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PostscriptsPostscripts It is probable that with the presentation of these, among the earliest of the writings of William Sidney Porter (O. Henry), there is nothing left to be added to the total of his work, and that they will close, as they in a...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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Le sang de la sirèneLe sang de la sirèneJe mets ce livre sous vos auspices, madame, dabord parce quil ne saurait y en avoir pour lui de plus favorables, ensuite, parce que jai toutes raisons de croire que votre sympathie lui est davance assure. Il voque, en effet,...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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The boy's FroissartThe boy's Froissart - Being Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of adventure, battle, and custom in England, France, Spain, etc.PERHAPS no boy will deny that to find the world still reading a book which was written five hundred years ago is a very wonderful business....
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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Madonna: NovellenMadonna: Novellen Er war allein mit ihr. Seit zwanzig Jahren zum ersten Mal. Sie war tot. Er legte den Reisehut auf den alten Lehnstuhl und trat mit gefalteten Hnden an die ungeschmckte Bahre. Das mdchenzarte Angesicht eines stillen tiefen Weibes ruhte auf dem schwarzen...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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O. Henry EncoreO. Henry Encore During the years 1934 and 1935 I made a close study of O. Henrys Texas contacts. The newspapers of Texas during the time of O. Henrys residence in the state furnished one of the sources which I investigated; and it was...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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A magyar előidőkből Egy asszonyi hajszálA magyar előidőkből; Egy asszonyi hajszálVolt id, midn a magyar ngy annyi volt, mint mennyi most. Mg ellensgei is magyarbl teltek ki; a kn, a jsz, a besseny, mind az nyelvt beszltk, egy haza blcsje ringatta ket, egy nv volt skirlyuk neve. Egy rksgen...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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EllenEllenOui, c'est trs grave, je ne puis vous le cacher, madame, l'tat de votre fille est des plus alarmants. Je ne sais qui a conseill cet t miss Horneby le sjour des lacs italiens d'abord et de Venise ensuite, mais je veux ignorer le...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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Suzanne et le PacifiqueSuzanne et le PacifiqueC'tait pourtant un de ces jours o rien n'arrive, o, comme les poules quand la pluie va durer, sentant que jusqu'au soir la vie sera monotone, les astres occups d'habitude la varier sortent sans emploi et voisinent. Il y avait de...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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Lehtiviidan torppari: Nykyajan kuvausLehtiviidan torppari: Nykyajan kuvausVilahti mieleen tuossa ajatusten sekasorrossa sekin, ett ehk saisi jostain muualta torpan, ja ehkp viel paremmankin kuin tm. Mutta se ajatus liiti pois samassa silmnrpyksess kuin tulikin, ja toinen taas oli se ett: "kaikki toivo on kadonnut" "parasta ehk olisi jos...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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PikkupappilassaPikkupappilassa Parolan oraat nyttvt hyvilt, mutta ei ihmekn, heill oli hyv siemen. Mutta Seppln laiho on harvaa, siit pellosta ei vain tule monta kuhilasta. Kas Hilda Hannko siin kvelee? Ja niin koukussa, Hilda raiska. Ukko on kai taas pauhannut kotona. Ja pojat mukana kuten...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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Le songe d'une femme: roman familierLe songe d'une femme: roman familier Pourquoi ne veux-tu pas me croire? Est-ce donc si rare? Oui, j'ai t heureuse. Ce que tu appelles un songe, je l'ai vcu, ou je l'ai dormi, et je ne suis pas rveille. Voici le matin; il y...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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Szomoru napok: RegénySzomoru napok: RegényKi knyszerti r, hogy jnek jszakjn vijjongva a holdvilg-sttte ablaknak repljn s szrnyaival verdesse annak tblit, s ha htszer elhajtjk, htszer visszarepljn ismt, s jjellt nagy szemeit kimeresztve, flbe sikoltsa a flig aluvnak, hogy kszljn az rkkval lomra? Mi kinozza a lnczra...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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Fors Clavigera (Volume 3 of 8)Fors Clavigera (Volume 3 of 8) - Letters to the workmen and labourers of Great BritainThe Third Fors, having been much adverse to me, and more to many who wish me well, during the whole of last year, has turned my good and helpful...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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Au pays de SylvieAu pays de SylvieCe pauvre abb! Bien qu'il y ft prpar depuis fort longtemps, cette ncessit, o il se trouva soudain, de partir, le surprit cruellement. Quoi! quitter ce gracieux pays de Chantilly, ne plus entrer familirement au Chteau, ne plus trouver son couvert...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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Lantern MarshLantern MarshMauney Bard did not enjoy mending fences. They were quite essential in the general economy of farming. Without them the cows would wander where they had no business, trampling precious crops or perhaps getting mired in these infernal boglands. In principle, therefore, his...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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Etsijän tarinaEtsijän tarina Hn eksyi, lankesi, nousi taas ja ristipoluilla kulki umpeen, ja lpi runkojen ruskeain kuun sarvet loisti kuin tert lumpeen. Hn hiipi lymyten kyyryissn ja pedon jlki vainui, hn oli nnty noroihin, kun korven kohtuun hn painui, hn katsoi taakseen ja seisahtui ja...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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Kuningas Suomessa: Historiallinen romaaniKuningas Suomessa: Historiallinen romaaniKorkeana kvi kare Taivassalon lnsirannan loivia kallioita vastaan. Aallokossa lastuna vaappuva pieni kalavenhe ponnisteli verkkaan ja tylsti salmen suusta saarten suojaamaan kylsatamaan. Yn kohissut lounaistuuli oli tosin nyt aamuksi asettunut, mutta sen jlkeinen maininki teki viel ten yksiniselle kalamiehelle, joka palasi...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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Adventurers all: a series of young poets unknown to fame [no. 27]London Sonnets Title: London Sonnets Author: Humbert Wolfe Release Date: March 11, 2020 [EBook #61598] Language: English Credits: Produced by Chuck Greif, MWS and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/American...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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Fors Clavigera (Volume 2 of 8)Fors Clavigera (Volume 2 of 8) - Letters to the workmen and labourers of Great BritainI would wish you a happy New Year, if I thought my wishes likely to be of the least use. Perhaps, indeed, if your cap of liberty were what...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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This and That and the OtherThis and That and the OtherSince I am assured that this book requires a Preface I must attempt to write one, but I cannot conceive upon what lines it should run unless they be an apology for writing of so many things, and in...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 139.01- CHF 5.68
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