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Canadian Battlefields, and Other PoemsCanadian Battlefields, and Other Poems{4} {5} {9} {12} {14} Fought October 26th, 1813. American Force, 3,500; British, 400. {18} Fought June 24th, 1813. British, 47 Regulars and 200 Indians Americans, 570, with 50 Cavalry and 2 Guns. {21} Fought July 25th, 1814. American Force,...
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Prejudices, First SeriesPrejudices, First SeriesEvery now and then, a sense of the futility of their daily endeavors falling suddenly upon them, the critics of Christendom turn to a somewhat sour and depressing consideration of the nature and objects of their own craft. That is to say,...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Goat Alley: A Tragedy of Negro LifeGoat Alley: A Tragedy of Negro Life[9] GOAT ALLEY [10] Goat Alley was first publicly presented at the Bijou Theatre, New York City, on the evening of June 20, 1921. [11] AUNT REBECCA (in high-pitched raspy tones as she moves to the Center) Lucy...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Hands Around [Reigen]: A Cycle of Ten DialoguesHands Around [Reigen]: A Cycle of Ten DialoguesHumanity seems gayest when dancing on the brink of a volcano. The culture of a period preceding a social cataclysm is marked by a spirit of light wit and sophisticated elegance which finds expression in a literature...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Joshua MarvelJoshua MarvelIn the parish of Stepney, in the county of Middlesex, there lived, amidst the hundreds of thousands of human bees who throng that overcrowded locality, a family composed of four persons--mother, father, and two children, boy and girl--who owned the surprising name of...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 3, November, 1834The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 3, November, 1834The Publisher and Proprietor, has made such arrangements for the management of the Editorial Department, as he hopes will be satisfactory to his patrons. If the circulation of the "Messenger" continues to increase, he has...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Prejudices, Third SeriesPrejudices, Third Series CONTENTS I On Being an American, 9 II Huneker: a Memory, 65 III Footnote on Criticism, 84 IV Das Kapital, 105 V Ad Imaginem Dei Creavit Illum, 120 1. The Life of Man, 120 2. The Anthropomorphic Delusion, 121 3. Meditation...
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CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Ireland under the Stuarts and During the Interregnum, Vol. 1 (of 3), 1603-1642Ireland under the Stuarts and During the Interregnum, Vol. 1 (of 3), 1603-1642These volumes have been written at such times and seasons as could be made available during an active life in Ireland, and this may induce critics to take a merciful view of...
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CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Leeni: KertomusLeeni: KertomusMies istuu pankolla, huojuttelee punniten jalkaansa ja katselee isoa, pahkulaista varvastaan. Vaimo rukin ress on heittnyt sikseen kehruun ja alkanut hnkin thystell yhteen ja samaan paikkaan. Katossa riippuva lamppu heiluu snnllisesti ja sen pieni tuikuttava liekki ponnistaa voimiaan valaistukseen harmaata huonetta huoneen harmaille...
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CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Prejudices, Second SeriesPrejudices, Second Series CONTENTS I The National Letters, 9 1. Prophets and Their Visions, 9 2. The Answering Fact, 14 3. The Ashes of New England, 18 4. The Ferment Underground, 25 5. In the Literary Abattoir, 32 6. Underlying Causes, 39 7. The...
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Rank and Talent A Novel, Vol. 1 (of 3)Rank and Talent; A Novel, Vol. 1 (of 3)Why, Sir, tis neither satire nor moral, but the mere passage of an history; yet there are a sort of discontented creatures, that bear a stingless envy to great ones, and these will wrest the doings...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Labor and the AngelLabor and the Angel1.F.3. LIMITED RIGHT OF REPLACEMENT OR REFUND - If you discover a defect in this electronic work within 90 days of receiving it, you can receive a refund of the money (if any) you paid for it by sending a written...
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CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Las Ilusiones del Doctor Faustino, v.2Las Ilusiones del Doctor Faustino, v.2Rosita, soltera, con ms de veintiocho aos, sin haber hallado nunca en el lugar hombre quien sujetar su albedro, dominando despticamente en su casa, mil veces ms libre y seora de su voluntad y de sus acciones que una...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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At Minas Basin, and Other PoemsAt Minas Basin, and Other Poems19. The phantom of the buried tide.This phenomenon is not infrequently seen in the evenings of the last of August or early September. It is caused by the condensation of the invisible vapor of the air resting on the...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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El sabor de la tierrucaEl sabor de la tierrucaY ahora que estamos solos, impaciente lector, en la antesala de un libro, esperando que se nos abra la mampara del primer captulo, voy hablarte de aquel buen amigo, cuyo nombre viste, al entrar, estampado en el frontispicio de este...
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CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Only a Girl's LoveOnly a Girl's LoveThe books in this line comprise an unrivaled collection of copyrighted novels by authors who have won fame wherever the English language is spoken. Foremost among these is Mrs. Georgie Sheldon, whose works are contained in this line exclusively. Every book...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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The East India Vade-Mecum, Volume 1 (of 2)The East India Vade-Mecum, Volume 1 (of 2) - or, complete guide to gentlemen intended for the civil, military, or naval service of the East India Company.In the volumes now offered to the public, it has been my zealous endeavour to supply those minuti...
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CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Honoré de BalzacHonoré de Balzac Vers 1835, nous habitions deux petites chambres dans l'impasse du Doyenn, la place peu prs qu'occupe aujourd'hui le pavillon Mollien. Quoique situ au centre de Paris, en face des Tuileries, deux pas du Louvre, l'endroit tait dsert et sauvage, et il...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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Honoré de BalzacHonoré de Balzac Around 1835, I lived in two small rooms in the Impasse du Doyenn, not far from the current location of the Pavillon Mollien. Although it was located in the center of Paris facing the Tuilleries and just a few steps from...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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For Your Sweet Sake: PoemsFor Your Sweet Sake: PoemsDear Sir:You show in these verses a talent for putting thoughts into literary form ... very rare. I have found the sentiment of the poems always pure and orthodoxoften sweet and touching; there is a simplicity about them which wins...
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CHF 51.27- CHF 5.70
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