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A Secret of the Sea: A Novel. Vol. 1 (of 3)A Secret of the Sea: A Novel. Vol. 1 (of 3)It was a December morning, clear and frosty. The timepiece in the office of Matthew Kelvin, attorney-at-law, Pembridge, Hertfordshire, racing noisily after the grave old Abbey clock which had just done chiming, pointed to...
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CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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Helianth. Band 1Helianth. Band 1 - Bilder aus dem Leben zweier Menschen von heute und aus der norddeutschen Tiefebene Georg, zum Abgrunde des Sommers hinabgesunken, lag in der Tiefe des Grillenmeers. ber ihm hoch, in einer schnen Ewigkeit gab es einen Vormittag, Insel der Sonnenfriedlichkeit, und...
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CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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Ontrein tarinoitaOntrein tarinoitaHn oli matkalla Karjalan pyhill mailla omin silmin nhdkseen sit, joka oli lapsuudesta saakka hnen mielikuvitustansa kiehtonut. Salon kapeata polkua hn astuu ja kun hn silm taakseen, siell perss pyrkiv toveriaan, kuvastuu kasvoille malttamaton ilme, joka kuitenkin pian vaihtuu hymyksi ja leikiksi; hnt...
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CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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Doctor IzardDoctor IzardIT was after midnight. Quiet had settled over the hospital, and in Ward 13 there was no sound and scarcely a movement. The nurse, a strong and beautiful figure, had fallen into a reverie, and the two patients, which were all the ward...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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VankeuteniVankeuteniSilvio Pellico syntyi Saluzzo'ssa Piemont'issa vuonna 1789. Hnen isns oli virkamies sota-asiain osastossa Milano'ssa ja jlestpin Turin'issa. Jonkun aikaa Franskassa vietettyn hn yhtyi isns Milano'ssa ja mrttiin Franskan kielen professoriksi sotilas-orpojen seminariin samassa kaupungissa. Sydmen pohjasta harrastaen kirjallisuutta ja vapautta hn rakensi tuttavuutta Ugo...
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CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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The Loudwater TragedyThe Loudwater Tragedy"My Dear Phil.--By this post I send you a copy of a certain penny weekly journal entitled The Family Cornucopia, which, for lack of something better to read, I picked up the other day at a bookstall while on my way to...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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The Secret of Wyvern TowersThe Secret of Wyvern TowersBeing an account of the circumstances that shadowed the happiness of Felix Drelincourt--Why two persons proclaimed themselves guilty of a fearful crime, on account of which a vagabond's life was placed in jeopardy--The blotting out of an identity brought about...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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A Barren Title: A NovelA Barren Title: A NovelIt was a sunny February afternoon when Mr. John Fildew put his nose--aquiline and slightly purple as to its ridge--outside the door of his lodgings for the first time that day, and remarked to himself, with a shiver, that the...
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CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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La fabrique de mariages, Vol. 4La fabrique de mariages, Vol. 4Cest un lieu plus singulier encore que son enseigne... Ne vous tonne-t-il pas un peu quil y ait un rapport quelconque entre madame la marquise de Sainte-Croix et le chteau de la Savate? Plus que jamais... Je disais lautre...
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CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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Democracy in France. January 1849Democracy in France. January 1849I venture to believe that nothing will be found in the following pages which bears the impress of my personal situation. While events of such magnitude are passing before his eyes, a man who did not forget himself would deserve...
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CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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The Heart of EnglandThe Heart of EnglandThis Series opens with a new work by Mr. Edward Thomas, that curious and enthusiastic explorer of the English Countryside, whose prose style gives him a claim to be regarded as the successor, as he is the biographer, of Richard Jefferies....
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CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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A Noszty fiu esete Tóth Marival (2. kötet)A Noszty fiu esete Tóth Marival (2. kötet)Biz az pedig valsgosan Velkovics Rozlia volt s nincs benne semmi rdngssg, hogy volt, hiszen tudjuk, hogy Velkovics Gyrgy uram s csaldja minden vben Somlyn tlt nhny napot. Trencsnben ms a bon-ton, mint egyebtt. A trencsni high-life...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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A Noszty fiu esete Tóth Marival (1. kötet)A Noszty fiu esete Tóth Marival (1. kötet)Mikszth Klmn annak a nemzedknek szellemt kpviseli irodalmunkban, a mely gyermekkort az abszolutizmus idejben tlttte ugyan, de mr a kiegyezs utni vilgban cseperedett fel s lpett ki az letbe. Mint a korszak jellemz kpviseli csaknem mind, is...
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CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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Maanalaiset: Seikkailuromaani kapinahankkeiden vakoilustaMaanalaiset: Seikkailuromaani kapinahankkeiden vakoilustaKivinen kiirehti alkoovin taa ja sielt alkoi kuulua laatikoitten aukomista ja sulkemista. Koskela ojentautui mukavasti nojatuolissa ja sytytti savukkeen. Hn oli vhn alle keskipituinen, mutta hartiakas, tanakka. Kasvot olivat jyrkkpiirteiset, leuka voimakas, iho ahavoittunut, silmt kirkkaan ruskeat, tukka lyhyeksi sotilasmaisesti leikattu....
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CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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PeterPeterThe two who mattered were lounging on the cushioned seat in the low window, of which the lower panes had been pushed quite up in order to admit the utmost possible influx of air. Little came in, for the afternoon was sultry and windless,...
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CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 14Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 14CE jour-l le facteur Boniface, en sortant de la maison de poste, constata que sa tourne serait moins longue que de coutume, et il en ressentit une joie vive. Il tait charg de la campagne autour...
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CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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English writers of today, no. 4Hall Caine, the Man and the NovelistIn preparing this monograph on Mr Hall Caine, I have devoted much more attention to his earlier life than to those years during which he has been before the public as a novelist. The reasons for this are...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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Limitations: A NovelLimitations: A NovelIs it, he asked, "because of the little tiny spark of the Divine which men have within them that we care for them, or because they are human not divine, limited not immeasurable, faulty not perfect? Tom Carlingford was sitting at his...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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OEuvres complètes de Gustave Flaubert, tome 6: Trois contes, suivis de mélanges inéditsŒuvres complètes de Gustave Flaubert, tome 6: Trois contes, suivis de mélanges inéditsPour cent francs par an, elle faisait la cuisine et le mnage, cousait, lavait, repassait, savait brider un cheval, engraisser les volailles, battre le beurre, et resta fidle sa matresse,qui cependant ntait...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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A fekete vér Lenczi fráterA fekete vér; Lenczi fráterPrbltk gygytani, vdekezni ellene. Megtiltottk megyeszerte a dinnye-, uborka-, gymlcsevst; a plinkaivst; a szobk padljra chlormeszet hintettek, kmfort ktttek zsacskba s azt viseltk nyakba ktve; fstltek fenymaggal s kmnynyel, mosdottak boreczetben; ittak czitromf-herbatt. Mind nem hasznlt semmit. Megkisrtk elzrni az...
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CHF 84.71- CHF 5.71
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