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Zigzag Journeys in the Camel Country: Arabia in Picture and StoryZigzag Journeys in the Camel Country: Arabia in Picture and StoryHere is another book of pictures and stories for the big children and small grown-up folks who enjoyed reading Topsy Turvy Land and want to know more about Arabia. A great part of this...
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The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 8 (of 9)The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 8 (of 9) - Being His Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports, Messages, Addresses, and Other Writings, Official and Private Called upon to undertake the duties of the first executive office of our country, I avail myself of the presence of...
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Madame Sans-Gêne, Tome 2Madame Sans-Gêne, Tome 2 - La MaréchaleUne femme de chambre passa le bout de son museau rose et fut dans lentrebillement et, sapprochant dun lit Jacob, vastes bateaux dacajou, coiff dune couronne do tombaient deux 2 grands rideaux ramages, dit, en mesurant la voix:...
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CHF 50.81- CHF 5.65
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From Convent to Conflict Or, A Nun's Account of the Invasion of BelgiumFrom Convent to Conflict; Or, A Nun's Account of the Invasion of BelgiumLa Suprieure du Couvent des Filles de Marie a Willebroeck, Province dAnvers, en Belgique dclare par la prsente que ses soeurs Marie Antoine et Marie Cecile sont envoyes aux Extats Unis, a...
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CHF 50.81- CHF 5.65
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A Boy of Old JapanA Boy of Old JapanI am under deep obligations to the publishers, for giving me an opportunity to tell the story of the rejuvenation of Japan. I was a witness, although at that time I did not comprehend the movement, but I, and those...
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CHF 83.84- CHF 5.65
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Kultur in CartoonsKultur in Cartoons - With accompanying notes by well-known English writersPurchasers of Kultur in Cartoons may be interested to know that this present work is a companion volume to Raemaekers Cartoons, issued in 1916. Raemaekers Cartoons includes many of the artists earlier work, dealing...
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CHF 50.81- CHF 5.65
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Men and MeasuresMen and MeasuresThis history is the development of a short story of the Imperial System of Weights and Measures published eleven years ago, but withdrawn when this fuller work took shape. To have made it at all complete would have required a long lifetime...
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CHF 50.81- CHF 5.65
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Tudor school-boy life: the dialogues of Juan Luis VivesTudor school-boy life: the dialogues of Juan Luis VivesErasmus was born in 1466, Bud (Budaeus) in 1468, and Vives in 1492. These great men were regarded by their contemporaries as a triumvirate of leaders of the Renascence movement, at any rate outside of Italy....
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CHF 83.84- CHF 5.65
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Derelicts: An Account of Ships Lost at Sea in General Commercial TrafficDerelicts: An Account of Ships Lost at Sea in General Commercial Traffic - And a Brief History of Blockade Runners Stranded Along the North Carolina Coast, 1861-1865 An Account of Ships Lost at Sea in General Commercial Traffic and a Brief History of Blockade...
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The Comical Pilgrim; or, Travels of a Cynick Philosopher..The Comical Pilgrim; or, Travels of a Cynick Philosopher... - Thro' the most Wicked Parts of the World, Namely, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and HollandAs Prefaces now are become common to every Production of the Press, I am resolvd to be in the Fashion...
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I'r Aifft Ac Yn OlI'r Aifft Ac Yn OlMAE llawer wedi ei ysgrifenu ar ymweliadau r Aifft a Chanaan, o dro i dro, mewn ieithoedd eraill yn gystal ag yn y Gymraeg. Ond credaf fod lle ir llyfr hwn, am ei fod yn wahanol ir rhan fwyaf, os...
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CHF 50.81- CHF 5.65
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La mythologie du RhinLa mythologie du RhinQuoique n en Suisse, dans le pays des Grisons, quoique ctoyant ou traversant une partie de la France, et allant ensuite, aprs un long et [4]magnifique parcours, sabsorber dans les nombreux canaux de la Hollande, le Rhin est un fleuve essentiellement...
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CHF 50.81- CHF 5.65
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Italian FantasiesItalian FantasiesI too have crossed the Alps, and Hannibal himself had no such baggage of dreams and memories, such fife-and-drum of lyrics, such horns of ivory, such emblazoned standards and streamered gonfalons, flying and fluttering, such phalanxes of heroes, such visions of cities to...
- CHF 5.65
CHF 83.84- CHF 5.65
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When We Were Strolling Players in the EastWhen We Were Strolling Players in the EastMy first and best thanks are due to the editors of the Pall Mall Gazette and of the Pall Mall Budget. Their kindness has enabled me to reprint here several articles that have previously appeared in one...
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CHF 50.81- CHF 5.65
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The Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society (Vol. I)The Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society (Vol. I)The American-Irish Historical Society was founded, as its constitution declares, for the study of American history generally; to investigate specially the immigration of the people of Ireland to this country, determine its numbers, examine the sources,...
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CHF 50.81- CHF 5.65
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Through Spain to the SaharaThrough Spain to the SaharaN a golden autumn afternoon we found ourselves in the old city of Tours, bound for Spain and the enchanted lands lying north of the Great Sahara. Pleasant it was to look backward and forward; backward to the busy life...
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CHF 50.81- CHF 5.65
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Geschiedenis van SurinameGeschiedenis van SurinameToen ik, gedurende den winter van 1857/8, voor een kleinen kring, in een achttal lezingen, een kort overzigt van de Geschiedenis van Suriname trachtte te geven, met het doel, om belangstelling in die kolonie en hare blanke, gekleurde en zwarte bevolking op...
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CHF 50.81- CHF 5.65
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Compendio de la historia general de América. Tomo ICompendio de la historia general de América. Tomo INota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera...
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CHF 50.81- CHF 5.65
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India and Indian EngineeringIndia and Indian Engineering. - Three lectures delivered at the Royal Engineer Institute, Chatham, in July 1872Indiaits areaphysical featuresclimatescenery. The PeopleBengaleeslanguagesHindooismcasteconservatism of the Eastthe MahomedansSikhsParsees. The English in Indiatheir difficultiesthe Anglo-Indian careerthe mutinyChristianity in Indiaarts and manufacturesgeneral character of the people. Anglo-Indian lifein the...
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CHF 50.81- CHF 5.65
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Hajamietteitä kapinaviikoilta 1/3Hajamietteitä kapinaviikoilta 1/3 - Ensimmäinen ja toinen viikkoMaanantaina 28 p:n tammikuuta. Vaikutelmia kadulta. Oikeutta ei voida jakaa. Senaatti turvassa. Lakkojulistus. Raskas taival. Lopun loppu. Isketty iskee. Eduskunta ei kokoonnu. Huhuja. Telefoonisensuuriko? "Tymies" vain. Kaduilla ammutaan. Ei tst mitn tule. Sosialismin hvi. Tmn tytyy ptty...
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CHF 50.81- CHF 5.65
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