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Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 15, August, 1851Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 15, August, 1851The island of Corsica, sublimely picturesque with its wild ravines and rugged mountains, emerges from the bosom of the Mediterranean Sea, about one hundred miles from the coast of France. It was formerly a province...
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Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 96, August 30, 1851Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 96, August 30, 1851 - A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.Collar of SS., by Edward Foss 147 Printing 148 Dictionary of Hackneyed Quotations 149 Minor Notes:Cocker's ArithmeticThe Duke of NormandyAnachronisms and Errors of...
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CHF 51.07- CHF 5.68
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 648, June 2, 1888Scientific American Supplement, No. 648, June 2, 1888.For a quarter of a century maritime nations have been continuously engaged in improving the mechanical appliances of their large ports. The use of tracks to bring goods to be placed on vessels as near as possible...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.07- CHF 5.68
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Harper's New Monthly Magazine Vol. IV, No. 19, Dec 1851Harper's New Monthly Magazine Vol. IV, No. 19, Dec 1851The Fourth Volume of Harper's New Monthly Magazine is completed by the issue of the present number. The Publishers embrace the opportunity of renewing the expression of their thanks to the public and the press,...
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L'Illustration, No. 0026, 26 Août 1843L'Illustration, No. 0026, 26 Août 1843Statue de Laprouse, par M. Raggi, expose dans la cour du Louvre. Gravure.--Courrier de Paris.--De la Peinture sur Lave maille.--Rvolutions du Mexique. Le gnral Santa-Anna. (Suite et fin.) Fort de Saint-Jean d'Ulloa; Soldats du Texas.--Nouvelles inventions. Chemin de fer...
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Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 95, August 23, 1851Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 95, August 23, 1851 - A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.Minor Notes:The Day of the MonthForeign EnglishBirds' Care for the DeadSnake's Antipathy to FireAldgate, LondonErroneous Scripture Quotations 130 Pope and Flatman, by W....
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The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 09The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 09 - Or, Flower-Garden DisplayedThe plant here represented has long been cultivated as a greenhouse plant in this country under the name of Convolvulus Cantabrica, but it differs so essentially from that plant, as figured and described by Prof. Jacquin...
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CHF 51.07- CHF 5.68
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L'Illustration, No. 0025, 19 Août 1843L'Illustration, No. 0025, 19 Août 1843La Maison o est n O'Connell. Gravure,--Le Marchal Bugeaud. Portrait.--Ncrologie. J.-P. Cortot.--Courrier de Paris. vasion des dtenus de la Force.--Thtres. Une Scne de la Folle de la Cit.--Le Lizard coul par le Vloce. Gravures.--Distribution des Prix du Concours gnral....
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Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 94, August 16, 1851Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 94, August 16, 1851 - A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.Minor notes:Nelson's CoatStrange Reason for keeping a Public-houseSuperstitions with regard to Glastonbury Thorndash;The miraculous Walnut-tree at GlastonburyThe Three Estates of the Realm 114...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.07- CHF 5.68
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Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 93, August 9, 1851Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 93, August 9, 1851 - A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.I have thought that the following old letter, relative to a family once of some distinction, and especially as describing a very remarkable...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.07- CHF 5.68
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Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 92, August 2, 1851Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 92, August 2, 1851 - A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.Minor Notes:On the Word "raised" as used by the AmericansContradiction: D'Israeli and HumeA Ship's Berth 83 Minor Queries:Proverb of James I.Mrs. HutchinsonEarly Translation...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.07- CHF 5.68
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L'Illustration, No. 0024, 12 Août 1843L'Illustration, No. 0024, 12 Août 1843Ahmed-Pacha, bey de Tunis Portrait.--Courrier de Paris.--Embellissements de Paris. Nouvelle Porte de l'hpital de la Charit. Gravure.--Les Automates de M. Stevenard. L'Escamoteur; le Jour de Flte; le Magicien.--Martin Zurbano. (Suite) Orateur appelant le peuple se prononcer; Villageois espagnols fuyant...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.07- CHF 5.68
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L'Illustration, No. 0023, 5 Août 1843L'Illustration, No. 0023, 5 Août 1843Troubles dans le Pays de Galles. Les Rbeccates. Ferme galloise pille et incendie pendant la nuit par les rbeccates.--Le comte Kollowrath-Liebsteinski, ministre de l'intrieur, en Autriche.--Courrier de Paris. Vue extrieure et Vue intrieure du Pavillon Henri IV Saint-Germain; une...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.07- CHF 5.68
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The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 120, October, 1867The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 120, October, 1867 - A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and Politics THE GUARDIAN ANGEL. THEMISTOCLES. BEN JONSON. UNCHARITABLENESS. THE ROSE ROLLINS. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT. THE FLIGHT OF THE GODDESS. THE THRONE OF THE GOLDEN FOOT. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF...
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CHF 51.07- CHF 5.68
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 62, Jan 13, 1872Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 62, Jan 13, 1872Non omnia possumus omnes; we are not all Popes, nor should we be omnipotent even if we were infallible. The Daily News is a journal of ability; but there is a certain inconsistency, the cause...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.07- CHF 5.68
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The Esperantist, CompleteThe Esperantist, CompleteMidi, PDF, and MusicXML files have been provided for the songs in this e-book. To hear a song, click on the [Listen] link. To view it in sheet-music form, click on the [PDF] link. To view MusicXML code for it, click on...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.07- CHF 5.68
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L'Illustration, No. 0022, 29 Juillet 1843L'Illustration, No. 0022, 29 Juillet 1843SOMMAIRE.--Rvolution du Mexique. Le gnral Santa-Anna. Portrait de Santa-Anna; Santa-Anna et son aide-de-camp Arista.--Courrier de Paris.--Le Sapeur-Pompier. Costume de Service; Grande Tenue; Attributs; te Sinistre; Manoeuvre de l'chelle crochets; Appareil Paulin; Manoeuvre du Sac de sauvetage.--Une Mort. Nouvelle.--Anniversaire de...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.07- CHF 5.68
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L'Illustration, No. 0021, 22 Juillet 1843L'Illustration, No. 0021, 22 Juillet 1843Les Meetings d'Irlande. Un meeting.--Courrier de Paris.--tablissement d'une cole des Arts et Mtiers Aix. --Horticulture. Les roses. Tuteur anglais pour les Rosiers; Rosier maintenu par le Tuteur anglais, Rosiers pyramidaux du Jardin botanique d'dimbourg.--Nouvelles du Musum d'histoire naturelle. Animaux...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.07- CHF 5.68
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L'Illustration, No. 0020, 15 Juillet 1843L'Illustration, No. 0020, 15 Juillet 1843 N 20. Vol. I.--SAMEDI 15 JUILLET 1843. Bureaux, rue de Seine, 33.--Rimprim. Ab. pour Paris.--3 mois, 8 fr.--6 mois, 16 fr.--Un an, 30 fr. Prix de chaque N 75 c.--La collection mensuelle br., 2 fr. 75. Ab. pour...
- CHF 5.68
CHF 51.07- CHF 5.68
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L'Illustration, No. 0019, 8 Juillet 1843L'Illustration, No. 0019, 8 Juillet 1843Ab. pour Paris.--3 mois, 8 fr.--6 mois, 16 fr.--Un an, 30 fr. Prix de chaque N 75 c.--La collection mensuelle br., 2 fr. 75. Ab. pour les Dp.--3 mois, 9 fr.--6 mois, 17 fr. Un an, 32 fr. pour...
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