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Boiadeiro de Appenzell e Boiadeiro de Berna e Boiadeiro de EntlebuchCão de Montanha Suíços O Cão de Montanha Suíços evoluiu dos antigos cães de quinta para os cães de família procurados e grandes companheiros. São gigantes suaves, distinguidos pela sua simpatia e amabilidade. O Bernês é apreciado pela sua natureza afectuosa e calma, o...
- CHF 17.15
- CHF 17.15
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Bolonka ZwetnaBolonka Zwetna - O cão de família: O bonitinho Bolonka Zwetna tem as suas origens na Rússia. O antigo "cão do czar" tinha morrido no final do século XVIII, excepto por alguns animais. Hoje, o animado Bolonka Zwetna é um dos mais populares cães...
- CHF 17.15
- CHF 17.15
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Hamsters Invented EverythingDo you think the light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison...or that gravity was discovered by Isaac Newton?Think again! Humans may believe they invented everything, but read the untold stories behind how Hamsters are responsible for all of our greatest discoveries!Your kids will love...
- CHF 34.94
- CHF 34.94
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Bull Terrier Coloring Book: Bull Terrier Painting Page, Animal Mandala Coloring PagesBull Terrier Coloring Book, Bull Terrier Painting Page, Animal Mandala Coloring Pages, Stress Relief Zentangle Picture, Gifts for Dog Lovers It was made for Bull Terrier lovers or someone who likes to relax while coloring. Bull Terrier in zentangle pattern style with heartwarming quotes....
- CHF 33.84
- CHF 33.84
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Pudel, Goldendoodle, Labradoodle, Maltipoo, Cockerpoo (Poodle Hundar)Pudlarnas värld Pudelvärlden är en mycket speciell värld. Dessa hundar sägs ha en allergivänlig päls. Detta innebär att allergi mot hundhår är praktiskt taget omöjlig. Men är det verkligen så eller är det bara en myt? Den frågan - och många andra - får...
- CHF 18.87
- CHF 18.87
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Muttley's TaleSoon after the Porters adopted the former bait dog, Sheba, they decided to add another Staffordshire Bull Terrier to their pack of rescue dogs. A visit to their local rescue sanctuary saw them adopting a six-month old puppy, part of an abandoned litter that...
- CHF 44.15
- CHF 44.15
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Muttley's TaleSoon after the Porters adopted the former bait dog, Sheba, they decided to add another Staffordshire Bull Terrier to their pack of rescue dogs. A visit to their local rescue sanctuary saw them adopting a six-month old puppy, part of an abandoned litter that...
- CHF 22.07
- CHF 22.07
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Koi Fish Coloring Book: Adult Crafts & Hobbies Coloring Books, Floral Mandala PagesKoi Fish Coloring Book, Adult Crafts, and Hobbies Coloring Books, Floral Mandala Pages, Stress Relief Zentangle Picture, Quotes Coloring It was made for Koi Fish lovers or someone who likes to relax while coloring. Koi Fish in zentangle pattern style with heartwarming quotes. It...
- CHF 33.84
- CHF 33.84
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Dog Training for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know to Train Your Pet with Easy with Crate Training, Potty Training, and Obedience TrainingAre you thinking about owning a dog? Or have you just brought one, ecstatic about the amazing time you will have with him, but have no idea how to train your newly acquired furry friend? Are you looking for a comprehensive guide to training...
- CHF 19.25
- CHF 19.25
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Macropods - Caring for Kangaroos and Wallabies: including Pademelons, Rock Wallabies, Wallaroos and the QuokkaCaring for Kangaroos and Wallabies, including Pademelons, Rock Wallabies, Wallaroos and the Quokka. Australian native wildlife in captivity require specific handling, adequate space and environmental stimulation along with a varied and balanced diet. This book contains Illustrated information relating to the keeping of 20...
- CHF 38.90
- CHF 38.90
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Sneaky Puss Goes to the Snow (Portuguese Edition)Sneaky Puss Goes to the Snow, the forth book in the Sneaky Puss series, sees him getting into more mischief and shenanigans on a trip to the snow. Find out who he meets and what fun he has on his big day out.Author: Pauline...
- CHF 16.28
- CHF 16.28
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Lära Sig Rida (Hästhållning)Det är lätt och barnvänligt att lära sig hantera och ta hand om en häst, rida på banan och på landsbygden. "Mamma, pappa, jag vill lära mig rida!" Det finns många guider om ridning och ridlektioner för barn! Men den här är speciell. Den...
- CHF 18.87
- CHF 18.87
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Maine CoonLIVET MED EN MAINE COON CAT - En mild jätte flyttar in! - Guide för Maine Coon Ur en rent visuell synvinkel verkar coonies, som de ofta kallas, vilda. De stora katterna med de spetsiga öronen, den långa skallen och de tjocka tassarna liknar...
- CHF 17.15
- CHF 17.15
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Sphynx Katt (Nakenkatt)Älskvärda missfoster i naturen - Sphynx Katt Det finns knappast någon kattras som det finns fler fördomar om än om nakna katter. För många människor är de olyckliga varelser av missriktad avelsambition. I verkligheten producerar naturen gång på gång nakna katter, som till och...
- CHF 17.15
- CHF 17.15
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Wyżel Węgierski KrótkowlosyKsiążka Magyar Vizsla - Edukacja, szkolenie i charakter Magyar Vizsla - Węgierski pies wskazujący Magyar Vizsla to rasa psów. Jest to rasa, która wyróżnia się pięknem i elegancją. Pochodzący z Węgier pies do dziś jest wykorzystywany glównie jako pies myśliwski i cieszy się dużą...
- CHF 17.15
- CHF 17.15
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Ball Pythons Coloring Book: Coloring Books for Adults, Wildlife Coloring Pages, Gifts for Snake LoversBall Pythons Coloring Book, Coloring Books for Adults, Wildlife Coloring Pages, Gifts for Snake Lovers, African Pythons, Coloring Gifts It was made for Ball Pythons lovers or someone who likes to relax while coloring. Ball Pythons in zentangle pattern style with heartwarming quotes. It...
- CHF 33.84
- CHF 33.84
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Jamnik (Dachshund: Ras Psów Pochodząca z Niemiec)Jamnik - popularny pies myśliwski w malym formacie Czy wiesz na przyklad, że ten maly lobuziak jest tak naprawdę psem myśliwskim? Trudno w to uwierzyc, bo można by sobie wyobrazic, że pies myśliwski jest nieco większy i silniejszy. A na co poluje jamnik? Na...
- CHF 20.59
- CHF 20.59
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Cane CorsoSzkolenie Cane Corso - od szkolenia szczeniąt i treningu domowego po gry dla psów i szkolenie doroslych Cane Corso. Wyjątkowy charakter Cane Corso sprawia, że jest to wymarzony pies, jeśli szkolenie jest wlaściwe od szczenięctwa. W tej książce przeczytasz, jak zmienic szczeniaka Cane Corso...
- CHF 17.15
- CHF 17.15
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Owczarek NiemieckiOwczarek niemiecki - mądry i potulny Psy tej rasy są wykorzystywane jako psy pracujące do wielu różnych zadań na calym świecie. Ale to także wierni przyjaciele i doskonale psy rodzinne. Najważniejsze jest dobre wyszkolenie psa i jego optymalne wykorzystanie, bo owczarek niemiecki nie toleruje...
- CHF 18.87
- CHF 18.87
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Shiba Inu (Ras Psów)Do każdego serca wkrada się milusiński piesek z Japonii - Shiba Inu. Shiba to tradycyjna japońska rasa psów. Dorasta do 40 centymetrów wysokości, a kolorami sierści i wąską glową przypomina malego lisa. Dziś psa rodowodowego można spotkac na calym świecie. Jednak również w Japonii...
- CHF 17.15
- CHF 17.15
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