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The Anti-Slavery Record, Volume 1, No. 7The Anti-Slavery Record, Volume 1, No. 7This man was arrested as a fugitive, by a Virginia planter, and imprisoned in Bridewell, where he remained eighteen months. The inmates of the prison knew him well, and they were always ready to speak a good word...
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The Tower of London, (Vol. 2 of 2)The Tower of London, (Vol. 2 of 2)In Nicholss Progresses, that mine of information regarding James I., his court and times, it is related that James paid his first visit to the Tower on 3rd May 1603, when His Majesty set forward from the...
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With our army in FlandersWith our army in FlandersIn the words of the Chief of the Italian General Staff, the war correspondent is the link between that part of the nation that fights and that part which is watchinga noble and fertile mission, as great as any mission...
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Anti-Slavery Tracts No. 14"How Can I Help to Abolish Slavery?" or, Counsels to the Newly ConvertedYes, my friend, I can resolve your question. Twenty years of actual experience qualify one to reply. I have stood, as you now stand, on the threshold of this grandest undertaking of...
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Memories, by Admiral of the Fleet Lord FisherMemories, by Admiral of the Fleet Lord FisherNot long ago a gentleman enclosed me the manuscript of his book, and asked me for a preface. I had never heard of him. He reminded me of Mark Twain in a similar casethe gentleman in a...
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A természettudomány fejlődésének története (2. kötet)A természettudomány fejlődésének története (2. kötet)Galilei sorsban ppen tban volt a dnt fordulat, mikor Regensburgban 1630 novemberben bezrult az egyetlen embernek lete, aki teljes nagysgban llott mellette: Kepler Jnos (szl. 1571-ben, a svbfldi Weil-der Stadt-ban). Kepler plyja valsgos regny, rdekfesztbb, mint amilyet klt fantzija...
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A természettudomány fejlődésének története (1. kötet)A természettudomány fejlődésének története (1. kötet)Mintegy tkrkpe ennek a nagy, vajud kzdelemnek, ami szkebb keretben elnkbe lp, amikor megprbljuk nyomon kvetni a vilgrl val szellemi felfogst, amint az emberi kultura csekly szmu vezredeinek folyamn utat trt magnak. Itt is, ott is kezdetben ttova kdk...
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Magdalena Rudenschöld: Historiallinen kertomus Kustaa III:n ja herttua-hallitsijan ajoiltaMagdalena Rudenschöld: Historiallinen kertomus Kustaa III:n ja herttua-hallitsijan ajoiltaRaskaiden akuttimien vlist pilkisti aurinko huoneesen ja heitti leven, loistavan valonsteen ersen nuoreen tyttn, joka seisoi kuultelevassa asemassa, p hiukan nykllns, huoneen keskell jonka toinen ovi oli jtetty puoleksi auki. Ers harso-ompeluskeh oli huolimattomasti heitetty korkeanojaiselle...
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Les villes d'art célèbresCaen et Bayeux Les numros de page indiqus dans la TABLE DES ILLUSTRATIONS sont ceux de louvrage original. Dans le prsent document, pour des raisons de mise en page, les illustrations peuvent apparaitre sur des pages voisines. Que le lecteur ne sattende point trouver...
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CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Greek Lands and LettersGreek Lands and LettersThe purpose of this book is to interpret Greek lands by literature, and Greek literature by local associations and the physical environment. Those who possess an intimate acquaintance with Greek or who have the good fortune to stay long in Greece...
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CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Sana: RomaaniSana: Romaani"Sana, yksi sana vaan!" huudahti reipas pojanni ja sit seurasi voimakas ksien yhteen lynti ja mets kajahti helest naurusta. Thn saakka oli ollut hiljaista petjin oksissa ja pykkipuiden latvoissa. Metskyyhkynen yhtyi pojan nauruun ja nrhi, joka ksien taputuksesta oli sikhtnyt, levitti ruskeat, kauniilla...
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Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 1-3Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 1-3 - Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeInhalt: Auf Grenzpfaden Bergwinter Deutsche Heimat, deutsches Lied Der mde Weber Denkmalpflege in Sachsen Sturm um Rathausdach und Giebel oder Heimatschutz vor siebzig Jahren Drei Wandertage im Erzgebirge Bunte Gassen,...
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My Secret Service: Vienna, Sophia, Constantinople, Nish, Belgrade, Asia Minor, etcMy Secret Service: Vienna, Sophia, Constantinople, Nish, Belgrade, Asia Minor, etc.I am not a spy, that I wish to make abundantly clear; I am a journalist, and I love my profession. Equally well I love adventure and sport, the greatest sport in the world,...
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A nagy katasztrófa: 1914-1920A nagy katasztrófa: 1914-1920Ez a kis ktet a vilghbornak, a hbor elzmnyeinek s kvetkezmnyeinek az ismertetse egy angol rnak, H. G. Wellsnek a megltsban. Wells nevt nagyon jl ismeri a magyar olvas. Elszr fantasztikus regnyei szereztek neki Verne-szer npszersget, azutn egyre jobban elmlyl trsadalmi...
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Through Russian Central AsiaThrough Russian Central AsiaTHE journey recorded in these pages was made in the summer before the great war, and although the record of my impressions and the story of my adventures were fully written in my road diary and in the articles I sent...
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Working Life of Women in the 17th CenturyWorking Life of Women in the Seventeenth CenturyThe investigation, whose conclusions are partly described in the following treatise, was undertaken with a view to discovering the actual circumstances of womens lives in the Seventeenth Century. It is perhaps impossible to divest historical enquiry from...
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De l'Allemagne t. 2De l'Allemagne; t. 2Depuis que Schiller est mort, et que Gthe ne compose plus pour le thtre, le premier des crivains dramatiques de lAllemagne, cest Werner: personne na su mieux que lui rpandre sur les tragdies le charme et la dignit de la posie...
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The cruise of the "Dunottar Castle"The Cruise of the Royal Mail Steamer Dunottar Castle Round Scotland on Her Trial TripThe first suggestion of this Record of a very charming trip came from Sir Donald Currie, the genial and courteous Host of our palatial House Boat. Others pressed the task...
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3 addresses on the relations subsisting between the white and colored people of the United StatesThree addresses on the relations subsisting between the white and colored people of the United StatesFellow-Citizens: Charged with the responsibility and duty of doing what we may to advance the interest and promote the general welfare of a people lately enslaved, and who, though...
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Uhkea markiisiUhkea markiisiI. Vedonlynti II. Kuninkaan toivomukset III. Ren de Lespiron IV. Tytt kuutamossa V. Varakreivi de Lavdan VI. Toipuvana VII. Eustachen vihamielisyys VIII. Valokuva IX. inen hlytys X. Kuolleistanoussut XI. Kuninkaan kskynhaltija XII. Toulousen tuomioistuin XIII. Yhdennelltoista hetkell XIV. Salaa kuuntelemassa XV. Herra de...
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