Popular Authors
Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of WomanMemoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of WomanIt has always appeared to me, that to give to the public some account of the life of a person of eminent merit deceased, is a duty incumbent on survivors. It seldom happens...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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Fredrika RunebergFredrika RunebergKaitselmus johti niin ett meidn suuren kansallisrunoilijamme rinnalla oli nainen, joka on ansainnut Suomen naisten katoamattoman kiitollisuuden. Johan Ludvig Runeberg on runoilijana herttnyt henkiin Suomen kansassa selvsti tajutun isnmaanrakkauden. Hnen puolisonsa, Fredrika Runeberg, on ensimminen, joka meidn maassamme on julkisesti puhunut naisen puolesta...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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Washington IrvingWashington IrvingIt is over twenty years since the death of Washington Irving removed that personal presence which is always a powerful, and sometimes the sole, stimulus to the sale of an author's books, and which strongly affects the contemporary judgment of their merits. It...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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Literary Character of Men of GeniusLiterary Character of Men of Genius - Drawn from Their Own Feelings and ConfessionsFor the fifth time I revise a subject which has occupied my inquiries from early life, with feelings still delightful, and an enthusiasm not wholly diminished. Had not the principle upon...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 18.38- CHF 5.74
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D'AlembertD'AlembertLeibniz, dit-on, ne faisait cas de la science que parce qu'elle lui donnait le droit d'tre cout quand il parlait de philosophie et de religion. L'ide certes est gnreuse et digne de son grand esprit, mais si tous ceux qui abordent ces hautes questions...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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J. W. v. Goethe's BiographieJ. W. v. Goethe's BiographieJohann Wolfgang Goethe, spter in den Adelstand erhoben, war zu Frankfurt am Main den 28. August 1749 geboren. Sein Grovater, Friedrich Georg, war Gastgeber zum Weidenhof. Eine glnzendere Stellung behauptete sein Grovater mtterlicher Seite Johann Wolfgang Textor als Kaiserlicher Schulthei....
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) (2nd ed.) (2 vols.)Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) (2nd ed.) (2 vols.) - Edited with notes and Introductory Account of her life and writings Dr. Johnson was hailed the colossus of Literature by a generation who measured him against men of no common...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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Friedrich v. Schiller's BiographieFriedrich v. Schiller's Biographie * * * * * Friedrich Schiller, mit seinen vollstndigen Vornamen Johann Christoph Friedrich, spter in den Adelstand erhoben, erblickte zu Marbach den 11. November 1759 das Licht der Welt, unter Verhltnissen, die der Entwicklung vorhandener Fhigkeiten und Geistesanlagen nicht...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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The Journal of Sir Walter ScottThe Journal of Sir Walter Scott - From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford On the death of Sir Walter Scott in 1832, his entire literary remains were placed at the disposal of his son-in-law, Mr. John Gibson Lockhart. Among these remains were two volumes...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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Uncle Titus and His Visit to the CountryUncle Titus and His Visit to the CountryThe daily promenaders who moved slowly back and forth every afternoon under the shade of the lindens on the eastern side of the pretty town of Karlsruhe were very much interested in the appearance of two persons...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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Portraits littéraires, Tome IIIPortraits littéraires, Tome IIICe volume, que j'intitule Derniers Portraits, non parce que j'ai dcid de n'en plus faire, mais parce qu'il se compose des dernires tudes de ce genre auxquelles j'ai pris plaisir avant Fvrier 1848, sert de complment aux six volumes de Portraits...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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The RoadThe RoadThere is a woman in the state of Nevada to whom I once lied continuously, consistently, and shamelessly, for the matter of a couple of hours. I don't want to apologize to her. Far be it from me. But I do want to...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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Lapsuuteni muistojaLapsuuteni muistojaSiihen aikaan olin mustalaispojan korkuinen, pahanen naskali vain, ja taisipa seitsemn ikvuotta levt hartioillani. Ik aimo tuo! Eihn surut eik huolet sre silloin inehmonlapsen mielt, ei kyhnkn. Kun hn levolle laskee saamatta illalliseksi niin jumalanjyv ja aamulla sitten her vatsassaan kurraava nlk, jonka...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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ElämäniElämäniMin olen syntynyt kyhist vanhemmista, joilla ei ollut pienintkn muuta omaisuutta kuin ktens elttmn sit monilukuista perhett, jonka haltiaksi Jumala oli heidt asettanut. He tekivt tyt otsansa hiess, tyttksens sit pyh kutsumusta, jonka kalleuden he hyvin ksittivt, ja elttksens niit lapsia, jotka Jumala oli...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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Historia CalamitatumHistoria CalamitatumThe "Historia Calamitatum" of Peter Ablard is one of those human documents, out of the very heart of the Middle Ages, that illuminates by the glow of its ardour a shadowy period that has been made even more dusky and incomprehensible by unsympathetic...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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The Hill of DreamsThe Hill of Dreams But all the afternoon his eyes had looked on glamour; he had strayed in fairyland. The holidays were nearly done, and Lucian Taylor had gone out resolved to lose himself, to discover strange hills and prospects that he had never...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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Portraits littéraires, Tome IIPortraits littéraires, Tome IIIl y a en posie, en littrature, une classe d'hommes hors de ligne, mme entre les premiers, trs-peu nombreuse, cinq ou six en tout, peut-tre, depuis le commencement, et dont le caractre est l'universalit, l'humanit ternelle intimement mle la peinture des...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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The Pocket George BorrowThe Pocket George Borrow - Passages chosen from the works of George BorrowWhen a man has read once, or twice, or three times, through Borrows books, he will probably dip into them here and there at intervals. By so doing he gradually makes his...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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Life And Letters Of John Gay (1685-1732), Author of "The Beggar's Opera"Life And Letters Of John Gay (1685-1732), Author of "The Beggar's Opera" John Gay was a considerable figure in the literary and social circles of his day. He was loved by Pope; Swift cared for him more than for any other man, and the...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol IIThe Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol II.LXXXIII. Emerson. Concord, 29 April, 1843. Carlyle's star. Lectures on "New England" at Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York.Politics in Washington.Past and Present.Effect of cheap press in America.Reprint of the book.The Dial does not...
- CHF 5.74
CHF 11.49- CHF 5.74
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