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National Park Service Historical Handbook Series, No. 21Vicksburg National Military Park, MississippiThis publication is one of a series of handbooks describing the historical and archeological areas in the National Park System administered by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior. It is printed by the Government...
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CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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Angels of the BattlefieldAngels of the Battlefield - A History of the Labors of the Catholic Sisterhoods in the Late Civil WarThe object of this volume is to present in as consecutive and comprehensive form as possible the history of the Catholic Sisterhoods in the late Civil...
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CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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Griechischer FrühlingGriechischer Frühling Ich befinde mich auf einem Lloyddampfer im Hafen von Triest. Zur Not haben wir in Kabinen zweiter Klasse noch Platz gefunden. Es ist ziemlich ungemtlich. Allmhlich lt jedoch das Laufen, Schreien und Rennen der Gepcktrger nach und das Arbeiten der Krane. Man...
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CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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The Russo-Japanese Conflict: Its Causes and IssuesThe Russo-Japanese Conflict: Its Causes and IssuesThis is an attempt to present in a verifiable form some of the issues and the historical causes of the war now waged between Russia and Japan. Powerfully as it appeals to me, I would not have discussed...
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CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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Selections from Saint-SimonSelections from Saint-SimonPeople who are old enough to write memoirs have usually lost their memory. This epigrammatic remark with which a recent writer, not old enough to have lost his memory, opens his reminiscences, has considerable truth in it. Historians now recognise that memoirs...
- CHF 5.69
CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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Master Simon's Garden: A StoryMaster Simon's Garden: A StoryOld Goody Parsons, with her cleanest white kerchief, her most sorrowful expression of face and her biggest brown basket, had gone down through the village and across the hill to tell Master Simon what a long, hard winter it had...
- CHF 5.69
CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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Crystal River Saga: Lore of the Colorado RockiesCrystal River Saga: Lore of the Colorado RockiesI came to Marble, Colo. in 1923 while it was still a very active thriving little city. My first husband, Theodore (Ted) A. Herman, worked in the marble mill almost twenty years: then after a few years...
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CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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The Romance of Wills and TestamentsThe Romance of Wills and TestamentsBy way of preface it is necessary to explain the sources from which the material for the following pages is taken. The chief feature of these essays consists, I think, in the large amount of original matter rescued from...
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CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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Outlines of Jewish History from B.C. 586 to C.E. 1885Outlines of Jewish History from B.C. 586 to C.E. 1885 THESE Outlines of Jewish History are the result of a proposal which was made to me, some two years back, by the administrators of the Jacob Franklin Trust, to write a book which should...
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CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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Seventeen trips through SomálilandSeventeen trips through Somáliland - A record of exploration & big game shooting, 1885 to 1893Somliland, the new British Protectorate, is in some respects one of the most interesting regions of the African Continent. In the present daily life of its natives we have...
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CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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Adventures in Holland and at Waterloo and Expedition to PortugalAdventures in Holland and at Waterloo; and Expedition to PortugalAbout thirty-three years ago, Thomas Knight (the author of this work) published a very interesting account of his adventures. A few members of the Stock Exchange bore the principal portion of the expense of printing...
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CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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Decisive Battles of AmericaDecisive Battles of AmericaAmerica was discovered in a search for trade routes, but our country has been in larger part maintained and transmitted to us directly or indirectly as the result of war. Almost from the outset there were conflicting claims on the part...
- CHF 5.69
CHF 84.33- CHF 5.69
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The History Teacher's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 5, January 1910The History Teacher's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 5, January 1910This text-book is designed for elementary college classes, having already proved successful as a basis of Freshman instruction in Indiana University. It gives a general survey of mediaeval history from Charlemagne to the close of...
- CHF 5.69
CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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The Comanches: A History of White's Battalion, Virginia CavalryThe Comanches: A History of White's Battalion, Virginia CavalryTo the Members of the Thirty-Fifth Virginia Cavalry: The following pages have been prepared under many and great difficulties, and while they exhibit the history of the command we were so proud of in the dark...
- CHF 5.69
CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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Naval Actions of the War of 1812Naval Actions of the War of 1812To study the condition of affairs that led up to the declaration of the second war against Great Britain we have but to turn to the sea. Although England, it must be confessed, had plenty of fighting on...
- CHF 5.69
CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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A History of Jefferson, Marion County, Texas, 1836-1936A History of Jefferson, Marion County, Texas, 1836-1936From the region of the Upper Trinity and the headwaters of the Sabine, each traveler tells us, as he passes, some new tale of how the wilderness is falling under the axe of the builders of habitations...
- CHF 5.69
CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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The Isle of Vanishing Men: A Narrative of Adventure in Cannibal-landThe Isle of Vanishing Men: A Narrative of Adventure in Cannibal-landTwo bells tinkles within the masters cabin, and the quartermaster on the bridge repeats the announcement of nine oclock with two strokes upon the bronze bell near his station at the wheel. It is...
- CHF 5.69
CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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A history of postal agitation from 50 years ago till the present dayA history of postal agitation from fifty years ago till the present dayThe long continuance of agitation and disaffection in the postal service would seem almost to entitle the public to the belief that the Post-Office is a place where the Englishmans privilege, which...
- CHF 5.69
CHF 51.11- CHF 5.69
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The Middle Kingdom, Volume 1 (of 2)The Middle Kingdom, Volume 1 (of 2) - A Survey of the Geography, Government, Literature, Social Life, Arts, and History of the Chinese Empire and its InhabitantsDuring the thirty-five years which have elapsed since the first edition of this work was issued, a greater...
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CHF 84.33- CHF 5.69
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Mysterious JapanMysterious JapanA peculiar ocean, the Pacific. A large and lonely ocean with few ships and many rutty spots that need mending. Ploughing westward over its restless surface for a week, you come to the place where East meets West with a bump that dislocates...
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CHF 84.33- CHF 5.69
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