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"Billy" Sunday, the Man and His Message"Billy" Sunday, the Man and His Message - With his own words which have won thousands for ChristThe entire contents of this book are protected by the stringent new copyright law, and all persons are warned not to attempt to reproduce the text, in...
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Josef Dietzgens philosophische LehrenJosef Dietzgens philosophische LehrenNicht alles ist Gold, was unter dem Namen Philosophie bisher geglnzt hat. Und nicht einmal ist alles Gold, was die wirklichen Philosophen aus dem Schachte ihres tiefen Geistes hervorgeholt und vor der wibegierigen Menschheit ausgebreitet haben. Gar vieles war von vornherein...
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Herakles, the Hero of Thebes, and Other Heroes of the MythHerakles, the Hero of Thebes, and Other Heroes of the Myth - Adapted from the Second Book of the Primary Schools of Athens, GreeceOne look at the map of Greece will show us that it is the smallest of European countries. For many hundreds...
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CHF 18.56- CHF 5.80
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The Man of GeniusThe Man of GeniusIT has never before happened that in the latest edition of a book I have had to disown so much in preceding editions; my first imperfect and spontaneous idea has never before been so modified and transformed, the final form being,...
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CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Gospel Themes: A Treatise on Salient Features of "Mormonism"Gospel Themes: A Treatise on Salient Features of "Mormonism"This little book was written and compiled at the request of the General Priesthood Committee, under the sanction of the First Presidency of the Church, for the use and benefit of the Priesthood Classes, throughout the...
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Blood Atonement and the Origin of Plural Marriage: A DiscussionBlood Atonement and the Origin of Plural Marriage: A DiscussionAdditional testimony of a few out of the multitude[1] of witnesses who were taught these principles by the Prophet Joseph Smith, and who knew that he received the revelation known as section 132 in the...
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CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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The Three ImpostorsThe Three ImpostorsThe Translator of the following little treatise deems it necessary to say a few words as to the object of its publication. It is given to the world, neither with a view to advocate Scepticism, nor to spread infidelity, but simply to...
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CHF 18.56- CHF 5.80
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Friedrich Nietzsche in seinen WerkenFriedrich Nietzsche in seinen Werken Ich kenne mancher Menschen Sinn Und weiss nicht, "Wer ich selber bin! Mein Auge ist mir viel zu nah Ich bin nicht, was ich seh und sah. Ich wollte mir schon besser ntzen, Knnt' ich mir selber ferner sitzen....
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CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Der Alptraum in seiner Beziehung zu gewissen Formen des mittelalterlichen AberglaubensDer Alptraum in seiner Beziehung zu gewissen Formen des mittelalterlichen Aberglaubens - Schriften zur angewandten Seelenkunde. Vierzehntes Heft In der folgenden Verffentlichung wurde der Versuch gemacht, den Eindruck, den die Erfahrungen des Alpdrucks auf die Bildung gewisser falscher Vorstellungen hervorriefen, festzustellen. Diese Vorstellungen haben...
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CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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A Prayer Book for Soldiers and SailorsA Prayer Book for Soldiers and SailorsOur Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we...
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CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Den tillförlitligaste Drömboken: Med öfwer 100 roliga figurerDen tillförlitligaste Drömboken: Med öfwer 100 roliga figurer Joseph, Jacobs son, sg, i drmmen, de sdeskrfwor som hans brder bundit hop, buga sig mot de, som han bundit, och der syntes honom att solen och mnan, omgifne af 11 stjernor, tillbdo honom. Denna drm...
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CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Protestantism and Catholicity compared in their effects on the civilization of EuropeProtestantism and Catholicity compared in their effects on the civilization of EuropeIn order to judge of the real effect which the introduction of Protestant doctrines would have had in Spain, we shall do well, in the first place, to take a survey of the...
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Kalliit hunajan pisarat Kalliosta KristuksestaKalliit hunajan pisarat Kalliosta Kristuksesta - eli Lyhykäinen varoitussana kaikille pyhille ja syntisilleTuomas Wilcocks eli 16:sta vuosisadalla. Waikka tiedot hnest ovatkin jotenkin vaillinaiset niinp on hnen syntym- ja kuolinvuotensakin tuntematon tiedmme kuitenkin, ett hn, jtettyns yliopiston, jossa hn v. 1589 saavutti maisterin arvon, oli...
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CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Mental Evolution in Man: Origin of Human FacultyMental Evolution in Man: Origin of Human FacultyIn now carrying my study of mental evolution into the province of human psychology, it is desirable that I should say a few words to indicate the scope and intention of this the major portion of my...
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CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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The Life and Labors of Elias HicksThe Life and Labors of Elias HicksNow and again a human life is lived in such obedience to the "heavenly vision" that it becomes an authority in other lives. The unswerving rectitude; whence is its divine directness? the world has to ask. Its clear-sightedness;...
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CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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King Solomon's GoatKing Solomon's GoatThe genial gentleman with horns, shown on the cover hereof, is christ.[1] The hybrid Christian-Egyptian religion was stolen from the sun-worship of Egypt and India and other religious impositions. When the sun, called Ra and Osiris in Egypt, identical with Jehovah, at...
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CHF 18.56- CHF 5.80
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Origin of the 'Reorganized' Church and the Question of SuccessionOrigin of the 'Reorganized' Church and the Question of SuccessionDuring the summer of 1906 and continuing until the summer of 1907, a number of Reorganite ministers who were engaged in missionary work in Salt Lake City and Ogden, were greatly encouraged by one or...
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CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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A Basket of Barley LoavesA Basket of Barley LoavesTo those who crave more of Christ in the soul and in the daily life, to those who long for holiness and assurance, this Basket of Barley Loaves will bring welcome refreshment and nourishment. The devout, even though trembling, believer,...
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CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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The Substance of Faith Allied with Science (6th Ed.)The Substance of Faith Allied with Science (6th Ed.) - A Catechism for Parents and TeachersThere is a growing conception of religion which regards it not as a thing for special hours or special days, but as a reality permeating the whole of life....
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CHF 18.56- CHF 5.80
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The Eve of the ReformationThe Eve of the Reformation - Studies in the Religious Life and Thought of the English people in the Period Preceding the Rejection of the Roman jurisdiction by Henry VIIIThe English Reformation presents a variety of problems to the student of history. Amongst them...
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