Old Is Gold
Comte du PapeComte du PapeL'ignorant s'attendrit l'ide du pape captif qui gmit sur la paille d'un cachot; le savant fouille la campagne romaine; l'artiste rve des stanze de Raphal; le bourgeois qui a us quelques fonds de culotte sur les bancs du collge pense au fameux...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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GabrielGabrielJ'ai crit Gabriel Marseille, en revenant d'Espagne, mes enfants jouant autour de moi dans une chambre d'auberge.Le bruit des enfants ne gne pas. Ils vivent, par leurs jeux mmes, dans un milieu fictif, o la rverie peut les suivre sans tre refroidie par la...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald, Vol. IThe Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald, Vol. I In these Volumes is recounted the public life of my late father from the period to which the narrative was brought down by himself in his unfinished "Autobiography of a Seaman." The...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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Clotilde MartoryClotilde MartoryM. Hector Malot qui a fait paratre, le 20 mai 1859, son premier roman LES AMANTS, va donner en octobre prochain son soixantime volume COMPLICES; le moment est donc venu de runir cette oeuvre considrable en une collection complte, qui par son format,...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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Barford Abbey, a Novel: In a Series of LettersBarford Abbey, a Novel: In a Series of LettersHow distressing, how heart-rending, is my dear Fanny's mournful detail!It lies before me; I weep over it!I weep not for the departed saint: no; it is for you, myself, for all who have experienced her god-like...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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KourroglouKourroglouKourroglou est toujours, mes yeux, une oeuvre trs-belle et trs-curieuse. Elle n'eut pourtant pas de succs dans la Revue indpendante, o j'en publiai la traduction abrge. Des raisons d'amiti me firent suspendre ce petit travail que l'on me disait prjudiciable aux intrts de la...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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ValvèdreValvèdreCe rcit est parti d'une ide que nous avons savoure en commun, que nous avons, pour ainsi dire, bue la mme source: l'tude de la nature. Tu l'as formule le premier dans un travail de science qui va paratre. Je la formule mon tour...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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Droll Stories — CompleteDroll Stories — Complete - Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine When, in March, 1832, the first volume of the now famous Contes Drolatiques was published by Gosselin of Paris, Balzac, in a short preface, written in the publishers name, replied to those attacks...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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Le petit choseLe petit choseJe suis n le 13 mai 18, dans une ville du Languedoc, o l'on trouve, comme dans toutes les villes du Midi, beaucoup de soleil, pas mal de poussire, un couvent de carmlites et deux ou trois monuments romains. Mon pre, M....
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 17, No. 100, April, 1876Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 17, No. 100, April, 1876None of the European exhibitions we have sketched partook of the nature of an anniversary or was designed to commemorate an historical event. Some idea of celebrating the close of the calendar...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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Nouvelles lettres d'un voyageurNouvelles lettres d'un voyageurLa villa Pamphili n'a pas t abme dans les derniers vnements, comme on l'a dit. Ni Garibaldi, ni les Franais n'y ont laiss de traces de dvastation srieuse. Ses pins gigantesques sont, en grande partie, encore debout. Elle est bien plus...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 11, No. 27, June, 1873Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 11, No. 27, June, 1873But Newport is no longer the ocean pure and deep, in the rich severity of its sangre azul. We want to admire the waves, and they drag us off to inspect the...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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Le gorille: roman parisienLe gorille: roman parisienIls n'taient ni vieux ni jeunes. L'amphitryon tait un militaire de haut grade, raide comme une lance, au parler brusque et bref, mais de cordiale humeur avec ses intimes, c'est--dire avec peu de gens. Le troisime tait un personnage de grande...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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Narrative and Lyric Poems (first series) for use in the Lower SchoolNarrative and Lyric Poems (first series) for use in the Lower SchoolThe Narrative and Lyric Poems contained in this volume are those prescribed by the Department of Education for examination for Junior and Senior Public School Diplomas, and for the Senior High School Entrance,...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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The Poems of William WatsonThe Poems of William WatsonThe mighty poets from their flowing store Dispense like casual alms the careless ore; Through throngs of men their lonely way they go, Let fall their costly thoughts, nor seem to know. Not mine the rich and showering hand, that...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 09The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 09 - Contributions to The Tatler, The Examiner, The Spectator, and The Intelligencer Swift has been styled the Prince of Journalists. Like most titles whose aim is to express in modern words the character and...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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Lost IllusionsLost Illusions In many references parts one and three are combined under the title Lost Illusions and A Distinguished Provincial at Paris is given its individual title. Following this trilogy is a sequel, Scenes from a Courtesan's Life, which is set directly following the...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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James Fenimore CooperJames Fenimore CooperA life of Cooper, written with some particular reference to the picturesque village among the Otsego hills, where he so long lived and in whose soil he, for some sixty years or more, has slept, has long been needed. That such a...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 17, No. 098, February, 1876Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 17, No. 098, February, 1876From showing the world's right to the epoch of '76, and sketching the progress of the century in its wider aspect, a natural transition is to the part played in illustrating the...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 11, No. 25, April, 1873Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 11, No. 25, April, 1873Sleepy travelers on the great route to Washington, having passed Philadelphia and expecting Baltimore, are attracted, if it is a way-train, by a phenomenon. The engine is observed to slacken, and a...
- CHF 5.76
CHF 11.53- CHF 5.76
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