Old Is Gold
The Spinners' Book of FictionThe Spinners' Book of FictionThe fund, which the sale of this book is purposed to aid, was planned by The Spinners soon after the eighteenth of April, 1906, and was started with two hundred dollars from their treasury. To this, Mrs. Gertrude Atherton added...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Le prince corsaireLe prince corsaire Vous pleurez un Grand Roy dont les heureuses Armes, Tenoient la Cypre en paix, & l'Asie en allarmes. Les Peuples loignez qu'il vous avoit somis, Las d'estre vos sujets seront vos ennemis. Le trespas d'un Monarque branle ses conquestes, Et dans...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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That StickThat StickOh, theres that stick. What can he want? sighed one of a pair of dignified elderly ladies, in black silk, to the other, as in a quiet country-town street they saw themselves about to be accosted by a man of about forty, with...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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The Best Short Stories of 1915, and the Yearbook of the American Short StoryThe Best Short Stories of 1915, and the Yearbook of the American Short StoryIn reaffirming the significant position of the American short story as compared with the English short story, I am more impressed than ever with the leadership maintained by American artists in...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Der Ketzer von SoanaDer Ketzer von SoanaReisende knnen den Weg zum Gipfel des Monte Generoso in Mendrisio antreten oder in Capolago mit der Zahnradbahn, oder von Melide aus ber Soana, wo er am beschwerlichsten ist. Das ganze Gebiet gehrt zum Tessin, einem Kanton der Schweiz, dessen Bevlkerung...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Anne of the IslandAnne of the IslandJemmaBlythe, Annie Coleman, Michael Nelson, Franziska Nelson, frenchfry, Baranduin, Randi Warwick, Maddie, Kristin Hughes, Luisa Hall, Kymm Zuckert, rachelellen, Christiance Levesque, Betsie Bush The person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a)...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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The Adventures of Harry RevelThe Adventures of Harry Revel When I started to set down these early adventures of Harry Revel, I meant to dedicate them to my friend Mr. W. F. Collier of Woodtown, Horrabridge: but he died while the story was writing, and now cannot twit...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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The Agony of the Church (1917)The Agony of the Church (1917) 1917 Printed in Great Britain by Turnbull & Spears, Edinburgh. The Eastern Church, the Church of the Apostles and the Mother of us all, in this book, speaks to her children in all lands and in all languages,...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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L'écornifleurL'écornifleurC'est un homme de quarante ans, un peu raide et lourd, convenablement vtu. On sent qu'il n'a pas lui-mme soin de sa personne, qu'il ne s'habille pas seul. Madame Vernet le boutonne, l'pingle, le peigne. Rarement un jour se passe sans que la raie,...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Victorian Worthies: Sixteen BiographiesVictorian Worthies: Sixteen BiographiesTHE VICTORIAN ERA We like to fancy, when critics are not at our elbow, that each Age in our history has a character and a physiognomy of its own. The sixteenth century speaks to us of change and adventure in every...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Orrain: A RomanceOrrain: A RomanceMy father, Ren, Vidame d'Orrain, was twice married. By his first wife he had one son, Simon, who subsequently succeeded to his title and estates, and was through his life my bitter enemy. By his second wife, whom he married somewhat late...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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The Flutter of the Goldleaf, and Other PlaysThe Flutter of the Goldleaf, and Other Plays Scene: Laboratory in the attic of the Warner cottage. At right, toward rear, entrance from down-stairs. A rude partition, left, with door in centre. Window centre rear. Large kitchen table loaded with apparatus. Shelves, similarly loaded,...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Strife and PeaceStrife and Peace Still the old tempests rage around the mountains, And ocean's billows as of old appear; The roaring wood and the resounding fountains Time has not silenced in his long career, For Nature is the same as ever. Munch. The shadow of...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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The Winning ClueThe Winning Clue CHAPTER I. Strangled CHAPTER II. "Something Big in It" CHAPTER III. The Ruby Ring CHAPTER IV. Two Trails CHAPTER V. The Husband's Story CHAPTER VI. Morley Is in a Hurry CHAPTER VII. Miss Fulton Is Hysterical CHAPTER VIII. The Breath of...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No IIThe International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No IIOn the preceding page is a portrait, and under the head of Recent Deaths, in another part of this magazine, is a sketch of the history of Nicholas Jean-de-Dieu Soult, the last of the great...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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A Houseful of GirlsA Houseful of GirlsIs there any sensation equal to that produced by the first lover and the first proposal coming to a girl in a large family of girls? It is delightfully sentimental, comical, complimentary, affronting, rousing, tiresomeall in one. It is a herald...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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PequeñecesPequeñecesLector amigo: Si eres hombre corrido y poco asustadizo, conocedor de las miserias humanas y amante de la verdad, aunque esta amargue, ntrate sin miedo por las pginas de este libro; que no encontrars en ellas nada que te sea desconocido o se te...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Chapters from My AutobiographyChapters from My AutobiographyI intend that this autobiography shall become a model for all future autobiographies when it is published, after my death, and I also intend that it shall be read and admired a good many centuries because of its form and methoda...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Compendio da relaçam, que veyo da India o anno de 1691Compendio da relaçam, que veyo da India o anno de 1691Partio o Padre Dom Antonino Vintimilha no anno de 1683.dessa Corte de Lisboa para este Emporio do Oriente, vencidas as grandes difficuldades, que experimentou em Madrid, impedindolhe o fervoroso desejo de passar India, o...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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Ilman menestyksettäIlman menestyksettä - JoulukertomusVuosiluku on 1835, piv on Marraskuun 30:nes. Pyhn Paavalinkirkon suuri kello Lontoossa nytt 10:tt tuntia illalla. Kaikki kaupungin pienemmt kirkonkellot jnnittvt metallisia kurkkujansa. Muutamat alkavat nenkksti ennen suuren tuomiokirkon raskasta kelloa; toiset alkavat hitaisesti, kolme, nelj, viisi lym sen jlkeen, mutta...
- CHF 5.71
CHF 11.43- CHF 5.71
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