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La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1815-1831), parte 2La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1815-1831), parte 2 - Conferenze fiorentine - Storia Ma premire pense, lorsque j'ai accept la trs gracieuse invitation qui m'amne ici, a t de vous parler du roi Charles-Albert, et naturellement, j'ai cherch quelqu'pisode de sa vie, qui pt...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 84.55- CHF 5.70
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La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1815-1831), parte 1La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1815-1831), parte 1 - Conferenze fiorentine - Storia Queste Letture Fiorentine su la Vita italiana nei vari secoli, iniziate ott'anni sono, a cura d'una Societ di gentiluomini[1], hanno fin qui ottenuto una grande e non immeritata fortuna. Per sei...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 84.55- CHF 5.70
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This House to LetThis House to Let Very early on a July morning in 1919 Constable Brown was on his beat in Kensington, in the immediate neighbourhood of Cathcart Square. Cathcart Square was an old-fashioned backwater of this highly respectable suburb. It had not been built on...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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Haaksirikkoisen pelastus Äitipuolen kertomus Kaitalan Matti Jokapaikan Eeron Helsingin-matkaHaaksirikkoisen pelastus; Äitipuolen kertomus; Kaitalan Matti; Jokapaikan Eeron Helsingin-matkaYlioppilasmatrikkeliin piirsi toinen: Ilmari Aarnio ja toinen: Kaarlo Hirvi. Suuri oli heidn yhteinen ohjelmansa. Yhdell taistelulla valloittaa isnmaa tietmttmyyden ja raakuuden siteist, hengen miekalla iske ja yhdell iskulla luoda mielet uusiksi, se, ynn paljo muuta pilventakaista...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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Maa kuuluu kaikille! Matkoiltani Laukon laulumaillaMaa kuuluu kaikille! Matkoiltani Laukon laulumaillaEn sano sit vuorta ihmeelliseksi sen puolesta, ett maailma sielt ksin nyttisi muunlaiselta kuin se thn pivn asti on aina ollut. Ihmeelliseksi sanon vuorta senvuoksi, ett sinne nkyvien laaksojen olot, jotka alhaalla vaeltaessamme tuntuivat selvimttmn sekavilta ja moninaisilta, vuorelle...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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Lords and Lovers, and Other DramasLords and Lovers, and Other DramasSte. A groat for your bishop, and that off your grandam's eyes! I'm no little king Henry pulled to mincemeat by his bishops and barons. "I'll take off your mitre," roars he to his bishop. "An you take off...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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Elijah Kellogg, the Man and His WorkElijah Kellogg, the Man and His Work - Chapters from His Life and Selections from His WritingsThis book makes no pretence of expounding the doctrines of the theologian or analyzing the methods of the artist. It is simply a remembrancer of a quaint and...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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A Summer's PoemsA Summer's PoemsThey are published at once, not because I am unaware of their defects, but in the hope that, in spite of these, they may give some small pleasure to a few friends and other readers. I. TO THE MUSE. II. TO A...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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The History of the Highland ClearancesThe History of the Highland Clearances - Second Edition, Altered and RevisedIt is with great pleasure that I accede to the request that I should write a short introduction to welcome this reprint of so interesting and valuable a book as Mackenzies Highland Clearances....
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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L'Holocauste: Roman ContemporainL'Holocauste: Roman ContemporainAiles qui hsitent, ailes qui insistent, ailes qui se glacent au bois glac de ma porte comme les ailes des mouettes se caressent au froufrou rid de la mer, ailes qui se mouillent, qui se glent, qui se blessent dlicieusement un ocan...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 06Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 06Le vieux baron des Ravots avait t pendant quarante ans le roi des chasseurs de sa province. Mais, depuis cinq six annes, une paralysie des jambes le clouait son fauteuil, et il ne pouvait plus que...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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Norby: Eine dramatische DichtungNorby: Eine dramatische Dichtung Die Dichtung ist in den Jahren 1908 bis 1915 entstanden. Die vorliegende Ausgabe ist die dritte Auflage. Die erste Auflage ist unter dem Titel: Der Pfarrer von Norby im Verlag von Walter Schmidkunz in Mnchen im Jahre 1916 erschienen. Copyright...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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The life of Midhat Pasha a record of his services, political reforms, banishment, and judicial murderThe life of Midhat Pasha; a record of his services, political reforms, banishment, and judicial murderAs the Son of Midhat Pasha I was for fifteen years compelled to reside as an exile in Smyrna, but finding the physical and moral sufferings to which I...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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Au delà du présent..Au delà du présent...Pourtant, si lon coute bien et si lon sait le langage des choses, travers ce silence et cet oppressement on peroit un murmure dabord peine distinct, puis qui senfle mesure que lon coute mieux, semblable aux soupirs exhals par la mer...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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IntentionsIntentionsM. Charles Grolleau, auquel nous avons confi le soin d'crire l'tude que nous dsirions voir figurer en ce volume, a pieusement recueilli, parmi les notes que nous a laisses Rebell, plusieurs passages recopis par cet auteur qui les jugeait achevs. Je blme galement et...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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The Flower-Patch Among the HillsThe Flower-Patch Among the HillsVirginia and her sister Ursula are my most intimate friends. Virginiareally quite a harmless girlimagines she has a scientific bias. Ursuladomesticated to the backboneled a strenuous life in the pursuit of experimental psychology, till she switched off to wash hospital...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 81.99- CHF 5.70
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ÉmancipéesÉmancipéesIl nest pas dcrivain qui sintresse plus que vous, mon cher ami, aux questions fminines, qui les ait tudies avec plus de pntration et de hardiesse, et les possde mieux. Lloge que lrudit anthologiste Vinet adressait Sainte-Beuve peut en toute assurance vous tre appliqu:...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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Madeleine, jeune femmeMadeleine, jeune femmeDans mon prcdent roman, La Jeune fille bien leve, j'avais compos sans arrire-pense le rcit de la vie d'une jeune fille leve comme on l'tait assez communment en province au sicle dernier. Et c'est le problme de l'ducation de la jeune fille...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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The Flag, and Other Poems, 1918The Flag, and Other Poems, 1918[A] The name of Newfoundland is never pronounced by its inhabitants or their neighbors of the Maritime Provinces with the accent on the middle syllable, as is the usage elsewhere. It is pronounced as though written Newfnland, with the...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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The Web of TimeThe Web of TimeMrs. Simmons went back to the kitchen, crooning softly to the wakeful baby in her arms. Glancing at the clock, she marked, with an exclamation of surprise, how late it was. "He might be in any minute now," she said to...
- CHF 5.70
CHF 51.24- CHF 5.70
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