Old Is Gold
Sense and SensibilitySense and SensibilityMichelle Crandall, Kara Shallenberg, Kirsten Ferreri, Judy Bieber, Kymm Zuckert, Susan Denney, Calliope, Sarah Key-DeLyria, Larysa Jaworski, Heather Barnett, Kelley Bescherer, Kristen McQuillin, Patricia Oakley, Sharmini Kumar The person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier")...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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PersuasionPersuasionTina Tilnet, Kara Shallenberg, Karen Savage, Laurie Anne Walden, Michelle Crandall, Debra Lynn, Missie, Cori Samuel, Julia Claussen The person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of his knowledge,...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Love and FriendshipLove and Freindship [sic]The person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of his knowledge, the work of authorship identified is in the public domain of the country from which...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 3, September 1864The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 3, September 1864 - Devoted To Literature And National PolicyNot of those affairs which are domestic in a broad, national sense; not of any of our home institutions, 'peculiar' or otherwise; not of politics in any shape, nor...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Susan Clegg and a Man in the HouseSusan Clegg and a Man in the House Author of "Susan Clegg and her Friend Mrs. Lathrop," "A Woman's Will," "The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary," "Seeing France with Uncle John," etc. Boston Little, Brown, and Company 1907 Susan Clegg had dwelt alone ever since...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Jesse CliffeJesse Cliffe Living as we do in the midst of rivers, water in all its forms, except indeed that of the trackless and mighty ocean, is familiar to our little inland county. The slow majestic Thames, the swift and wandering Kennett, the clear and...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Country LodgingsCountry Lodgings Between two and three years ago, the following pithy advertisement appeared in several of the London papers: Little did I think, whilst admiring in the broad page of the Morning Chronicle the compendious brevity of this announcement, that the pleasant village referred...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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The Lost DahliaThe Lost Dahlia If to have "had losses" be, as affirmed by Dogberry in one of Shakspeare's most charming plays, and corroborated by Sir Walter Scott in one of his most charming romances(those two names do well in juxtaposition, the great Englishman! the great...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Town Versus CountryTown Versus Country Im desperately afeard, Sue, that that brother of thine will turn out a jackanapes, was the apostrophe of the good yeoman Michael Howe, to his pretty daughter Susan, as they were walking one fine afternoon in harvest through some narrow and...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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The London VisitorThe London Visitor Being in a state of utter mystification, (a very disagreeable state, by-the-bye,) I hold it advisable to lay my unhappy case, in strict confidence, in the lowest possible whisper, and quite in a corner, before my kind friend, patron, and protector,...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Heath's Modern Language Series: La Mère de la MarquiseHeath's Modern Language Series: La Mère de la MarquiseEdmond-Franois-Valentin About, the author of the accompanying story, was born at Dieuze, in Lorraine, on February 14, 1828. He followed the course of the French schools and in time was graduated from the cole normale, whence...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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A Invenção do Dia ClaroA Invenção do Dia Claro * * * * * * * * * * Imaginava eu que hava tratados da vida das pessoas, como ha tratados da vida das plantas, com tudo to bem explicado, assim parecidos com o tratamento que ha para...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864 - Devoted To Literature And National PolicyIn my third and fourth letters on American finances and resources, the following comparisons were instituted: Massachusetts and New Jersey, Free States, with Maryland and South Carolina, Slave States;...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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John Gayther's Garden and the Stories Told ThereinJohn Gayther's Garden and the Stories Told ThereinThe garden did not belong to John Gayther; he merely had charge of it. At certain busy seasons he had some men to help him in his work, but for the greater part of the year he...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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O Jardim da PierretteO Jardim da PierrettePierrot no quiz acreditar mas depois ficou muito contente. Procurou uma pedrinha e atirou-a. Pierrette ouviu, espreitou mas no viu ninguem porque Pierrot tinha-se escondido entre os canteiros, e julgou que foi da imaginao d'ella e continuou a fazer sero. Pierrot...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Lundy's Lane, and Other PoemsLundy's Lane, and Other Poems THE BATTLE OF LUNDY'S LANE Rufus Gale speaks1852 Yes,in the Lincoln Militia,in the war of eighteen-twelve; Many's the day I've had since then to dig and delve But those are the years I remember as the brightest years of...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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The Cold SnapThe Cold Snap - 1898 In the extremes of winter and summer, when the weather is either extraordinarily cold or hot, I confess to experiencing a peculiar sense of helplessness and vague uneasiness. I have a feeling that a trifling additional rise or fall...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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DesertedDeserted - 1898 What a glorious, all-satisfying country this Nevada desert would be, if one were only all eyes, and had no need of food, drink, and shelter! Would n't it, Miss Dwyer? Do you know, I 've no doubt that this is the...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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With The Eyes ShutWith The Eyes Shut - 1898 Railroad rides are naturally tiresome to persons who cannot read on the cars, and, being one of those unfortunates, I resigned myself, on taking my seat in the train, to several hours of tedium, alleviated only by such...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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LostLost - 1898 The 25th of May, 1866, was no doubt to many a quite indifferent date, but to two persons it was the saddest day of their lives. Charles Randall that day left Bonn, Germany, to catch the steamer home to America, and...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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