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How the Poor Live; and, Horrible LondonHow the Poor Live; and, Horrible London - 1889 The papers which form this volume appeared originally in The Pictorial World and The Daily News. The interest now evinced in the great question of Housing the Poor leads me to hope that they will...
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The Beginnings of LibrariesThe Beginnings of LibrariesThis talk is addressed to those beginning library work as a life work. This connects library work with two significant phrases, those beginning and as a life work. This phrase as a life work suggests what is perhaps the chief value...
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William Cobbett: A Biography in Two Volumes, Vol. 1William Cobbett: A Biography in Two Volumes, Vol. 1Fear never but you shall be consistent in whatever variety of actions, so that they be each honest and natural in their hour. For of one will, the actions will be harmonious, however unlike they seem....
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Florizel's FollyFlorizel's FollyWE who live in these latter days, when Brighton, the 'London-on-the-Sea,' has a standing population of 115,873,[1] and contains 19,543 houses, can hardly realize its small beginnings. That it was known to the Romans there can be no doubt, for, about 1750, an...
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William Cobbett: A Biography in Two Volumes, Vol. 2William Cobbett: A Biography in Two Volumes, Vol. 2The summer of 1805 finds Mr. Cobbett again at Botley with his family. A letter to Wright, dated 5th July, says, I have found here a most delightful house and a more delightful garden. Preparations are...
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The History of Java, v. 1-2The History of Java, v. 1-2The first arrival of the Portuguese in the Eastern Islands was in the year 1510, when Alphonzo de Albuquerque first visited Sumatra. In the following year, Albuquerque conquered the city of Malacca, and sent to announce that event to...
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Famous Persons and PlacesFamous Persons and PlacesFor some remarks that should properly introduce much of the contents of the present volume, the reader is referred to the Preface published with a previous number of the Series, entitled Pencillings by the Way. A portion of the original Pencillings...
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Bell's English History Source BooksThe Normans in England (1066-1154)This series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is a valuablenay, an indispensableadjunct to the history lesson. It is capable of two main...
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The Letters of Gracchus on the East India QuestionThe Letters of Gracchus on the East India QuestionThe following Letters appeared in the Morning Post, at the dates which are annexed to them. The impartial Reader will find in them a strong determination, to uphold the public rights of the Country, with respect...
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Two Pilgrims' Progress from fair Florence, to the eternal city of RomeTwo Pilgrims' Progress; from fair Florence, to the eternal city of RomeWe stayed in Florence three days before we started on our pilgrimage to Rome. We needed a short rest. The railway journey straight through from London had been unusually tiresome because of our...
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He Knew Lincoln, and Other Billy Brown StoriesHe Knew Lincoln, and Other Billy Brown StoriesMore than one clue must be unravelled to reach an understanding of Abraham Lincoln. Among them there surely must be reckoned his capacity for companionship. None more catholic in his selections ever lived. All men were his...
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A correct and authentic narrative of the Indian war in FloridaA correct and authentic narrative of the Indian war in Florida - with a description of Maj. Dade's massacre, and an account of the extreme suffering, for want of provision, of the army—having been obliged to eat horses' and dogs' flesh, &c, &c.IN the...
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A Tour Up the Straits, from Gibraltar to ConstantinopleA Tour Up the Straits, from Gibraltar to Constantinople - With the Leading Events in the Present War Between the Austrians, Russians, and the Turks, to the Commencement of the Year 1789The Commander in Chief of the garrison of Gibraltar having indulged the Author...
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The Mentor: The Mediterranean, Vol. 1, Num. 39, Serial No. 39, November 10, 1913The Mentor: The Mediterranean, Vol. 1, Num. 39, Serial No. 39, November 10, 1913CONTRIBUTORSPROF. JOHN C. VAN DYKE, HAMILTON W. MABIE, PROF. ALBERT BUSHNELL HART, REAR ADMIRAL ROBERT E. PEARY, WILLIAM T. HORNADAY, DWIGHT L. ELMENDORF, HENRY T. FINCK, WILLIAM WINTER, ESTHER SINGLETON, PROF....
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The Mentor: Spain and Gibraltar, Vol. 1, Num. 31, Serial No. 31, September 15, 1913The Mentor: Spain and Gibraltar, Vol. 1, Num. 31, Serial No. 31, September 15, 1913CONTRIBUTORSPROF. JOHN C. VAN DYKE, HAMILTON W. MABIE, PROF. ALBERT BUSHNELL HART, REAR ADMIRAL ROBERT E. PEARY, WILLIAM T. HORNADAY, DWIGHT L. ELMENDORF, HENRY T. FINCK, WILLIAM WINTER, ESTHER SINGLETON,...
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The Mentor: Napoleon Bonaparte, Serial No. 38The Mentor: Napoleon Bonaparte, Serial No. 38Nobody who has lived in modern times has so stirred up the world as Napoleon Bonaparte. Nobody has upset so many old things, and started so many new ones. No man ever lived who had more faith in...
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Anna ystävämmeAnna ystävämmeI. Suuttunut naapuri. II. Anna tekee kauppoja. III. Herra Harrisonin kotona. IV. Erilaisia mielipiteit. V. Opettajaneidin ensimminen piv. VI. Kyntej perheiss. VII. Velvollisuuden tie. VIII. Kaksoiset saapuvat. IX. Makukysymys. X. Davy tarvitsee vaihtelua. XI. Koulussa. XII. Onnettomuuksien piv. XIII. Kvelyll metsss. XIV. Vltetty...
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Tanks in the Great War, 1914-1918Tanks in the Great War, 1914-1918The following work is the story of a great and unique adventure as heroic as the exploits of the Argonauts of old, and, though the time perhaps has not yet arrived wherein to judge the part played by tanks...
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Personal Sketches of His Own Times, Vol. 3 (of 3)Personal Sketches of His Own Times, Vol. 3 (of 3)To experience the approbation of the public in general must ever be gratifying to the author of any literary work, however humble may be its subject: such has been my fortunate lot as to the...
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Personal Sketches of His Own Times, Vol. 2 (of 3)Personal Sketches of His Own Times, Vol. 2 (of 3)The general approbation of a literary work must be highly gratifying to any Author. But the cordial approval of an eminent individual, whose grave, sound judgment, and profound erudition, give authenticity to his opinions, affords...
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