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United States Army in World War II. The War in the PacificLeyte: The Return to the PhilippinesThe landing of the American forces on Leyte on 20 October 1944 brought to fruition the long-cherished desire of General Douglas MacArthur to return to the Philippine Islands and avenge the humiliating reverses suffered in the early days of...
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The Sports and Pastimes of the People of EnglandThe Sports and Pastimes of the People of England - Including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants, and Pompous Spectacles from the Earliest Period to the Present TimeA GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE POPULAR SPORTS, PASTIMES, AND MILITARY GAMES, TOGETHER...
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Personal Recollections of Distinguished GeneralsPersonal Recollections of Distinguished GeneralsThe purpose of this volume is to make more familiar to the general public the actual characters of some of our great military leaders during the late war. I have attempted to portray them not as on parade, but in...
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Once Upon a Time in DelawareOnce Upon a Time in DelawareThis book is published by the Delaware Society of the Colonial Dames of America for the use, primarily, of the children of Delaware, in school and out. Its style and matter are therefor chosen to suit young readers. Many...
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Marines in World War II, Commemorative SeriesA Close Encounter: The Marine Landing on TinianThree weeks into the battle for Saipan, there was no doubt about the outcome and V Amphibious Corps (VAC) commanders began turning their attention to the next objectivethe island of Tinian, clearly visible three miles off Saipans...
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The Provinces of the Roman Empire, from Caesar to Diocletian. v. 1The Provinces of the Roman Empire, from Caesar to Diocletian. v. 1The history of Rome under the Empire presents problems similar to those encountered in the history of the earlier Republic. Such information as may be directly obtained from literary tradition is not merely...
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Jumalat janoavat: RomaaniJumalat janoavat: RomaaniTaidemaalari variste Gamelin, Davidin oppilas, Pont-Neuf-piirin eli aikaisemmin Henrik IV:n piirin jsen, oli aikaisin aamulla lhtenyt Barnabiittikirkkoon, joka jo kolme vuotta, 21 p:st toukokuuta v. 1790 lhtien, oli ollut piirin yhteisen kokouspaikkana. Tm kirkko oli ahtaalla ja pimell paikalla lhell Oikeuspalatsin aitausta....
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Mythology among the Hebrews and Its Historical DevelopmentMythology among the Hebrews and Its Historical DevelopmentThe following sheets make no claim to present a system of Hebrew Mythology. I have left out much that would necessarily be included in a system, and confined myself to a limited portion of what can be...
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The Viper of Milan: A Romance of LombardyThe Viper of Milan: A Romance of LombardySo long as man retains his reminiscent interest in the past of which he is the product, so long will he continue to take possession of that past for the purposes of imaginative expression. And so long...
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Mustalaistytön ennustus: Romaani Pärttylinyön ajoiltaMustalaistytön ennustus: Romaani Pärttylinyön ajoiltaTekijn alkusanat. I. Saksalaiset ratsumiehet. II. Seuraavana pivn. III. Nuoret hovimiehet. IV. Kntynyt. V. Saarna. YI. Puoluepllikk. VII. Puoluepllikk (jatkoa). VIII. Keskustelu kirjailijan ja lukijan vlill. IX. Hansikas. X. Metsstys. XI. Raffineerattu ja Pr-aux-Clercs. XII. Silminkntj. XIII. Hvistys. XIV. Kohtaus....
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The Invasions of EnglandThe Invasions of EnglandSince the year 1794, when England seethed with excitement through fear of a French Republican invasion, no book has been produced dealing with the invasions of England. The historical and archological work of the century that has passed has shed so...
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Phases of Irish HistoryPhases of Irish HistoryIn our early literature there are many traces of an abiding tradition that already before St. Patrick's mission there were Christians and small Christian communities here and there in Ireland. Some of the statements, especially as to the founders of certain...
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CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Lucrecia Borja: Estudio HistóricoLucrecia Borja: Estudio HistóricoOcios diplomticos. La jornada del Condestable de Castilla a Inglaterra para las paces de 1604. La embajada de Lord Nottingham a Espaa en 1605.Rubens diplomtico.Antonio Van Dyck.Madrid, 1907.En 4. Relaciones entre Espaa e Inglaterra durante la guerra de la Independencia. Apuntes...
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True Stories of the Great War, Volume 2 (of 6)True Stories of the Great War, Volume 2 (of 6) - Tales of Adventure--Heroic Deeds--Exploits Told by the Soldiers, Officers, Nurses, Diplomats, Eye Witnesses TALES OF ADVENTUREHEROIC DEEDSEXPLOITS TOLD BY THE SOLDIERS, OFFICERS, NURSES, DIPLOMATS, EYE WITNESSES Collected in Six Volumes From Official and...
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I primi due secoli della storia di Firenze, v. 2I primi due secoli della storia di Firenze, v. 2 certo che non si potr mai scrivere una vera storia nazionale d'Italia, se prima non saranno pubblicati, esaminati, studiati, con dottrina storica e giuridica ad un tempo, gli Statuti e le leggi dei nostri...
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CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Marines in World War II, Commemorative SeriesUp The Slot: Marines in the Central SolomonsOperation Watchtower was the codename assigned by the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the reduction of the Japanese stronghold at Rabaul, on the easternmost tip of New Britain Island in the Bismarck Archipelago. The plan called for...
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Histoire de la peinture en ItalieHistoire de la peinture en ItalieVous savez que, vers l'an 400 de notre re, les habitants de l'Allemagne et de la Russie, c'est--dire les hommes les plus libres, les plus intrpides et les plus froces dont l'histoire fasse mention, eurent l'ide de venir habiter...
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I primi due secoli della storia di Firenze, v. 1I primi due secoli della storia di Firenze, v. 1 Io ebbi la fortuna di conoscervi quando veniste fra noi, per condurre a termine queste ricerche. D'allora in poi, durante molti anni, potei fare lunga esperienza della vostra fida, costante, inalterabile amicizia, che ripongo...
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A History of the Durham Miner's Association 1870-1904A History of the Durham Miner's Association 1870-1904this outline of their associated history is respectfully dedicated by one who knows the hardships and dangers of their lives, who understands their character and esteems it, who has been with them in their struggles for freedom,...
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CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Joseph Pennell's Pictures of War Work in AmericaJoseph Pennell's Pictures of War Work in America - Reproductions of a series of lithographs of munition works made by him with the permission and authority of the United States government, with notes and an introduction by the artistI HAVE come back from the...
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