Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
Misty Twisty Knot, Understanding Emotions & Behaviors Associated with AnxietyThis book is written for all of us who have experienced feelings of fear, worry, and nervousness on the inside as a result of something we have seen, heard, or experienced. For the little girl or little boy who feels or has felt scared,...
- CHF 43.09
- CHF 43.09
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Deep Coaching: Using the Enneagram as a Catalyst for Profound Change (Second Edition)Deep Coaching - Second EditionForeword by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson (First Edition) and Belinda Gore (Second Edition)Unlocking Transformative Sources of Healing and WholenessIn the second edition of her groundbreaking book Deep Coaching: Using the Enneagram as a Catalyst for Profound Change, Dr....
- CHF 65.31
- CHF 65.31
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Substance Abuse and Cognitive Behavioral TherapyTheory and research suggest that self-efficacy plays an important part in substance abusers' decisions to change substance-related behavior, reduce substance use during treatment, and maintain treatment progress at follow-up. Self-evaluation and self-cognition can help individuals develop the self-efficacy to overcome substance abuse and make...
- CHF 48.10
- CHF 48.10
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Understanding Encouragement: At the Intersections of Christian Leadership and Positive PsychologyAdapted from the dissertation entitled, Phenomenological Study of Encouragement as a Protective Factor for New Christian Pastors, this book gives clarity in laymen's terms on how vital encouragement is to one's well-being. It is a condensed discovery of how encouragement can be a protective...
- CHF 31.44
- CHF 31.44
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New Faces, New Futures: Rebuilding Character with Plastic Surgery2022 Reprint of the 1936 First Edition. Profusely illustrated with photos of patients before and after surgery, as well as historical illustrations of plastic surgery from the past. Exact facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. The curing of...
- CHF 41.26
- CHF 41.26
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Lifespan Development in Context: A Topical ApproachAward-winning author Tara Kuther presents Lifespan Development in Context, Second Edition, a topically oriented edition of her bestselling text that provides a panoramic view of the many influences that shape human development. Kuther′s student-friendly narrative illustrates how the places, sociocultural envi-ronments, and ways in...
- CHF 326.84
- CHF 326.84
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Six Modern WomenIn "Six Modern Women," author Laura Hannson reviews the lives and works of six remarkable women, each of whom were influential in the women's rights movement of the late 17th century. Through this work, Hansson tried to make the point that, even in the...
- CHF 16.50
- CHF 16.50
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Métodos de InvestigaçãoComo a investigação enriquece vidas - métodos de investigação explicados de forma simples! Os métodos de investigação da psicologia e das ciências sociais no campo das ciências humanas são muito diferentes dos métodos de outras ciências empíricas. Não é certamente fácil tentar compreender os...
- CHF 17.39
- CHF 17.39
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Autism and Education: The Way I See It: What Parents and Teachers Need to KnowDr. Temple Grandin gets to the real issues of autism--the ones parents and teachers face every day. Autism and Education: The Way I See It is a concise handbook that illustrates what Dr. Grandin has found, from her experience, to work in the field...
- CHF 23.45
- CHF 23.45
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Narrative Ansätze in Beratung Und Coaching: Das Modell Der Persönlichkeits- Und Identitätskonstruktion (Mpi) in Der PraxisIn Beratung und Coaching wird sehr häufig mit narrativen Ansätzen gearbeitet. Narrative Ansätze leiten Klient*innen dazu an, die eigene Biografie zu reflektieren und dadurch den Blick auf sich selbst sowie die eigene Identität in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen zu richten. Das vorliegende Buch beinhaltet verschiedene Methoden...
- CHF 78.36
- CHF 78.36
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Mentalization-Based Treatment for Children: A Time-Limited ApproachThis book, now available in paperback, is the first comprehensive clinical introduction to using Mentalization-based treatment (MBT) with children, 5-12 years old, who experience emotional and behavioral problems including anxiety, depression, and relational difficulties. Mentalization--based treatment (MBT) promotes clients' ability to interpret the meaning...
- CHF 144.78
- CHF 144.78
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Bilingual ChildrenMultilingualism is achieved through different paths, at different ages, and for different purposes. But languages matter, and the experiences and abilities we acquire with languages impact our cognitive, social, and emotional lives. Moreover, we are now in a position in which we can control...
- CHF 26.12
- CHF 26.12
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My Last Drink: 32 stories of recovering alcoholicsThe notion of Last Drinks has entered deeply into the Australian lexicon, but there is another kind of Last Drink, the last one that an alcoholic takes before she or he gets sober. My Last Drink is a collection of inspiring and hitherto unpublished...
- CHF 39.13
- CHF 39.13
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Body Happy Kids: How to Help Children and Teens Love the Skin They're inAuthor: Molly ForbesPublisher: VermilionPublished: 04/01/2021Pages: 272Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.60lbsISBN: 9781785043581
- CHF 37.83
- CHF 37.83
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Zwangsstörung Und Zwangshandlungen: Eine Einführung Für Pflege-, Gesundheits- Und SozialberufeMenschen mit Zwangsstörungen besser verstehen! Dieses Buch richtet sich an das interprofessionelle Therapieteam von Menschen mit Zwangsstörungen und hilft Betroffene besser zu verstehen und gezielter zu unterstützen. Durch konkrete Fallbeispiele und in leicht verständlicher Sprache bietet die Autorin eine Einführung in das komplexe Thema...
- CHF 48.97
- CHF 48.97
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La sabiduría de la muerteTodos quisiéramos tener la certeza de que existe la eternidad, de que nuestro destino no se para en seco cuando la parca viene a recogernos. Como recurso ante el olvido de la cultura occidental de la tan temida muerte, tenemos las enseñanzas del Bardo...
- CHF 29.41
- CHF 29.41
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Führende Denker: Geschichtliche Einleitung in die PhilosophieDieses Buch ""Führende Denker: Geschichtliche Einleitung in die Philosophie "" wurde in der gesamten Menschheitsgeschichte als wichtig angesehen, und damit dieses Werk niemals vergessen wird, haben wir uns bemüht, es zu bewahren, indem wir dieses Buch in einem modernen Format für gegenwärtige und zukünftige...
- CHF 23.00
- CHF 23.00
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Magic, Pretended Miracles, and Remarkable Natural PhenomenaThis Book "Magic, Pretended Miracles, and Remarkable Natural Phenomena" has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future...
- CHF 23.09
- CHF 23.09
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Självförtroende (Motivation)Stärk självförtroendet - Få framgång i ditt yrkes- och privatliv genom att övervinna självtvivel och komplex. Den här boken är en djupgående guide om ämnet "att öka självförtroendet". Den förklarar vad som menas med begreppet självförtroende och klargör hur det skiljer sig från begrepp...
- CHF 17.39
- CHF 17.39
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On Narcissism;An IntroductionFrom the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, comes this fascinating introduction to his theories of narcissism. First published in 1914, On Narcissism introduces Sigmund Freud's work surrounding the psychological symptoms and treatment of narcissism. In this work, Freud explores his theories and argues narcissism's...
- CHF 41.35
- CHF 41.35
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