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Iltalampun ääressä II: Uusia kertomuksiaIltalampun ääressä II: Uusia kertomuksia Pyydn anteeksi, hyv rouva, min en huomannut teit heti tss tungoksessa, tohtori kumarsi ja ojensi nuorelle professorin rouvalle ktens tervehdykseksi. Tll junalla on todella sellainen tungos, kun kaikki ihmiset sulloutuvat matkalle aivan kuin hullut ja ihan kuin koko pitkn...
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Pilven hattaroita IIPilven hattaroita II - Pieniä kyhäelmiäSiihen aikaan kuin Onni viel savikukkoja isn talon vieress auringon lmpimll paisteli, nki hnen usein titn katsellessa ern omituisuuden, joka hnest ei ny sittemmin koskaan lhteneen. Kerrankin istui hn toimessaan tavallisella typaikallaan, kun hn kki nkyi saaneen uuden tuuman...
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Iltalampun ääressä IIltalampun ääressä IPastori seisoi tyhuoneensa ikkunassa, katsellen talvista maisemaa, joka vlkkyi ilta-auringon viimmeisen viivhtvn heijastuksen valossa. Jouluaatto oli ksiss ja koko luonto oli verhoutunut juhlapukuun, valkoisena hohti huura pensaissa ja puissa ja lheisest kirkosta, jonka korkea torni jyrksti kuvastui valoisaa taivasta vasten, kaikui kellojen...
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ClemenceClemence - The Schoolmistress of WavelandThe favor with which a generous public received a former volume of the writer's, induced her, after a lapse of nearly two years, to essay another effort of a similar nature. In the present work, facts were chosen for...
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Kommunistinen yhteiskunta vuonna 2000Kommunistinen yhteiskunta vuonna 2000 - Jatkoa ja vastaus Edward Bellamyn romaaniin "Vuonna 2000"Jokainen pyrkimys etsi totuutta ja aikaansaada parannusta oloissamme ansaitsee tunnustusta silloinkin, kun emme voi hyvksy suuntaa ja ehdotettuja toimenpiteit. Herra Edvard Bellamyn kirja "Vuonna 2000" on yritys parantaa ihmiskunnan tilaa ja on...
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Nel sognoNel sogno"Signore Iddio, vi ringrazio. Siate benedetto, o Signore, nel vostro splendore e nella vostra oscurit, nel bene che fate e nel male che permettete, nella rivelazione e nel mistero, in questo mondo e nell'altro, perch Voi solo sapete. Restino con Voi i cuori...
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Tempesta e bonaccia: Romanzo senza eroiTempesta e bonaccia: Romanzo senza eroi +-+ | | | | | | | | | AVV. MASSICO GUISCARDI | | | | | | | | Milano, Piazza del Duomo, N. 10. | | | | | +-+ ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product...
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Anna-Clara och Hennes BröderAnna-Clara och Hennes Bröder - En Bok om Barn Anna-Clara kom sist av tre. Och hennes moder blev mycket glad d hon ntligen kom. Hennes fader blev ocks mycket glad, men han visade det icke fullt s mycket, ty han var en man. D...
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Carta bollataCarta bollataDue amori. Terza edizione rinnovata..L. 2 Un segreto. Terza edizione rinnovata. 2 Frutti proibiti (Fiamma vagabonda). Quinta edizione.. 2 50 Il Romanzo di un Vedovo. Terza edizione riveduta. 2 Il Tesoro di Donnina. Quarta edizione 4 Amore bendato. Racconto. Quinta edizione. 2 Una...
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CHF 50.83- CHF 5.65
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Evelina's GardenEvelina's GardenOn the south a high arbor-vit hedge separated Evelina's garden from the road. The hedge was so high that when the school-children lagged by, and the secrets behind it fired them with more curiosity than those between their battered book covers, the tallest...
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CHF 50.83- CHF 5.65
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When Wilderness Was KingWhen Wilderness Was King - A Tale of the Illinois CountryA. L. Burt Company, Publishers New York Copyright by A. C. McClurg & Co. 1904 Published March 26, 1904 Second Edition, April 20, 1904 Third Edition, July 2, 1904 Fourth Edition, September 20, 1904...
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Jerome, A Poor Man: A NovelJerome, A Poor Man: A NovelOne morning in early May, when the wind was cold and the sun hot, and Jerome about twelve years old, he was in a favorite lurking-place of his, which nobody but himself knew. Three fields' width to the northward...
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Madelon: A NovelMadelon: A NovelThere was a new snow over the village. Indeed, it had ceased to fall only at sunset, and it was now eight o'clock. It was heaped apparently with the lightness of foam on the windward sides of the roads, over the fences...
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Barnabé Rudge, Tome IIBarnabé Rudge, Tome IILe lendemain matin, le serrurier resta en proie aux mmes incertitudes, et le surlendemain, et plusieurs jours de suite encore. Souvent, aprs la chute du jour, il entrait dans la rue et tournait ses regards vers la maison qu'il connaissait si...
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Barnabé Rudge, Tome IBarnabé Rudge, Tome IDe l'histoire! Dieu vous bnisse; je n'en ai aucune dire, monsieur. Voici de longues annes permettez-moi de ne pas en avouer le nombre que m'arriva la bonne nouvelle de ma promotion comme enseigne dans le 4e d'infanterie de Sa Majest. Mon...
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David Copperfield - Tome IIDavid Copperfield - Tome IICHAPITRE PREMIER. Une perte plus grave. CHAPITRE II. Commencement d'un long voyage. CHAPITRE III. Bonheur. CHAPITRE IV. Ma tante me cause un grand tonnement. CHAPITRE V. Abattement. CHAPITRE VI. Enthousiasme. CHAPITRE VII. Un peu d'eau froide jete sur mon feu....
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David Copperfield - Tome IDavid Copperfield - Tome ICHAPITRE PREMIER. Je viens au monde. CHAPITRE II. J'observe. CHAPITRE III. Un changement. CHAPITRE IV. Je tombe en disgrce. CHAPITRE V. Je suis exil de la maison paternelle. CHAPITRE VI. J'agrandis le cercle de mes connaissances. CHAPITRE VII. Mon premier...
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Operation TerrorOperation TerrorOn the morning the radar reported something odd out in space, Lockley awoke at about twenty minutes to eight. That was usual. He'd slept in a sleeping bag on a mountain-flank with other mountains all around. That was not unprecedented. He was there...
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Murder in the GunroomMurder in the GunroomThe Lane Fleming collection of early pistols and revolvers was one of the best in the country. When Fleming was found dead on the floor of his locked gunroom, a Confederate-made Colt-type percussion .36 revolver in his hand, the coroner's verdict...
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