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Scraps of BiographyScraps of Biography - Tenth Book of the Faith-Promoting Series. Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-day SaintsThere is a gradually increasing interest among the young of this people for reading and study. It is now the ambition of nearly every son...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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A String of PearlsA String of Pearls - Second Book of the Faith-Promoting Series. Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-day SaintsIn publishing this, the second edition of the STRING OF PEARLS, it is only necessary to add that the first edition of 5,000 copies...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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An Introduction to PsychologyAn Introduction to Psychology - Translated from the Second German Edition It is not the intention of this introduction to psychology to discuss the scientific or philosophical conceptions of psychology, or even to make a survey of the investigations and their results. What this...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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True Tales of the Weird: a record of personal experiences of the supernaturalTrue Tales of the Weird: a record of personal experiences of the supernaturalThese stories are not "founded upon fact"; they are fact. If I may claim any merit for them it is thisthey are absolutely and literally true. They seem to me to be...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Gospel PhilosophyGospel Philosophy - Showing the Absurdities of Infidelity, and the Harmony of the Gospel with Science and HistorySectarians generally dread meeting a "Mormon" Elder in discussion, for they well know the humiliating defeat which has been the result to their compeers in hundreds of...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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The Supernatural in the New Testament, Possible, Credible, and HistoricalThe Supernatural in the New Testament, Possible, Credible, and Historical - Or, An Examination of the Validity of Some Recent Objections Against Christianity as a Divine RevelationAlthough every portion of the Bible is vehemently assailed by the various forms of modern Scepticism, it is...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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The Plan of SalvationThe Plan of SalvationIn the midst of the Christian world there are very many conflicting theories, in relation to man's existence here and hereafter; also as to the duties he owes to himself, his fellow-man and to his Creator. It is an undisputed question...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Volume 1, October, 1864The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Volume 1, October, 1864"Christian is my name, Catholic my surname", said one of the early Fathers, when he wished to give an adequate description of his religious belief. In the same way, the name and surname of this publication sufficiently...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Lydia Knight's HistoryLydia Knight's History - The First Book of the Noble Women's Lives The growing demand for our own literature among the youth of this people has induced us to undertake the publication of a new series of books. The general satisfaction which the books...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Gems for the Young FolksGems for the Young Folks - Fourth Book of the Faith-Promoting Series. Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-Day Saints.Already one of the results which the Editor and Publisher of the FAITH-PROMOTING SERIES anticipated when the first volume was issued, is apparentnamely,...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Method in the Study of TotemismMethod in the Study of TotemismIs there any human institution which can be safely called "Totemism"? Is there any possibility of defining, or even describing Totemism? Is it legitimateis it even possible, with due regard for "methodology" and logicto seek for the "normal" form...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 18.53- CHF 5.79
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The Theistic Conception of the WorldThe Theistic Conception of the World - An Essay in Opposition to Certain Tendencies of Modern ThoughtThe present volume was announced in the preface to "Christianity and Greek Philosophy" as nearly ready for publication under the title of "Christianity and Modern Thought." Several considerations...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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The Gospel: An Exposition of its First PrinciplesThe Gospel: An Exposition of its First Principles - Revised and Enlarged EditionI had determined in the second edition of this work to very much alter its general plan and enlarge it; but a number of friends who have used "The Gospel" as a...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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The Yoga-Vasishtha Maharamayana of Valmiki, vol. 3 (of 4) part 2 (of 2)The Yoga-Vasishtha Maharamayana of Valmiki, vol. 3 (of 4) part 2 (of 2)VLMIKI says:You have heard the relation of the subject of Stoicism or composure of the soul; attend now to that of Nirvna, which will teach you how to attain the final liberation...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 18.53- CHF 5.79
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A History of the Inquisition of Spain vol. 3A History of the Inquisition of Spain; vol. 3BY HENRY CHARLES LEA. LL.D. IN FOUR VOLUMES VOLUME III. New York THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON: MACMILLAN & CO., Ltd. 1907All rights reserved PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Copyright, 1907, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY....
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Magic and ReligionMagic and ReligionRecent years have brought rich additions to the materials for the study of early religion, ritual, magic, and myth. In proportion to the abundance of information has been the growth of theory and hypothesis. The first essay in this collection, 'Science and...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 18.53- CHF 5.79
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Lux Mundi: A Series of Studies in the Religion of the IncarnationLux Mundi: A Series of Studies in the Religion of the Incarnation, - 10th Edition, 1890There are two things which may fairly be regretted in regard to the criticismsoften the very kind and encouraging criticismswhich, this book has received. There is, first, the disproportionate...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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The Idea of God as Affected by Modern KnowledgeThe Idea of God as Affected by Modern KnowledgeWhen asked to give a second address before the Concord School of Philosophy, I gladly accepted the invitation, as affording a proper occasion for saying certain things which I had for some time wished to say...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Die Regeln des Anstands, der Höflichkeit und der guten SitteDie Regeln des Anstands, der Höflichkeit und der guten Sitte.Die Menschen haben einander nthig und die Zwecke des menschlichen Lebens knnen nur in der Geselligkeit erreicht werden. Am glcklichsten und frohesten wird das gesellige Leben da sein, wo man die Regeln des Anstandes, der...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Ma confessionMa confessionLa vive admiration que l'on manifeste Paris pour les ouvrages de Tolsto, la sympathie avec laquelle on accueille chaque nouveau volume de ses uvres, et l'intrt qu'on porte son individualit, m'ont donn l'ide de traduire ce petit volume intitul Ma Confession. Ce livre...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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