Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
Psychodynamische Psychotherapie Bei Kindern Und Jugendlichen: Das Tiefenpsychologisch Fundierte Verfahren: Basiswissen Und PraxisEnglish summary: Transference-Focused-Psychotherapy (TFP) is a form of treatment based on psychoanalysis and a method often used with children and adolescents. As a systematic textbook on this form of therapy for children and adolescents the work fills a gap on the market. It can...
- CHF 97.11
- CHF 97.11
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Geschlechterrollen Und Ihre Folgen: Eine Sozialpsychologische BetrachtungGeschlechterrollen und Geschlechtsrollenerwartungen spielen in den meisten Lebenskontexten eine Rolle. Nach wie vor sind trotz grosser Ahnlichkeiten von Mannern und Frauen in psychologischen Merkmalen grosse Unterschiede in den sozialen Rollen zu finden. Uber den aktuellen Forschungsstand zum Thema geschlechtstypisches Verhalten und Rollen informiert dieses...
- CHF 90.63
- CHF 90.63
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Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of MindQuantum physics, unlike classical physics, suggests a non-physicalistic metaphysics. Whereas physicalism implies a reductive position in the philosophy of mind, quantum physics is compatible with non-reductionism, and actually seems to support it. The essays in this book explore, from various points of view, the...
- CHF 32.35
- CHF 32.35
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What Is Psychotherapy?A fresh perspective on how psychotherapy can be universally effective. Psychotherapy is one of the most valuable inventions of the last hundred years, with an exceptional power to raise our levels of emotional well-being, enhance our relationships, heal the wounds of the past, and...
- CHF 19.41
- CHF 19.41
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Healing After Birth: Navigating Your Emotions After A Difficult BirthHealing After Birth: Helping Mothers Make Sense of The Unexpected.A Mothers Guide: Did you have an unexpected, difficult, or scary childbirth experience? Did you feel utterly unprepared for what took place during labour and delivery and for what followed? After giving birth, were you...
- CHF 32.35
- CHF 32.35
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Human Psychology: 21 Fundamental Principles Of The Human Mind To Understand How People Think And Behave And Subconsciously Influence TheDiscover 21 Fundamental Principles Of Human Psychology To Understand People And Influence Their ActionsHuman psychology itself is a vast topic that requires many years of research and attention to truly learn the entire subject. However, you likely don't have many years of time to...
- CHF 23.27
- CHF 23.27
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Corgis Coloring Book: Dog Coloring Book for AdultsGREAT GIFT IDEAS - COLOURING BOOKS FOR GROWN-UPS This incredible Adult Coloring Book by best-selling artist This book is the perfect way to relieve stress and while enjoying beautiful and highly detailed images. Product Details: Printed single sided on bright white paper Perfect for...
- CHF 11.31
- CHF 11.31
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Pedro Almodóvar: A Cinema of Desire, Passion and Compulsion"This is an exciting and excited collection of essays by a talented group of psychoanalysts, scholars and artists who take us right into the dark, antic, ribald, mocking heart and brilliant mind of that enfant terrible of Spanish film--Pedro Almod var. His wildly joyous,...
- CHF 45.32
- CHF 45.32
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A Systematic and Integrative Model for Mental Health Assessment and Treatment PlanningThis book sets the stage by providing a clear, systematic, and integrative model for mental health assessment and treatment planning that can be used in a variety of clinical settings, with a diverse adult clinical population. The authors advocate for the importance of considering...
- CHF 97.01
- CHF 97.01
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Vinny the Fox has PTSDOften when people are given a mental health disorder diagnosis the weaknesses are clear and overwhelmingly emphasized, while the strengths are ignored or forgotten. The mental health children's book series 'What Mental Disorder?' challenges the stigma against therapy and diagnosis. It enlists the reader...
- CHF 17.18
- CHF 17.18
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Anxiety Anonymous: The Big Book on Anxiety AddictionWhen you are in the grip of anxiety, fear, or worry: - Do you feel powerless to stop your reacting? - Does your life feel unmanageable? - Does your craving for control interfere with your life? - Do you feel hopeless for a cure?...
- CHF 38.77
- CHF 38.77
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The Bipolar Experience: One fashion model's war against the stigma of mental illnessAdopted at nine months, married off at seventeen, a mother by nineteen, and diagnosed with the severest form of bipolar disorder at twenty-three. LeeAnn Jefferies believed her dream of being a top model--of traveling the globe for fashion and its industries biggest names--was sealed...
- CHF 16.82
- CHF 16.82
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Embrace of the Daimon: Healing Through the Subtle Energy Body/ Jungian Psychology & the Dark FeminineNext Generation Indie Book Award 2015 -Winner (New Age)USA Best Book Awards 2014 -Winner (Philosophy)ForeWord Reviews' Book of the Year 2013-Finalist (Body/Mind/Spirit)Have you wrestled with uncanny, nightmarish imagery in dreams or waking? Life crises, trauma, deep meditation, prayer or inquiry can unleash surprisingly compelling...
- CHF 30.67
- CHF 30.67
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Living with Loss"I am so glad that Rachel wrote this book so she can continue to help more people live with loss. She has a special gift for imparting small and manageable ideas that can profoundly impact someone grieving. Loss is never easy, but Rachel's words...
- CHF 22.03
- CHF 22.03
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Overcoming Compassion Fatigue: A Practical Resilience WorkbookOvercoming Compassion Fatigue is a fresh workbook approach to effectively handle the inherent exhaustion, burnout and stress professionals naturally face when working with those in pain and distress.Written by two practicing clinicians experienced in compassion fatigue and CBT, this manual will equip you with...
- CHF 45.30
- CHF 45.30
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Sensorimotor Interventions: Using Movement to Improve Overall Body FunctionOptimal function of our bodies occurs when our sensory and motor systems are strong and able to adapt to the demands of the environment. Today's children often struggle with fidgeting, decreased attention, and immature motor patterns, which manifest themselves through frustration and behavior issues....
- CHF 19.35
- CHF 19.35
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Active Imagination Activity Book: 50 Sensorimotor Activities for Children to Improve Focus, Attention, Strength, & CoordinationChildhood is a time filled with new motor challenges and all kinds of hurdles; Kids are busy learning to tie their shoes, zipper their jackets, ride a bicycle, negotiate the playground, and write their names. All of these skills require kids to have strength,...
- CHF 25.83
- CHF 25.83
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The Power of Trauma: Conquering Post Traumatic Stress DisorderOn September 3, 1999, Ute Lawrence was involved in a horrific eighty-seven-car highway pile-up, the worst in Canadian history, that saw eight people killed. In The Power of Trauma, she draws on her mind-altering experience to develop a profound new perspective on life that...
- CHF 15.46
- CHF 15.46
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Edward and Tyler Relapse & RecoveryThey're at it again - Edward Bear and Tyler in another verbal duel, this time discussing the infamous three Rs: Recovery, Romance, and Relapse, and the possibility of returning and reconstructing some kind of a reasonable life in the aftermath of a relapse. They...
- CHF 23.48
- CHF 23.48
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Borderline Personality Disorder: Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder, and how it can be managed, treated, and improvedBORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDERThis book covers the topic of Borderline Personality Disorder and will educate you on the many signs and symptoms, challenges, and struggles that come with BPD. You will discover what things can cause Borderline Personality Disorder to develop in the first place,...
- CHF 19.41
- CHF 19.41
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