note: This etext was produced from Astounding Science Fiction, February and March, 1953. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the copyright on this publication was renewed. Chester Pelton retracted his paunch as far as the breakfast seat would permit; the table,...
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L'ami FritzL'ami FritzLorsque Zacharias Kobus, juge de paix Hunebourg, mourut en 1832, son fils Fritz Kobus, se voyant la tte d'une belle maison sur la place des Acacias, d'une bonne ferme dans la valle de Meisenthl, et de pas mal d'cus placs sur solides hypothques,...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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The Lighted MatchThe Lighted MatchThe girl was bending forward, her fingers spread in a tin basin, as the man at her elbow poured water slowly from a gourd-dipper. Heaped, in disorder against the cabin wall, lay their red hunting-coats, crops, and riding gauntlets. The oracle tumbled...
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The Harvest of YearsThe Harvest of YearsOld friends and other days have risen about me as I have written, recalling, through my pen, these treasured experiences; and the pictured characters are to me as real as earthly hands, whose touch we feel. I have written as the...
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The Murders in the Rue MorgueLa Murdoj de Kadavrejo-Strato La mensaj kvalitoj nomiantaj analizaj nur malmulte analizeblas en si. Ni taksas ilin efe la iliaj efikoj. Ni scias pri ili, inter aliaj informaoj, ke por posedanto posedanta ilin preterabunde, ili estas iam fonto de la plej vigla ojo. Same...
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ActéActécrit en 1839, ce roman peu connu est l'une des rares fictions de Dumas se situant dans l'antiquit (avec, bien entendu, Isaac Laquedem, son grand roman inachev). Act est une jeune Corinthienne qui devient la matresse de l'empereur Nron. Son histoire permet l'crivain d'voquer...
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David Ramms arvDavid Ramms arv Det arv jag ftt frn min faders land av skogar och vilda snr, r bara en brda som tynger min rygg dr jag ensam och grubblande gr. Men det blir vl en morgon p ofridens natt jag vill lra mig bedja...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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Crittenden: A Kentucky Story of Love and WarCrittenden: A Kentucky Story of Love and WarDay breaking on the edge of the Bluegrass and birds singing the dawn in. Ten minutes swiftly along the sunrise and the world is changed: from nervous exaltation of atmosphere to an air of balm and peace;...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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The Delight MakersThe Delight MakersThis story is the result of eight years spent in ethnological and archological study among the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico. The first chapters were written more than six years ago at the Pueblo of Cochiti. The greater part was composed in...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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Hunger: Book OneHunger: Book One , . , - . , , , . , , , . : , , , , ; - , , -. , , -- [] . ; : - , . ; , , . [' 4] , -,...
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The Miller Of Old ChurchThe Miller Of Old ChurchI. At Bottom's Ordinary II. In Which Destiny Wears the Comic Mask III. In Which Mr. Gay Arrives at His Journey's End IV. The Revercombs V. The Mill VI. Treats of the Ladies' Sphere VII. Gay Rushes Into a Quarrel...
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Enter BridgetEnter BridgetConcerning Bridget there was from the outset considerable difference of opinion. Mark Driver, for instance, always showed a tendency to something more than tolerance, and even Carrissima Faversham, in spite of a manifestly unfavourable bias, strove to hold the balance even. It was...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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GeorgesGeorgesNe vous est-il pas arriv quelquefois, pendant une de ces longues, tristes et froides soires d'hiver, o, seul avec votre pense, vous entendiez le vent siffler dans vos corridors, et la pluie fouetter contre vos fentres; ne vous est-il pas arriv, le front appuy...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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La fille des indiens rougesLa fille des indiens rougesTe souviens-tu, Charles, de nos dbuts littraires? t'en souviens-tu, dis-moi? C'est Maubeuge. Nous tions simples dragons, aprs avoir aspir, Saint-Cyr, l'paulette d'or. Grand dsenchantement! Mais cette poque d'esprances, d'illusions, que nous importait une corve de litire! N'avions-nous pas dans notre...
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CHF 51.01- CHF 5.68
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More Tales of the RidingsMore Tales of the RidingsMelsh Dick is the last survivor of our woodland divinities. His pedigree reaches back to the satyrs and dryads of Greek mythology; he claims kinship with the fauns that haunted the groves of leafy Tibur, and he lorded it in...
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