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The Square JawThe Square JawYou read the reports. The names of the places that have been taken, the calculations of the gains, the numbers of the prisoners, leave you cold. Words! words! It is on the field of battle, amidst the thunder of the guns and...
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Touring in 1600: A Study in the Development of Travel as a Means of EducationTouring in 1600: A Study in the Development of Travel as a Means of EducationBut thus you see we maintain a trade, not for gold, silver, nor jewels; nor for silks; nor for spices; nor any other commodity of matter; but only for God's...
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English Industries of the Middle AgesEnglish Industries of the Middle Ages - Being an Introduction to the Industrial History of Medieval EnglandThe title of this book indicates at once its aim and its limitations. It makes no pretence to be a complete history of the early industrial life of...
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Die stählerne Mauer: Reise zur deutschen Front, 1915, Zweiter TeilDie stählerne Mauer: Reise zur deutschen Front, 1915, Zweiter TeilEs gibt Bilder, die sich dem in Erregung schauenden Auge so glhend einprgen, da sie, wenn man die Lider schliet, immer wieder aus der Nacht heraustreten und in roten Linien die geschaute Wirklichkeit nachzeichnen. Ein...
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CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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The War "Stonewall" Jackson, His Campaigns and Battles, the Regiment as I Saw ThemThe War; "Stonewall" Jackson, His Campaigns and Battles, the Regiment as I Saw ThemThese brief memoirs of the War between the States have been written with care. More elaborate detail might have been employed but habits of a professional life have led to terseness...
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Kerjäläissoturit: Historiallinen romaaniKerjäläissoturit: Historiallinen romaaniI. Yleiskatsaus. II. Kaksi siivoa Kerjlist. III. Ketun koukku. IV. Kaksi keskustelua. V. Itseens tyytyvinen mies. VI. Vaarallinen kohtaus. VII. "Ad patibulum". VIII. Kerjlisten pes. IX. Valinta. X. Kiinni. XI. Pikkuinen tiikeri. XII. Liha on heikko. XIII. Herra ja palvelija. XIV. Elkn...
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Colin Campbell, Lord ClydeColin Campbell, Lord ClydeThe British Military Service is fertile in curious contrasts. Among the officers who sailed from England for the East in the spring of 1854 were three veterans who had soldiered under the Great Duke in Portugal and Spain. The fighting career...
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Ludwig the Second, King of BavariaLudwig the Second, King of BavariaAt the birth of Ludwig II., enigmatic as he was unfortunate, of whom I propose to give a sketch, his grandfather, the eccentric Ludwig I., was still King of Bavaria. His father, Maximilian Joseph, was the Crown Prince. The...
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Germany before the warGermany before the warAt the close of the nineteenth century and the opening of the twentieth, several efforts were made, both in Europe and America, towards the prevention of future wars, by substituting legal methods for brute force in the settlement of international disputes....
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The Gate of RemembranceThe Gate of Remembrance - The Story of the Psychological Experiment which Resulted in the Discovery of the Edgar Chapel at GlastonburyTwo problems in the script have engaged the serious attention of critics. The first and simpler of the two is that which is...
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The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. 5: Quebec, 1632-1633The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. 5: Quebec, 1632-1633Following is a synopsis of the documents contained in the present volume: XX. This document (dated Quebec, August 28, 1632) is Le Jeune's famous Relation of 1632, the first of the Cramoisy series, which were...
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CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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BerkshireBerkshireThe illustrations on pages 7, 33, 61, 84, 88, 96, 106, are from photographs by Mr Llewellyn Treacher, of Twyford; those on pages 83 and 87 are from photographs by Mr H. A. King, of Reading; those on pages 37, 40, 46, 64, 74,...
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CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Schöne Aussicht: A Journal of Our Trip AbroadSchöne Aussicht: A Journal of Our Trip AbroadSOONER or later the average mortal must be tempted in order to see whether or not he will be found wanting. Naturally the sooner the ordeal is over, the better. Just now it is a consuming desire...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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The History of the Most Noble Order of the GarterThe History of the Most Noble Order of the GarterThose who are acquainted with Mr. Ashmoles History of the most Noble Order of the Garter, will easily satisfy themselves; that no Pains or Industry was wanting to Perfect and Complete so Voluminous a Work:...
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CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Costume: Fanciful, Historical and TheatricalCostume: Fanciful, Historical and TheatricalWe agreed then that we were both most keenly interested in dress, regarding it as one of the fine and essential arts; and we decided that we would try to preach its best doctrines and traditions to the world at...
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CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Campaigning in Kaffirland Or, Scenes and Adventures in the Kaffir War of 1851-52Campaigning in Kaffirland; Or, Scenes and Adventures in the Kaffir War of 1851-52The following pages make no pretension to a detailed history of the military operations of the Kaffir War. Written during leisure hours, in a lonely fort, or by the camp fire after...
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CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Robinson in Australien: Ein Lehr- und Lesebuch für gute KinderRobinson in Australien: Ein Lehr- und Lesebuch für gute KinderHoffentlich, meine Geliebten, erzeuge ich Euch einen Gefallen mit diesem neuen Robinson; einmal, weil mir fortwhrend von vielen lieben Kindern die Versicherung gegeben wird, da sie meine Jugendschriften gerne lesen; dann aber auch, weil der...
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With the Flag to Pretoria: A History of the Boer War of 1899-1900. Volume 1With the Flag to Pretoria: A History of the Boer War of 1899-1900. Volume 1The chief point of interest in the South African war, apart from its political aspect, will always be that it was the first great struggle fought out under the new...
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CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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The Last Days of Fort Vaux, March 9-June 7, 1916The Last Days of Fort Vaux, March 9-June 7, 1916Verdunthose two syllables that have already become historic ring out to-day like the brazen tones of a trumpet. In France, no one can hear them without a thrill of pride. In England, in America, if...
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CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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A Concise Chronicle of Events of the Great WarA Concise Chronicle of Events of the Great WarI trust that this chronicle of the chief events of the war will prove a useful and an interesting record. It has been decided to omit maps, because their inclusion within bounds less than cumbersome would...
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