Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory: The Emergence of Polyvagal-Informed TherapiesClinicians who have dedicated their work to bringing the benefits of the Polyvagal Theory to a range of clients have come together to present Polyvagal Theory in a creative and personal way.Chapters on a range of topics from compassionate medical care to optimized therapeutic...
- CHF 73.46
- CHF 73.46
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The Cambridge Handbook of Anxiety and Related DisordersThis Handbook surveys existing descriptive and experimental approaches to the study of anxiety and related disorders, emphasizing the provision of empirically-guided suggestions for treatment. Based upon the findings from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the chapters collected here highlight contemporary...
- CHF 146.70
- CHF 146.70
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Relational Health: How Social Connection Impacts Our Physical and Mental WellbeingWe tend to credit the healthy for good habits and discipline, and assign blame to the sick. All too often we view our health as a product of individual inputs rather than through a lens of interconnected, relational health. The relational health perspective offers...
- CHF 62.50
- CHF 62.50
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La Guía del Eneagrama para el Autodescubrimiento, la Plenitud en las Relaciones y el Despertar: El uso del Eneagrama para encontrar tu verdadera persoComprender tu tipo de personalidad te otorgará más poder del que crees... Estás preparado para transformar tu vida? Te has preguntado alguna vez por qué Angelina Jolie y Jonny Lee Miller no sólo funcionaron como una pareja increíble, sino que también consiguieron mantenerse así...
- CHF 29.40
- CHF 29.40
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Clinical Topics in Teaching Psychiatry: A Guide for CliniciansClinical Topics in Teaching Psychiatry draws on classic papers previously published in BJPsych Advances, alongside newly commissioned chapters, to provide a rich overview of teaching and learning as applied to psychiatry. Written by clinicians, professors and lecturers, the book covers the direct teaching of...
- CHF 73.54
- CHF 73.54
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Half Full: The History and Bright Future of 10,000 Years of OptimismThe world is not going to hell. America is not staring into an abyss, there is no third world war looming on the horizon, and this is not the golden age of pessimism. There is every reason to worry about climate change, violence and...
- CHF 33.76
- CHF 33.76
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Pure Vulnerability: My TEDx talk about recovery through depression, an eating disorder, and sexual assaultDr. Kevin Snyder grew up in a loving family and was a happy young kid. But at just 12 years old, he was diagnosed with depression and an eating disorder. At 16, Kevin was arrested. At 23, he was sexually assaulted by another man....
- CHF 36.11
- CHF 36.11
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Entienda el desafío del -NO- en los niños con autismoLos invito a un viaje en el que se desenvolverán pequeñas capas de concientización, resaltando el cómo escogiendo cuidadosamente el vocabulario se puede mejorar de gran manera su relación con un niño con autismo. Las páginas de este libro están llenas con anécdotas educativas...
- CHF 24.93
- CHF 24.93
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Die TraumdeutungDie Traumdeutung wurde in der gesamten Menschheitsgeschichte als bedeutendes Werk angesehen, und um sicherzustellen, dass dieses Werk niemals verloren geht, haben wir Schritte unternommen, um seine Erhaltung zu gewährleisten, indem wir dieses Buch in einem zeitgemä en Format für aktuelle und zukünftige Generationen neu...
- CHF 50.33
- CHF 50.33
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Grieving Through A Magical Celebration Of Life: The New NormalMary Lee (M.L.) Marini was my true love and best friend for more than 40 years of marriage. In this book, my adult children and I share reflections on M.L.'s final years of serious illness-both the pain and the laughter-and how our family came...
- CHF 39.20
- CHF 39.20
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The Almighty Dollar: A Psychiatrist Looks at MoneyMoney was invented about 5000 years ago and has proved essential to civilization. It has also become so charged with emotions that it dominates events throughout life and looms large in all interpersonal transactions. This book looks at all aspects of the money/mind relationship...
- CHF 55.87
- CHF 55.87
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Suicides changing perceptions of life and death in Japanese societyAuthor: Sharma Nitasha RPublisher: Independent AurthorPublished: 01/10/2023Pages: 262Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.78lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.55dISBN: 9781805454595
- CHF 51.47
- CHF 51.47
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Cum de a crește stima de sine a femeilor în doar 14 zile: O metodă pas cu pas pentru a deveni mai încrezători și de a depăPrimul lucru pe care trebuie să-l cunoașteți, să vă ocupați mai bine de timiditate, este că nu este o boală. Noi suntem cei care ne gestionăm viețile și care ne exercităm puterea de a alege cum să ne comportăm, pentru aceasta, a venit timpul...
- CHF 37.09
- CHF 37.09
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Come parlare in pubblico senza paura: Tecniche efficaci per poter imparare a comunicare senza ansia e stressParlare in pubblico è un problema molto comune tra le persone, e questa difficoltà può interferire e danneggiare la carriera di qualsiasi professionista; anche il più competente, dopo tutto, comunicare bene è essenziale al momento di conquistare un buon posto nel mercato del lavoro...
- CHF 33.93
- CHF 33.93
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Mental Health Among Adolescent School Learners and Its Impact on Their Social AdjustmentAuthor: Chattu MondalPublisher: Chattu MondalPublished: 01/14/2023Pages: 210Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.63lbsSize: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.44dISBN: 9786845458268
- CHF 44.13
- CHF 44.13
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The Art of Holding in Therapy: An Essential Intervention for Postpartum Depression and AnxietyFirst conceptualized by D.W. Winnicott, holding in this book refers to a therapist's capacity to respond to postpartum distress in a way that facilitates an immediate and successful therapeutic alliance. Readers will learn how to contain high levels of agitation, fear, and panic in...
- CHF 122.46
- CHF 122.46
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Recovering Intimacy in Love Relationships: A Clinician's GuideThe loss of intimacy is one of the most difficult--but also one of the most common--factors in the destruction of any relationship. Recovering Intimacy in Love Relationships lays out practical, evidence-based guidelines on which clinicians can depend as they wade through the intense emotions...
- CHF 154.34
- CHF 154.34
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Museum Objects, Health and Healing: The Relationship between Exhibitions and WellnessMuseum Objects, Health and Healing provides an innovative and interdisciplinary study of the relationship between objects, health and healing. Shedding light on the primacy of the human need for relationships with objects, the book explores what kind of implications these relationships might have on...
- CHF 416.81
- CHF 416.81
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Basic Statistics for the Behavioral SciencesPacked with real-world illustrations and the latest data available, BASIC STATISTICS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 7e demystifies and fully explains statistics in a lively, reader-friendly format. The author's clear, patiently crafted explanations with an occasional touch of humor, teach readers not only how to...
- CHF 267.74
- CHF 267.74
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The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Forensic NeuroscienceExplores how the explosion of neuroscience-based evidence in recent years has led to a fundamental change in how forensic psychology can inform working with criminal populations. This book communicates knowledge and research findings in the neurobiological field to those who work with offenders and...
- CHF 105.28
- CHF 105.28
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