Public Domain
Eine feine Woche!Eine feine Woche!Er hat recht. Hierin hat er mal recht. Und wie es ihm geht, so gehts sehr vielen oder beinahe allen Jungen. Immer fehlt ihnen etwas; immer mssen sie hoffen, hier oder da durchzuschlpfen; immer hoffen, an einer sicher drohenden Gefahr vorbeizukommen. Und...
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Das Licht leuchtet in der Finsternis: Drama in vier AufzügenDas Licht leuchtet in der Finsternis: Drama in vier AufzügenIn Tolstois Nachla fanden sich neben den erzhlenden Schriften zwei grere dramatische Werke vor; das vollendete: Der lebende Leichnam[1] und das unvollendete: Das Licht leuchtet in der Finsternis Der Titel dieses letzteren Dramas ist dem...
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Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvkiadó Vállalat (Series). 1908-1910. cyclus új folyam, 76. kötKritikai dolgozatok, 1854-1861Az a fiatal klt, ki els fellptvel egyszerre a kznsg kegyencze ln, s hat rvid v alatt irodalmunkban eddig hallatlan hatst idzett el, nincs tbb a magyar rk sorban. Minden adatot sszevetve biztosan llthatni, hogy mr az irodalom-trtnet szemlye, a magyar irodalomtrtnet,...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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El clavoEl clavoLo que ms ardientemente desea todo el que pone el pie en el estribo de una diligencia para emprender un largo viaje es que los compaeros de departamento que le toquen en suerte sean de amena conversacinp. 10 y tengan sus mismos gustos,...
- CHF 5.80
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The Real Question as to Altar LightsThe Real Question as to Altar Lights - Christ's Body Present by Consecration, and Offered in the Sacrament of the Altar: A Letter to the Rev. John W.H. MolyneuxProduced by: Mark C. Orton, Thomas Frost and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This...
- CHF 5.80
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In the MorningIn the Morning Title: In the Morning Author: Willis Boyd Allen Release Date: January 25, 2022 [EBook #67246] Language: English Original Publication: US: , United States: Anson D. F. Randoph and Co.,1890. Credits: Charlene Taylor, hekula03 and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at
- CHF 5.80
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Sur la vaste TerreSur la vaste TerreLa maison que louait aux trangers le docteur Andrianivoune tait Soraka, faubourg de Tananarive, au-dessus du lac Anosy. Un mnage franais lavait habite jadis, et sy tait sans doute aim: deux pices, tendues de dlicates perses roses, indiquaient encore danciens raffinements,...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Lord Lister No. 0009: Om goud en liefdeLord Lister No. 0009: Om goud en liefdeDe hall van het oud-adellijke slot, die groote ruimte, waar de rijke Engelschen zich het liefst ophouden, en vanwaar men langs de prachtig gebeeldhouwde trappen de verschillende etages bereikt, scheen nog leeg te zijn. Eerst toen een...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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La RebelleLa RebellePublished, november fifteenth, first and fifteenth december nineteen hundred and five; first and fifteenth january, february first, nineteen hundred and six. Privilege of copyright in the United States reserved, under the Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and five, by Mrs. Marcelle Tinayre....
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Tales of the clipper shipsTales of the clipper shipsThe knot of frowsy femalesthat strange and ghoulish sisterhood which frequents such dismal spots as faithfully as dramatic critics the first nights of theatreswho stood monotonously rocking perambulators on their back wheels outside the cemetery gates, were unanimously of opinion...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Sämtliche Werke 13: Politische SchriftenSämtliche Werke 13: Politische Schriften Die russische Politik ist immer wieder auf ihre byzantinische Grundidee zurckgekommen. Nur die Begrndung dieser Idee hat durch die Jahrhunderte gewechselt. Und fast unterscheiden sich die einzelnen Zeitalter der russischen Geschichte wie die verschiedenen Formulierungen des byzantinischen Gedankens. Diese...
- CHF 5.80
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Sämtliche Werke 12: Literarische SchriftenSämtliche Werke 12: Literarische Schriften Ich halte es fr meine Pflicht, alles Bedeutungsvolle, das sich in meiner Erinnerung an Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski erhalten hat, ferner alle seine Gedanken und Gefhlsuerungen, so gut ich kann und wie ich sie verstehe, fr die ffentlichkeit niederzuschreiben. Ich...
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Merlin music books, v. 6Reflections on the Music Life in the United StatesThe following pages represent an attempt to account for the tremendous musical development of the United States during the past thirty-five yearsroughly speaking, the years since the end of World War I. We can safely characterize...
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Still—WilliamStill—WilliamUntil now William had taken no interest in his handkerchiefs as toilet accessories. They were greyish (once white) squares useful for blotting ink or carrying frogs or making lifelike rats to divert the long hours of afternoon school, but otherwise he had had no...
- CHF 5.80
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An Open Verdict: A Novel, Volume 1 (of 3)An Open Verdict: A Novel, Volume 1 (of 3)It was the Vicars way in these tte--tte conversations by the domestic hearth. He read, and his wife talked to him. He could keep his attention on the most intricate chain of argument, and yet never...
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CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Lord Lister No. 0008: In de Catacomben van ParijsLord Lister No. 0008: In de Catacomben van ParijsHij drong de huizen binnen en de groote overkapping van het Victoria station scheen deze zware wolken te willen opzuigen, zoodat zelfs het heldere schijnsel der electrische booglampen niet in staat was, het perron te verlichten....
- CHF 5.80
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Anthropological study (Louisiana Archaeological Survey and Antiquities Commission) no. 2The Caddo Indians of LouisianaNorthwestern Louisiana was occupied by the Caddo Indians during the period of early Spanish, French, and American contacts. By combining history and archaeology, the Caddo story can be traced back for a thousand yearsa unique opportunity made possible by a...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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The Book of Stars: Being a Simple Explanation of the Stars and Their Uses to Boy LifeThe Book of Stars: Being a Simple Explanation of the Stars and Their Uses to Boy LifeThe Book of WirelessThe Book of Stars The Book of MagicThe Book of Electricity Gas, Gasoline and Oil EnginesThe Amateur Chemist The Amateur MechanicHow to Fly The Home...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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Au cœur du HaremAu cœur du HaremJai ressenti ma premire impression dexil dans le port de Naples. Jai souvent revu cette rade merveilleuse. Sous de brlants midi de juillet, par de paisibles soirs de mai, en octobre alors que sous le vlum dun ciel azur, dun ciel...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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50 Photographic Views of PlymouthFifty Photographic Views of Plymouth Title: Fifty Photographic Views of Plymouth Release Date: January 23, 2022 [EBook #67232] Language: English Original Publication: US: , United States: John F Murphy,1898. Credits: Steve Mattern, Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at You provide,...
- CHF 5.80
CHF 11.60- CHF 5.80
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