Explore our collection of philosophy books at our online bookstore, featuring the best books on philosophy, philosophical novels, and famous works on stoicism and political philosophy. Discover must-read and best-selling titles that offer deep insights into the world of philosophy.
A Dissertation on the Books of Origen against CelsusA Dissertation on the Books of Origen against CelsusThe Book of Celsus, [1a] entitled The True Discourse, [1b] is supposed to have been written during the fifth persecution, [1c] in the reign of Marcus Antoninus, and in the one hundred and seventieth year of...
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The Witchcraft Delusion in New England: Its Rise, Progress, and Termination (Vol. 2 of 3)The Witchcraft Delusion in New England: Its Rise, Progress, and Termination (Vol. 2 of 3) THE Witchcraft Delusion IN NEW ENGLAND: ITS Rise, Progress, and Termination, AS EXHIBITED BY Dr. COTTON MATHER, IN THE WONDERS OF THE INVISIBLE WORLD; AND BY Mr. ROBERT CALEF,...
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Der ewige Buddho: Ein Tempelschriftwerk in vier UnterweisungenDer ewige Buddho: Ein Tempelschriftwerk in vier UnterweisungenDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1922 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Zeichensetzung und offensichtliche typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche sowie inkonsistente Schreibweisen wurden beibehalten, insbesondere wenn diese in der damaligen Zeit blich...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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The Little Child's Book of DivinityThe Little Child's Book of Divinity - or Grandmamma's Stories about Bible DoctrinesLittle Emma was one Sabbath evening alone in the room with her grandmamma. Good old Mrs Allan (for that was her grandmothers name) was seated in her armchair, beside a blazing winter...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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How to bring men to ChristHow to bring men to ChristThis book is written because it seems to be needed. The author has been repeatedly requested by Ministers, Y. M. C. A. Secretaries, Christian Workers, and his own students to put into a permanent and convenient shape the substance...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Suuri oppi: Johdatus kungfutselaiseen elämänkatsomukseenSuuri oppi: Johdatus kungfutselaiseen elämänkatsomukseenSuuri tuntematon on kaukaisen idn kiinalainen maailma suomalaiselle yleislle thn asti ollut. Vieraan isnnn alamaisina ei meill ole ollut erikoisempaa aihetta kiinnitt huomiotamme monien miljoonien merkilliseen maahan. Ainoastaan lhetyskansa on lhemmin seurannut siklisi oloja parisen vuosikymment. Kiinaa ksittelev suomenkielinen kirjallisuus...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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The New EschatologyThe New Eschatology - Showing the Indestructibility of the Earth and the Wide Difference Between the Letter and Spirit of Holy Scripture.This little work was published in England several years ago; but has never before been republished in this country. It deals with those...
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Etiquette Made EasyEtiquette Made EasySIMPLICITY SHOULD always characterize good manners, and this truth applies especially in the matter of introductions. There should be no attempt at fine phrases. Mrs. Smith, let me present Mr. Jones. It is to be noted that the names of both persons...
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Peter AbélardPeter AbélardThe author does not think it necessary to offer any apology for having written a life of Ablard. The intense dramatic interest of his life is known from a number of brief notices and sketches, but English readers have no complete presentation of...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Les questions esthétiques contemporainesLes questions esthétiques contemporainesCe ne sont pas toutes les questions esthtiques contemporaines qui sont traites ici, mais quelques-unes peut-tre des principales et assurment des plus nouvelles. Quesprer de lemploi du fer en architecture? Comment rendre, en sculpture, le vtement moderne? Quelle place faire la...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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A Short History of Freethought Ancient and Modern, Volume 1 of 2A Short History of Freethought Ancient and Modern, Volume 1 of 2 - Third edition, Revised and Expanded, in two volumesThis, the third edition, represents a considerable expansion of the second (1906), which in its turn was a considerable expansion of the first (1899)....
- CHF 5.81
CHF 18.61- CHF 5.81
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Is Spiritualism Based on Fraud?Is Spiritualism Based on Fraud? - The Evidence Given by Sir A.C. Doyle and Others Drastically ExaminedOn March 11 of this year Sir Arthur Conan Doyle did me the honour of debating the claims of Spiritualism with me before a vast and distinguished audience...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Life of David W. Patten, the First Apostolic MartyrLife of David W. Patten, the First Apostolic MartyrThe writing of this little volume has been a pleasant task. And just as we find mingled with our regret at parting with a friend, a joy in the assurance that to whomsoever he comes he...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Thoughts out of Season, Part IThoughts out of Season, Part I - David Strauss, the Confessor and the Writer - Richard Wagner in Bayreuth.The Editor begs to call attention to some of the difficulties he had to encounter in preparing this edition of the complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche....
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Die Komposition des Buches Jes. c. 28-33Die Komposition des Buches Jes. c. 28-33.Im ersten, ungedruckten Teile der vorliegenden Dissertation ist namentlich auf Grund der von Duhm in seinem Kommentare zu Jesaia[1] und von Hackmann in seiner Schrift ber die Zukunftserwartung des Jesaia[2] vorgenommenen Untersuchungen eine eingehende Analyse des Buches Jes....
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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The Historical Jesus: A Survey of PositionsThe Historical Jesus: A Survey of PositionsPresupposition in science. The Copernican theory. The reception of Galileo, Harvey, and Darwin. Blinding effects of scholarship. The theological record. Mutations of Christian opinion. Defence of the belief in witchcraft. Leibnitz and Newton. Criticism of the Pentateuch. Parvish,...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy: Volume 2 (of 3)Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy: Volume 2 (of 3)The development of philosophic science as science, and, further, the progress from the Socratic point of view to the scientific, begins with Plato and is completed by Aristotle. They of all others deserve to...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy: Volume 1 (of 3)Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy: Volume 1 (of 3)The name of Greece strikes home to the hearts of men of education in Europe, and more particularly is this so with us Germans. Europeans have taken their religion, the life to come, the...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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50 Years in the Church of RomeFifty Years in the Church of RomeErrors, when reasonably attributable to the printer, have been corrected. The corrections appear as words underlined with a light gray. The original text will be shown when the mouse is over the word. Please see the transcribers note...
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CHF 11.63- CHF 5.81
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