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Puck of Pook's HillPuck of Pook's Hill And see you marks that show and fade, Like shadows on the Downs? O they are the lines the Flint Men made, To guard their wondrous towns! The children were at the Theatre, acting to Three Cows as much as...
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Silas MarnerSilas Marner In the days when the spinning-wheels hummed busily in the farmhousesand even great ladies, clothed in silk and thread-lace, had their toy spinning-wheels of polished oakthere might be seen in districts far away among the lanes, or deep in the bosom of...
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The Thirty-Nine StepsThe Thirty-Nine Steps You and I have long cherished an affection for that elemental type of tale which Americans call the dime novel and which we know as the shockerthe romance where the incidents defy the probabilities, and march just inside the borders of...
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The Underdogs: A Novel of the Mexican RevolutionThe Underdogs: A Novel of the Mexican Revolution Mariano Azuela, the first of the "novelists of the Revolution," was born in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico, in 1873. He studied medicine in Guadalajara and returned to Lagos in 1909, where he began the practice...
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The Unbearable BassingtonThe Unbearable BassingtonFrancesca Bassington sat in the drawing-room of her house in Blue Street, W., regaling herself and her estimable brother Henry with China tea and small cress sandwiches. The meal was of that elegant proportion which, while ministering sympathetically to the desires of...
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The People That Time ForgotThe People That Time Forgot I am forced to admit that even though I had traveled a long distance to place Bowen Tyler's manuscript in the hands of his father, I was still a trifle skeptical as to its sincerity, since I could not...
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The Land That Time ForgotThe Land That Time Forgot It must have been a little after three o'clock in the afternoon that it happenedthe afternoon of June 3rd, 1916. It seems incredible that all that I have passed throughall those weird and terrifying experiencesshould have been encompassed within...
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Under the AndesUnder the Andes The scene was not exactly new to me. Moved by the spirit of adventure, or by an access of ennui which overtakes me at times, I had several times visited the gaudy establishment of Mercer, on the fashionable side of Fifth...
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At the Earth's CoreAt the Earth's Core In the first place please bear in mind that I do not expect you to believe this story. Nor could you wonder had you witnessed a recent experience of mine when, in the armor of blissful and stupendous ignorance, I...
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Baron Trigault's VengeanceBaron Trigault's Vengeance Vengeance! that is the first, the only thought, when a man finds himself victimized, when his honor and fortune, his present and future, are wrecked by a vile conspiracy! The torment he endures under such circumstances can only be alleviated by...
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Main StreetMain Street This is Americaa town of a few thousand, in a region of wheat and corn and dairies and little groves. The town is, in our tale, called Gopher Prairie, Minnesota. But its Main Street is the continuation of Main Streets everywhere. The...
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Anne's House of DreamsAnne's House of Dreams "Thanks be, I'm done with geometry, learning or teaching it," said Anne Shirley, a trifle vindictively, as she thumped a somewhat battered volume of Euclid into a big chest of books, banged the lid in triumph, and sat down upon...
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The Age of InnocenceThe Age of Innocence Though there was already talk of the erection, in remote metropolitan distances "above the Forties," of a new Opera House which should compete in costliness and splendour with those of the great European capitals, the world of fashion was still...
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Jean of the Lazy AJean of the Lazy A Without going into a deep, psychological discussion of the elements in men's souls that breed events, we may say with truth that the Lazy A ranch was as other ranches in the smooth tenor of its life until one...
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At the Foot of the RainbowAt the Foot of the Rainbow "And the bow shall be set in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth." GENESIS, ix-16....
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Youth, a NarrativeYouth, a Narrative This could have occurred nowhere but in England, where men and sea interpenetrate, so to speakthe sea entering into the life of most men, and the men knowing something or everything about the sea, in the way of amusement, of travel,...
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Joe the Hotel Boy Or, Winning out by PluckJoe the Hotel Boy; Or, Winning out by Pluck A number of years ago the author of this story set out to depict life among the boys of a great city, and especially among those who had to make their own way in the...
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Ann Veronica: A Modern Love StoryAnn Veronica: A Modern Love Story The art of ignoring is one of the accomplishments of every well-bred girl, so carefully instilled that at last she can even ignore her own thoughts and her own knowledge. ANN VERONICA CHAPTER THE FIRST CHAPTER THE SECOND...
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The End of the TetherThe End of the Tether For a long time after the course of the steamer Sofala had been altered for the land, the low swampy coast had retained its appearance of a mere smudge of darkness beyond a belt of glitter. The sunrays seemed...
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Heart of DarknessHeart of DarknessThe Nellie, a cruising yawl, swung to her anchor without a flutter of the sails, and was at rest. The flood had made, the wind was nearly calm, and being bound down the river, the only thing for it was to come...
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