Public Domain
Egyptian Art: StudiesEgyptian Art: StudiesThe following essays were written during a period of more than thirty years, and published at intervals of varying lengths. The oldest of them appeared in Les Monuments de lArt Antique of my friend Olivier Rayet, and the others in La Nature...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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The Mystery of Cleverly: A Story for BoysThe Mystery of Cleverly: A Story for BoysOnce more a peal of laughter sounded from within. The scene of this incident was the Cleverly District School. The time was the second of January, and the occasion was the annual frolic of the boys, known...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Why Authors Go Wrong, and Other ExplanationsWhy Authors Go Wrong, and Other ExplanationsTHE subject of Why Authors Go Wrong is one to answering which a book might adequately be devoted and perhaps we shall write a book about it one of these days, but not now. When, as and if...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 18.49- CHF 5.77
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The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night—Volume 06 [Supplement]The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night—Volume 06 [Supplement]The original MS. was brought to France by Al-Khin Diynisis Shwsh, a Syrian priest of the Congregation of St. Basil, whose name has been Frenchified to Don Dennis (or Denys) Chavis. He was a...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 18.49- CHF 5.77
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Ansiedlungen in den Urwäldern von CanadaAnsiedlungen in den Urwäldern von Canada. - Ein Wegweiser für Auswandrer nach Amerika von einer Emigrantin.Schilderung des Bodens, Klimas u. s. w. Lebensweise und Beschftigungen der Ansiedler. Durch Erfahrung und genaue Beobachtung bewhrte Vorschriften, betreffend die Niederlassung und das Gedeihen der neuen Ankmmlinge; mit...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Őszi napsugár A gyanuŐszi napsugár; A gyanuMikor kt r kt ragyog czilinder (ugyanattl a kalapostl), kt gynyr ing-pnczl (ugyanattl a divatrustl), s kt andaltan szabott kabt (ugyanattl az uzsorstl) Budakeszen vagy Rkospalotn hrom pr golyt kldzget egymsra, s az egyik szpen himzett, fehr ingen egyszerre csak kivirul...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Merelä ja rannikolta: Kokoelma kertomuksiaMerelä ja rannikolta: Kokoelma kertomuksiaMeriluotsit ovat minun mielestni Norjan ylpeys; moni maanmies kenties pit tt kummallisena, mutta sen annan heille anteeksi, sill useimmat eivt tied; mit luotseina oleminen merkitsee. Luotsimme ovatkin usein surkean nkisi maalla, koska useimmat heist ovat kyristyneet luuvalon thden, ja koska...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Modern science seriesThe fauna of the deep seaThe time may come when there will be no portion of the earths surface that has not been surveyed and explored by man. The work of enterprising travellers has now been carried on within a measurable distance of the...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Meren maininkejaMeren maininkeja Vihret lehdot, hilpet linnut lietsovat suoniini riemun kiivaan. Nn yli tornin harjojen, valkeiden talojen varjojen siintvn meren riviivaan. Kosteilla kaduilla herpovin hermoin. ostetun onnen isell tiell, juurella mustien muurien, kahleissa valheiden suurien mr vailla ma harhasin siell. Sumussa lyhdyt, himmet katseet, eksyvt,...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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The Smoky ValleyThe Smoky Valley - Reproductions of a series of Lithographs of the Smoky Valley in KansasReproductions of a Series of Lithographs of the Smoky Valley in Kansas By Birger Sandzen An Introduction by Minna K. Powell CARL J. SMALLEY Kansas City, Missouri 1922 Copyright,...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Tarzanin poikaTarzanin poikaI. Etsiv katse II. Opettaja oppilaan ksiss III. Ystvykset IV. Salaperinen tapaus V. Pikku Miriam VI. Viidakon opetuksia VII. Omaa heimoa VIII. Apinaleirill IX. Kolmisin X. Vaarallisia vieraita XI. Neidonryst XII. Neekerikylss XIII. Miriam myydn XIV. Ihmisten ilmoille XV. Taistelu mustien kanssa XVI....
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Don Balasco Key Westistä: Nykyajan kertomus KuubastaDon Balasco Key Westistä: Nykyajan kertomus KuubastaTampa uinuu auringonpaisteessa kuumana huhtikuun pivn vuonna 1890. Aina laiska kaupunki, on se tn ehtoopivn syvemmss horrostilassa kuin koskaan. Ainoa, joka on tysin valveilla kaupunginhotellissa, on Thomas Duff Mastic, virkamies Yhdysvaltojen tullivirastossa, ja hnet on sken kirje, jota...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Künstler-Monographien, 45LiebermannDas Original wurde in Frakturschrift gesetzt. Passagen in Antiquaschrift werden im vorliegenden Text kursiv dargestellt. Abhngig von der im jeweiligen Lesegert installierten Schriftart knnen die im Original gesperrt gedruckten Passagen gesperrt, in serifenloser Schrift, oder aber sowohl serifenlos als auch gesperrt erscheinen. veranstaltet, von...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Twenty-Seven Drawings by William BlakeTwenty-Seven Drawings by William Blake - Being Illustrations for Paradise Lost, Comus, and the BibleWilliam Blake was born in London in 1757, and in 1827 he departed for that undiscovered country which all his life he had wished to see. Throughout the century which...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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The industrial republic: a study of the America of ten years henceThe industrial republic: a study of the America of ten years henceThe thought of the time has familiarised us with the evolutionary view of things; we understand that life is the product of an inner impulse, labouring to embody itself in the world of...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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The Boy's Book of Indians and the Wild WestThe Boy's Book of Indians and the Wild WestWHEN the white man discovered America, he found a great, primeval wilderness of fertile valleys, high mountains and deep forests. Tall trees had grown for centuries and their towering tops, reaching up to the blue sky,...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Apologie pour les nouveaux-richesApologie pour les nouveaux-richesL'tat, qui a l'avantage de faire payer ses factures par les contribuables, achetait n'importe quel prix, pourvu qu'il fixt lui-mme ce prix. Il le fixait n'importe comment, au hasard de prfrence, mais avec un got de l'excessif que les monarchies les...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Die Heimat: Roman aus den schlesischen BergenDie Heimat: Roman aus den schlesischen BergenIm Buchenhofe war ein Hhnchen ermordet worden. Der Verdacht lenkte sich auf Waldmann, den Dachshund, der nach der Tat flchtig geworden war. Es war auch dem Schaffersohne Hannes, der sich sofort aufgemacht hatte, die Spuren des Mrders zu...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Le Mont Saint-Michel, son histoire et sa légendeLe Mont Saint-Michel, son histoire et sa légendeUn grand vque, saint Aubert, occupait, en 708, le sige piscopal dAvranches. Le mont Tumba slevait prs de l. Aubert, frapp de la posie grandiose et mystique du lieu, y fit btir une petite glise en lhonneur...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Water Color Renderings of VeniceWater Color Renderings of VeniceThe Water Colors of Pierre Vignal rank as the foremost in contemporary French art. He uses water color in its true sense of being a transparent and not an opaque medium. There is no chinese white on his palette. Each...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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