Public Domain
Life Stories for Young PeopleLouise, Queen of PrussiaThere have been greater queens in history,Elizabeth of England, Catherine of Russia, Maria Theresa of Austria, and others,greater in diplomacy and statecraft and power, but none purer, nobler, or lovelier than Louise, Queen of Prussia, whose pathetic life is narrated in...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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How To Have Bird NeighborsHow To Have Bird NeighborsThis narrative of neighborship with birds is suggestive rather than exhaustive. It aims not so much to inform the reader, as to instill in him the desire to learn from the outdoors itself, to know at first hand about the...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Pioneer Auto Museum and Antique Town, Murdo, South DakotaPioneer Auto Museum and Antique Town, Murdo, South DakotaPIONEER AUTO MUSEUM and A. J. Dick Geisler are a single thought in the minds of many who have visited and had the chance to know the man with the ever-present cigar. A Valentine present to...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Le TurcoLe TurcoHier soir cinq heures, le gabion tait farci. Le gabion, afin quon nen ignore, est une salle du rez-de-chausse o nous prenons labsinthe entre nous. Nous tions une vingtaine dofficiers; lartillerie dominait, ltat-major tait reprsent par le grand capitaine Brunner; il y avait...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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The Making of a ManThe Making of a Man[3] The meaning of creation is not understood till dust stands erect in a living man. That a great purpose was present from the beginning, directing and controlling, there can be no doubt. It presided over the first nebulous mist...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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The Assassination of Christopher Marlowe (A New View)The Assassination of Christopher Marlowe (A New View)Among the many friends who have patiently or enthusiastically, as the case might be, read my essay on Marlowe's assassination, and who have freely expressed their views on my theory and ungrudgingly argued the subject with me,...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 16, Vol. I, April 19, 1884Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 16, Vol. I, April 19, 1884Few things are so fascinating to read as stories of fortunes suddenly made. They lend to the adventures of miners in gold or diamond fields an interest possessed...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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The Romance of the MoonThe Romance of the MoonSCIENCE is very good in its own way, but we observe a wide-spread and lamentable ignorance concerning all that pertains to the romantic side of our earths history. It is to dispel this ignorance that the following facts are made...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Gitanjali (Sangesopfer)Gitanjali (Sangesopfer) Wenn du mir befiehlst zu singen, scheint mir das Herz vor Stolz brechen zu wollen; ich schau in dein Antlitz, und Trnen kommen mir in das Auge. All das, was hart und mitnig ist mir im Leben, zerschmilzt in eine se Harmonie...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Youth, Vol. I, No. 6, August 1902Youth, Vol. I, No. 6, August 1902 - An Illustrated Monthly Journal for Boys & GirlsAn Illustrated Monthly Journal for Boys and Girls SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTSANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 Sent postpaid to any addressSubscriptions can begin at any time and must be paid in...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Boy Scouts in the White Mountains: The Story of a Long HikeBoy Scouts in the White Mountains: The Story of a Long HikeThe author and publishers desire to express their appreciation of the courtesy extended by Small Maynard & Co. for the use of the black and white plates used in this volume, which are...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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The Thirteenth ImmortalThe 13th Immortal"Who was your father?" the mutant asked Dale Kesley. And try as he might, Kesley could not remember; his past was an utter blank. But he knew one thingthe answer to his life's riddle lay in Antarctica, the once frozen continent, now...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Harwood's VortexHarwood's VortexThe vortex bubbled up out of nowhere, hung shimmering in the air in front of me, glistened and gleamed brightly. There was a whirlpool of twisting currents in the air, and I wavered dizzily for a second or two while the Invaders poured...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Hilda van SuylenburgHilda van SuylenburgHilda was juist aangekomen. Het laatste gedeelte van haar reis, tusschen Utrecht en den Haag, had ze alleen in den coup gezeten, alleen met het steeds sterker wordend besef van een nieuw huis, een nieuwe vreemde omgeving die haar wachtte. Droomend en...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Ghetto: Burgerlijk Treurspel in 3 BedrijvenGhetto: Burgerlijk Treurspel in 3 BedrijvenWat niet versleten! Ben jij blind? Houen jullie me voor de gek! Had ik me gen, dan had ik jou niet noodig, jou niet, niemand niet! Is t niet ongelukkig genoeg dat k blind ben? An me vijanden ben...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Slaughter on Dornell 4Slaughter on Dornell IVLarry Filmore stared at his beer and mentally roasted his fight manager for the fiftieth time. Human beings were supposed to be the toughest race that the Galaxy had ever spawned, but as a fighter, Larry didn't put too much faith...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Secret of the PaintingSecret of the PaintingThe way he spoke set my teeth on edge. There was a whining, placating tone in his voice, but under this was a growl which indicated that if he had the chance, he would be glad to order me to stop...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Kwan Yin: Een boek van de Goden en de HelKwan Yin: Een boek van de Goden en de HelEigenlijk heb ik het land aan voorredes. Maar ik vind het toch heusch noodig even iets vraan dit boek te zeggen. Toen mijn Wijsheid en Schoonheid uit China was uitgekomen, heb ik daar zoo nu...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 18.52- CHF 5.79
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Het JongetjeHet JongetjeDallora innanzi dico chAmore signoreggi lanima mia, la quale fu si tosto a lui disposata, e cominci a prendere sopra me tanta sicurtade e tanta signoria, per la virt che gli dava la mia immaginazione, che mi convenia fare compiutamente tutti i suoi...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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Voyage d'un faux musulman à travers l'AfriqueVoyage d'un faux musulman à travers l'Afrique - Tombouctou, le Niger, Jenné et le DésertSupposons que vous ayez sous les yeux une carte du globe; que, sur cette carte, vous vous tablissiez lun des points qui reprsentent Brest, Nantes, Rochefort ou Bordeaux, la droite...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.58- CHF 5.79
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