Public Domain
Le Livre des LégendesLe Livre des LégendesLa Lgende d'une dette, raconte au banquet Nobel, le 10 dcembre 1909 La fille du Grand-Marais La Mine d'Argent La Lgende de la Rose de Nol La Marche nuptiale Le Joueur de violon Une Lgende de Jrusalem Pourquoi le Pape devint...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Le Bar de la FourcheLe Bar de la FourcheVoici un livre dont tu accepteras la ddicace en souvenir de nos longues causeries. Tu m'as emmen si souvent de la Martinique Sumatra et de Juan Fernandes aux Kouriles, que ton nom s'est inscrit tout seul la premire page de...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Blind PlayBlind PlayHe had left the airlock between the lifeboat and the ship open. That had been stupid, he realized, but it was too late to correct it now. One of the Tang's two other crew members was approaching down the corridor just beyond the...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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The BrydThe BrydThe Bryd was awakened with a rude jolt. It didn't even have time for a mental yawn. Something terrible was going on in Dale Stevenson's mind, and the turmoil there made the Bryd most uncomfortable. It shook off the lethargy of its long...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Le Aquile della Steppa: RomanzoLe Aquile della Steppa: Romanzo Propriet artistica e letteraria della Casa Editrice A. Donath, Genova, la quale, avendo adempiuto alle formalit che la legge prescrive, provveder, non solo contro le contraffazioni, ma anche contro le imitazioni. Legge 19 settembre 1882 N. 1012. Un urlo...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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War-Chess, or the Game of BattleWar-Chess, or the Game of BattleThe Game of Battle represents two antagonistic armies, one of which, the Attacking (or Invading) Army, is composed of four figures, each representing a regiment of Light Infantry; five figures, each representing a regiment of Infantry of the Line;...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Advance Australasia: A Day-to-Day Record of a Recent Visit to AustralasiaAdvance Australasia: A Day-to-Day Record of a Recent Visit to Australasia. - Second Edition.Upon revising the last sheet of this small book for press I could not help feeling that some little explanation was needed of its appearance at all. For assuredly, when I...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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How They Succeeded: Life Stories of Successful Men Told by ThemselvesHow They Succeeded: Life Stories of Successful Men Told by ThemselvesTHE GREAT INTEREST manifested in the life-stories of successful men and women, which have been published from time to time in the magazine Success, has actuated their production in book form. Many of these...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Fábulas y cuentos en versoFábulas y cuentos en verso - SelecciónHace tiempo que el Instituto-Escuela tropieza con bastantes inconvenientes para que las lecturas literarias de sus alumnos sean todo lo extensas y variadas que es menester; la misma dificultad tocarn, en ms o menos grado, todos los profesores...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Agnes Mary Clerke and Ellen Mary Clerke: An AppreciationAgnes Mary Clerke and Ellen Mary Clerke: An AppreciationLady Huggins in her original draft of the obituary notice of my sister Agnes, which appeared in the Astrophysical Journal, included some words of personal appreciation and of reference to her family which were omitted from...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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The Peril and the Preservation of the HomeThe Peril and the Preservation of the Home - Being the William L. Bull Lectures for the Year 1903For many years, it has been my earnest desire to found a Lectureship on Christian Sociology, meaning thereby the application of Christian principles to the social,...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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A Theory of the Mechanism of Survival: The Fourth Dimension and Its ApplicationsA Theory of the Mechanism of Survival: The Fourth Dimension and Its ApplicationsThe highly speculative and extrapolatory character of this book will be evident to all who are bold enough to read it. I wish to make it perfectly clear that I have no...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Cameo CuttingCameo CuttingThe art of cutting Cameos in shell is of so very recent birth, compared with that of working in precious stones, that a claim to consideration in setting forth the method and practice may justly be preferred. Yet my little treatise, which is...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Calling World-4 of KithgolCalling World-4 of KithgolThe Star was obscured by blowing sand, and Yorgh could not see much of The World either. The wolly he rode snorted in panic at the howl of the sandstorm. Finally, the big hunter swung down to the ground and dragged...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Tonight the Stars Revolt!Tonight the Stars Revolt!In the Black Pools he found the 50,000-year-lost wisdom of the Ancients. For a day Red Angus held victory in his sword-hand. But it was too short a glimpse, too elusive a thought to bolster the star-rabble against the Citadel's iron...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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La fiaccola sotto il moggioLa fiaccola sotto il moggio Appare un'aula vastissima nella casa antica dei Sangro costrutta sul dosso ineguale del monte. Alla robustezza della primitiva ossatura normanna tutte le et han sovrapposto le loro testimonianze di pietra e di cotto, dal regno degli Angioini al regno...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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John Cheap, the Chapman's Library. Vol. 2: Religious and ScripturalJohn Cheap, the Chapman's Library. Vol. 2: Religious and Scriptural - The Scottish Chap Literature of Last Century, ClassifiedAt the Reformation one half of the lands of Scotland were the property of the church. David I. had made over almost the whole of those...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Witch of the Demon SeasWitch of the Demon SeasGuide a black galleon to the lost, fear-haunted Citadel of the Xanthi wizardsinto the very jaws of Doom? Corun, condemned pirate of Conahur, laughed. Aye, he'd do it, and gladly. It would mean a reprieve from the headsman's axea few...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Sargasso of Lost StarshipsSargasso of Lost StarshipsFar out in limitless space, Valduma, queen of the voluptuous half-life, plied her deadly trade ... a Lorelei of the black void, beckoning adventurous spacemen to death and destruction with her beautiful siren lure. Basil Donovan was drunk again. He sat...
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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Boys of Other CountriesBoys of Other Countries In my travels about the world I have made the acquaintance of a great many children, and I might tell you many things about their dress, their speech, and their habits of life in the different countries I have visited....
- CHF 5.78
CHF 11.56- CHF 5.78
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