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Hildebrand or, The Days of Queen Elizabeth, An Historic Romance, Vol. 2 of 3Hildebrand; or, The Days of Queen Elizabeth, An Historic Romance, Vol. 2 of 3Life is subject to certain moral influences, arising from external impressions, which are no less mysterious than its elements and progress. Under the operation of these influences, we are prone to...
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The American Postal ServiceThe American Postal Service - History of the Postal Service from the Earliest TimesThis little work on postal affairs aims to familiarize postal employes and others with the operations of the Post Office Department in all its varied and numerous details. No attempt was...
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A road-book to old ChelseaA road-book to old ChelseaOF the making of books about Chelsea, may there never be an end, so rich and unexhausted is our history, so inspiring to those who labour in its service! Every year, as fresh records become accessible, Chelsea is presented to...
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ChoffardChoffardYou may never have heard of Choffard and never have seen his work, but if any production from his hand should be brought before your eyes, however insignificant, and you fail to admire it, then it is to confess that no artistic corner exists...
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The Land's End: A Naturalist's Impressions In West Cornwall, IllustratedThe Land's End: A Naturalist's Impressions In West Cornwall, Illustrated England's "observables"Why I delayed visiting CornwallA vision of the Land's End-Flight to St. Ives-Climate-The old town-The fishermen-Their love of children-Drowned babesThe fishing fleet going out at sunset-Old memories suggested-Jackdaws at St. IvesFeeding the birdsA...
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Heroes of To-DayHeroes of To-DayThere are no heroes to-day, no real heroes, are there? put in another. Oh, of course I know there are great men who do important things, he added, but there isnt any story to what they do, is there?anything like the daring...
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Hildebrand or, The Days of Queen Elizabeth, An Historic Romance, Vol. 1 of 3Hildebrand; or, The Days of Queen Elizabeth, An Historic Romance, Vol. 1 of 3Frugal and wise, a Walsingham is thine; A Drake, who made thee mistress of the sea, And bore thy name in thunder round the world. Then flamed thy spirit high; but...
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Histoire de France (Volume 1/19)Histoire de France (Volume 1/19)Elle avait des annales, et non point une histoire. Des hommes minents l'avaient tudie surtout au point de vue politique. Nul n'avait pntr dans l'infini dtail des dveloppements divers de son activit (religieuse, conomique, artistique, etc.). Nul ne l'avait encore...
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The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 37, 1669-1676The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 37, 1669-1676 - Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those...
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A True Account of the Battle of Jutland, May 31, 1916A True Account of the Battle of Jutland, May 31, 1916The following is an account of the essential facts of the Battle of Jutland, amplified from the review in the authors book, A Guide to the Military History of The World War, 19141918, published...
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The Archaeology and Prehistoric Annals of ScotlandThe Archæology and Prehistoric Annals of ScotlandHistory which is derived from written materials must necessarily begin only where civilisation has advanced to so ripe a state, that the songs of the bard, and the traditions of the priest, have ceased to satisfy the cravings...
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Myladyn poika: Historiallinen romaaniMyladyn poika: Historiallinen romaani Johdanto. 1. Richelieun haamu. 2. Yllinen kierros. 3. Vanhat kiistakumppanukset. 4. Itvallan Anna kuudenviidett vanhana. 5. Gascognelainen ja italialainen. 6. D'Artagnan neljnkymmenen ikisen. 7. D'Artagnan on ymmll, mutta muuan vanha tuttavamme tulee apuun. 8. Kuinka erilainen teho puolella pistolilla voi...
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The Curiosities of Dudley and the Black Country, From 1800 to 1860The Curiosities of Dudley and the Black Country, From 1800 to 1860 - Also an Account of the Trials and Sufferings of Dud Dudley, with His Mettallum Martis: Etc.In placing the following pages before the attention of the inhabitants of Dudley and its vicinity,...
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Als U-Boots-Kommandant gegen EnglandAls U-Boots-Kommandant gegen EnglandAlljhrlich, ungefhr zur Zeit der groen Herbstmanver, erfolgen in der Kaiserlichen Marine die Neukommandierungen der Offiziere fr das am 1.Oktober jeden Jahres beginnende neue Ausbildungsjahr. Dem Auenstehenden kann kaum verstndlich sein, was sie fr uns Marineoffiziere alles bedeuten! Wohl bringt auch...
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Jersey City and Its Historic SitesJersey City and Its Historic SitesAt a meeting of the Committee January 5th, 1898, one of the subjects for the day was "Jersey City's Old Landmarks." In the discussion that followed, Miss M. Louise Edge moved that Mrs. Eaton be requested to write a...
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An Old Man's PrayerAn Old Man's PrayerThis simple story will be recognized by many throughout New England to whom the author has had the pleasure of reciting it. Frequent requests that he would place it in shape for preservation have emboldened him to issue it in its...
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Kihlautuneet: Historiallinen romaaniKihlautuneet: Historiallinen romaani"Historiaa saattaa syyst mritell kuuluisaksi sodaksi, jota kydn Aikaa vastaan, historia kun net riist sen ksist vuodet, nuo ajan vangit, tai oikeammin vainajat, hertten ne jlleen eloon, asettaa ne rintamaan ja jrjest ne uudelleen taisteluun. Mutta ne mainehikkaat sankarit, jotka tll tanterella...
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The Chief Periods of European HistoryThe Chief Periods of European History - Six lectures read in the University of Oxford in Trinity term, 1885These are the Lectures referred to in the last paragraph of the Preface to the course on the Methods of Historical Study, lately published. I have...
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Time Telling through the AgesTime Telling through the AgesIn the midst of the world war, when ordinary forms of celebration seemed unsuitable, this book was conceived by Robt. H. Ingersoll & Bro., as a fitting memento of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of their entrance into the watch industry, and...
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The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898—Volume 34 of 55, 1519-1522; 1280-1605The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898—Volume 34 of 55, 1519-1522; 1280-1605 - Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions...
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