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By the Aurelian Wall, and Other ElegiesBy the Aurelian Wall, and Other Elegies Title: By the Aurelian Wall, and Other Elegies Author: Bliss Carman Release Date: September 15, 2016 [EBook #53053] Language: English Credits: Produced by Larry B. Harrison, Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This...
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Devlin the BarberDevlin the BarberThe manner in which I became intimately associated with a fearful mystery with which not only all London but all England was ringing, and the strange, inexplicable Being whom the course of events brought to my knowledge, are so startling and wonderful,...
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Patience Sparhawk and Her Times: A NovelPatience Sparhawk and Her Times: A NovelWho alone, of all foreigners, has detected, in its full significance, that the motive power, the cohering force, the ultimate religion of that strange composite known as The American, is Individual Will. Leaving the ultra-religious element out of...
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Bell's English History Source BooksWalpole and Chatham (1714-1760)This series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is a valuablenay, an indispensableadjunct to the history lesson. It is capable of two main uses:...
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War Dogs of the World WarWar Dogs of the World WarIn the city of Neuilly, just across the River Seine from Paris, lives a remarkable woman, Countess Mary Yourkevitch, a Russian by birth, French by adoption. She has for many years devoted her life and spent her income in...
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UranieUranieUranie tait-elle une blonde jeune fille aux yeux bleus, un rve de printemps, une innocente, mais curieuse fille dve? Non, elle tait simplement, comme autrefois, lune des neuf Muses, celle qui prsidait lAstronomie et dont le regard cleste animait et dirigeait le chur des...
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The Colleen Bawn or, the Brides of GarryowenThe Colleen Bawn; or, the Brides of GarryowenDanny Expict is it? Here is a lether she bade me give yes; sure the young thing is never aisy when you are away. Look, masther, dear, do ye see that light, no bigger than a star...
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Elämän loppuessa: RomaaniElämän loppuessa: RomaaniSanotaan, ett aika parantaa haavat. Saattaa olla niin. Tuskin terveeksi parantaa, mutta voipi kipuja lievennell. Minkin voin jo ruveta tyynemmsti ajattelemaan enk en tunne semmoista villi tuskaa kuin vuosi sitten. Hermostonikin on parantunut. Vain hyvin harvoin hern en isin tuskanhuutoihini, enk en...
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Âmes d'automneÂmes d'automneLa tristesse des premires pluies, l'angoisse des jours plus courts et surtout des longues et interminables soires d'hiver, o le cur se sent si seul! toute la dtresse de cette saison d'adieux et des dparts les treint et les dtraque, les pauvres tres...
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The Pansy Magazine, November 1887The Pansy Magazine, November 1887CHARLIE HOLLAND, at your service. A well-dressed, well-mannered, pleasant-faced boy. You feel sure you would like him? Everybody who sees him feels just so. His mother must be proud of him, is a sentence often on peoples lips. Look at...
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The Magic House, and Other PoemsThe Magic House, and Other PoemsGladstone. THE SPEECHES AND PUBLIC ADDRESSES OF THE RT. HON. W. E. GLADSTONE, M.P. With Notes. Edited by A. W. Hutton, M.A. (Librarian of the Gladstone Library), and H. J. Cohen, M.A. With Portraits. 8vo. Vol. IX. 12s. 6d....
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Die Familie Selicke: Drama in drei AufzügenDie Familie Selicke: Drama in drei Aufzügen Die gestrige Vorstellung der Freien Bhne brachte das dreiaktige Drama der Herren Arno Holz und Johannes Schlaf: Die Familie Selicke. Diese Vorstellung wuchs insoweit ber alle vorhergegangenen an Interesse hinaus, als wir hier eigentlichstes Neuland haben. Hier...
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Home PoemsHome Poems Title: Home Poems Author: Kate Louise Wheeler Release Date: August 21, 2016 [EBook #52865] Language: English Credits: Produced by Larry B. Harrison, Paul Marshall and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by...
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A Little Bit of Fluff: A Farce in Three ActsA Little Bit of Fluff: A Farce in Three ActsThe scene represents a room in the well-to-do flat of MR. JOHN AYERS, in the district of Bayswater. A door to the R. leads into the bedroom and another door L. leads to the hall...
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The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 8 (of 8)The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 8 (of 8)The American Bibliography is almost entirely the work of Mrs. St. John of Ithaca, and is the result of laborious and careful critical research on her part. The French Bibliography is not so full....
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