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The Vat/Gst Treatment of Public BodiesMost VAT systems exclude public bodies from the scope of value added tax (VAT) systems. However, a movement to include public sector bodies within the GST system to some extent or even fully (as in New Zealand) is gaining momentum, and underlies the European...
- CHF 453.92
- CHF 453.92
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American Private International LawThis volume is an authoritative and complete yet compact presentation of private international lawand#8212;or and#8216;conflict of lawsand#8217;and#8212;in the United States of America. Its author is a and#8220;conflicts giantand#8221; (60 Stanford Law Review 247 at 249 (2007)) and and#8220;the worldand#8217;s leading expert on comparative conflicts...
- CHF 352.10
- CHF 352.10
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Die Stpo in FallenDas Werk vermittelt Rechtsreferendaren und Studenten der Rechtswissenschaften anhand von ca. 100 kurzen Fallen die Grundlagen des Strafprozessrechts und befahigt sie, diese bei der Klausurbearbeitung und bei der Bewaltigung der praktischen Aufgaben in der Strafstation umzusetzen. Der Schwerpunkt der Fallsammlung liegt auf der Darstellung...
- CHF 60.11
- CHF 60.11
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Die Europaische Zentralbank: Von Technokratischer Behorde Zu Politischem Akteur?Auch wenn die Europaische Zentralbank zu keinem Zeitpunkt eine interessenlose technokratische Behorde war, wird sie spatestens seit der Eurokrise auch von einer grosseren Offentlichkeit als bedeutender politischer Akteur wahrgenommen. Unter der neuen Prasidentin will sie auch eine Rolle bei der Bekampfung des Klimawandels ubernehmen....
- CHF 62.93
- CHF 62.93
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Mediation Und Zivilprozess: Dogmatische Grundlagen Einer Allgemeinen KonfliktbehandlungslehreDie Mediation gewinnt in Wissenschaft und Praxis zunehmend an Bedeutung. Ihr Verhaltnis zum Zivilprozess sowie ihr dogmatischer Standort sind dagegen noch weitgehend ungeklart, ihre rechtsphilosophischen Grundlagen terra incognita . Insbesondere das Spannungsverhaltnis der immanenten Antinomien beider Verfahren, die in der gerichtsverbundenen Mediation wie in...
- CHF 450.86
- CHF 450.86
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Die Menschenwurde ALS Prinzip Des Rechts: Eine Rechtsphilosophische RekonstruktionDer Menschenwurdebegriff ist in den letzten Jahren in eine Krise geraten. Neben die Vorwurfe der Unklarheit und Beliebigkeit treten Aporien, die sich aus der Auslegung der Menschenwurdegarantie als eines speziellen Rechts neben und uber den weiteren Grundrechten ergeben. Das philosophische Unbehagen an der Menschenwurde...
- CHF 283.51
- CHF 283.51
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Eu-Prozessrecht: Mit Aufbaumustern Und PrufungsubersichtenEnglish summary: aDas seit 10 Jahren bewahrte Lehrbuch stellt nach einer Einfuhrung in die Funktionen der Gemeinschaftsgerichtsbarkeit deren gesamtes Verfahrensrecht dar, von der Organisation uber den Verfahrensablaufuber die einzelnen Rechtsschutzformen bis zum einstweiligenRechtsschutz. Dabei zeichnet es sich durch eine ausserst sorgfaltige Auswertung der EuGH-Judikatur...
- CHF 99.94
- CHF 99.94
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Conducting Parenting Capacity AssessmentsChild welfare professionals, legal counsel, and judges will find this manual to be an indispensable reference with which to inform and structure their effort to advance what is in the best interest of a child at risk. Dr. Alexander T. Polgar created this remarkably...
- CHF 36.50
- CHF 36.50
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Prison Legal Guide: The Facts You Need to Succeed in the Judicial ArenaThe laws of the U.S. Judicial system are complex, complicated, and always growing and changing. Many prisoners spend days on end digging through its intricacies. Pile on top of the legal code the rules and regulations of a correctional facility, and you can see...
- CHF 45.07
- CHF 45.07
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Civil Law Vocabulary in Use: Master 350+ Essential Civil Law Terms and Phrases Explained with Examples in 10 Minutes a DayDownloaded by over 15,000 people...# ReleaseHurry up and get YOUR copy NOW❗Master 350+ Essential Civil Law Terms And Phrases Explained With Examples In 10 Minutes A Day With a clear, concise, and engaging writing style, Johnny Chuong will provides you over 350 civil law...
- CHF 14.47
- CHF 14.47
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Basics of ... Starting a Florida Business"Want to start your own business? It's easier than you think. This book that offers legal advice on starting a Florida business in simple terms that anyone can follow." - Diane Brady, President, Consumer Products Marketing Group "Simply explained, easy to understand ..." -...
- CHF 32.30
- CHF 32.30
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The Constitution of the State of ColoradoThis handy reference contains the full text of the Colorado State Constitution. Whether you're studying the state government or you just want to read the document upon which all of Colorado's laws rest, this is the guide for you. The text contained in this...
- CHF 19.31
- CHF 19.31
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California Laws Relating to Minors The Redbook: 2016 EditionThe purpose of this publication is to bring together selected references relating to children, youth and schools from the various California and related codes. It is designed for ease of reference and immediate availability. It is not intended to be a complete duplication of...
- CHF 173.26
- CHF 173.26
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Spanish-English Dictionary of Law and Business2nd edition of bestselling Spanish to English dictionary of legal and business terminology from all 20 Spanish-speaking countries, over twice the size of the first edition. Contains the latest legal and financial terms in Spanish and offers explanations of many of them. Includes examples...
- CHF 96.53
- CHF 96.53
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Chasing Moore's Law: Information Technology Policy in the United StatesThis book provides an introductory overview to all of the major policy issues in the United States related to information technology. These issues include federal funding of research that helped to create the Internet; telecommunications issues such as regulations about wireless technologies; computer security...
- CHF 56.59
- CHF 56.59
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A Treatise on the Alteration of MoneyIn this treatise we find an insightful analysis concerning how monetary debasement and inflation increase prices, which proceeds to illustrate how such increases do not affect everyone equally-in effect, causing a revolution in fortunes. In a parallel argument, Mariana explains how government, if given...
- CHF 16.03
- CHF 16.03
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The London Hanged: Crime And Civil Society In The Eighteenth CenturyPeter Linebaugh's groundbreaking history has become an inescapable part of any understanding of the rise of capitalism. In eighteenth-century London the spectacle of a hanging was not simply a form of punishing transgressors. Rather it evidently served the most sinister purpose--for a prvileged ruling...
- CHF 62.72
- CHF 62.72
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Advanced Issues in International and European Tax LawThis book examines recent developments and high-profile debates that have arisen in the field of international tax law and European tax law. Topics such as international tax avoidance, corporate social responsibility, good governance in tax matters, harmful tax competition, state aid, tax treaty abuse...
- CHF 268.37
- CHF 268.37
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Environmental Principles and the Evolution of Environmental LawEnvironmental principles - from the polluter pays and precautionary principles to the principles of integration and sustainability - proliferate in domestic and international legal and policy discourse, reflecting key goals of environmental protection and sustainable development on which there is apparent political consensus. Environmental...
- CHF 236.16
- CHF 236.16
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The Pro Se Section 1983 ManualThe Pro Se Section 1983 ManualThis book is an invaluable and indispensable resource for the pro se inmate seeking to protect their constitutional rights in prison and obtaining reform. Comprehensive, precise, and layman guidance provides pro se inmates with information regarding: -Conditions of Confinement-Civil...
- CHF 45.07
- CHF 45.07
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