Public Domain
A bazini zsidók: RegényA bazini zsidók: RegényA mohcsi csata utn Szulejman csszr rvid ltogatst tett Budn, a kirlyi palota kincseit lekldte Sztambulba, azutn sszetereltette a budai zsidkat s magval vitte ket. Ugy vlte, hogy szksge van rjuk s hogy birodalmnak hasznra lesznek. Az erszakkal ttelepitett zsidk kzl...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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The Nuclear Ship SavannahThe Nuclear Ship Savannah - First Atomic Merchant Ship, One of the World's Safest ShipsEvery appropriate safety device, factor, and technique were sought in the design and planning stage, and the ships construction has probably been more closely and intensively inspected, tested, and scrutinized...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Indians of LouisianaIndians of LouisianaAccording to anthropologists there have been people in Louisiana for at least 12,000 years. They probably migrated from the northern United States in search of game as more and more of the northern areas fell under sheets of advancing ice. Louisiana was...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Oliver's Bride A true StoryOliver's Bride; A true StoryI have not been always what I ought to have been, he said, you must understand that, Grace. I cant let you take me without telling you, though its against myself. I have not been the man that your husband...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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The Age of Science: A Newspaper of the 20th CenturyThe Age of Science: A Newspaper of the Twentieth CenturyThe greatest discovery ever achieved by man is beyond all question that which it is now our privilege to announce, namely, that of the new Prospective Telegraph. By this truly wonderful invention (exquisitely simple in...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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The Loot of CitiesThe Loot of Cities - Being the Adventures of a Millionaire in Search of Joy (a Fantasia); and Other StoriesMr. Bruce Bowring, managing director of the Consolidated Mining and Investment Corporation, Limited (capital two millions, in one-pound shares, which stood at twenty-seven-and-six), turned and...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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A Narrative of the Life and Travels of Mrs. Nancy PrinceA Narrative of the Life and Travels of Mrs. Nancy PrinceAs my unprofitable life has been spared, and I have been, by the providence of God, wonderfully preserved, it is with gratitude to my Heavenly Father, and duty to myself, that I attempt to...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Lehtori Garthin avioliittoLehtori Garthin avioliittoGunnel nki ensi kerran Henning Garthin jokapivisiss oloissa, eik hnen ulkomuodossaan ollut mitn erikoisen puoleensavetv, mutta hnen olentonsa nytti kuitenkin Gunnelista jonkinlaiselta ilmestykselt hnen seisoessaan purjeveneess kimalteleva meri takanaan ja ksi ojennettuna auttamaan hnt veneeseen. Hn oli pikemmin keskikokoista lyhyempi kuin pitempi,...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Love Potions Through the Ages: A Study of Amatory Devices and MoresLove Potions Through the Ages: A Study of Amatory Devices and MoresThe amatory motif is pervasive, timeless, and universal. In some of its phases and manifestations it has presented age-old provocations and, not infrequently, problems that are still unresolved. Among such problems are involved...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire, (Vol. 16 / 20)Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire, (Vol. 16 / 20) - faisant suite à l'Histoire de la Révolution Française Napolon se hte peu d'arriver Dresde, afin de diffrer sa rencontre avec M. de Bubna. Ses dispositions pour le campement, le bien-tre et la sret...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire, (Vol. 15 / 20)Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire, (Vol. 15 / 20) - faisant suite à l'Histoire de la Révolution Française vnements qui se passaient en Europe pendant l'expdition de Russie. Situation difficile de l'Angleterre; dtresse croissante du commerce et des classes ouvrires; dsir gnral de...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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The Rise of UniversitiesThe Rise of UniversitiesThe Colver lectureship is provided by a fund of $10,000 presented to the University by Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Rosenberger of Chicago in memory of Mrs. Rosenbergers father, Charles K. Colver of the class of 1842. The following sentences from...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 18.48- CHF 5.77
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Dean's illustrated farthing booksTrust in God"I do not like to talk about the bridge, mother, it makes me giddy. Do you believe it is safe--just those two planks laid across, and no railing? If she had stepped a little to one side, she would have fallen into...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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The Gold Thread and, Wee Davie: Two Stories for the YoungThe Gold Thread; and, Wee Davie: Two Stories for the YoungOnce upon a time, a boy lost his way in a vast forest that filled many a valley and passed over many a hilla rolling sea of leaves for miles and miles, farther than...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Exploits and Adventures of a Soldier Ashore and AfloatExploits and Adventures of a Soldier Ashore and AfloatIn introducing the following narratives, the contents of which have been gleaned through my voyage around the earth in quest of excitement and natural oddities, for which since childhood I have possessed an insatiable desire, I...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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20 Centuries of ParisTwenty Centuries of ParisFRANCE has been inhabited since the days when prehistoric man unconsciously told the story of his life through the medium of the household utensils and the implements of war which he left behind him in the caves in which he dwelt,...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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The Watsons: By Jane Austen, Concluded by L. OultonThe Watsons: By Jane Austen, Concluded by L. OultonThis work was left by its author, a fragment without a name, in so elementary a state as not even to be divided into chapters, and some obscurities and inaccuracies of expression may be observed in...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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Buffalo Bill border stories, no. 171Buffalo Bill's Best Bet; Or, A Sure Thing Well WonIt is now some generations since Josh Billings, Ned Buntline, and Colonel Prentiss Ingraham, intimate friends of Colonel William F. Cody, used to forgather in the office of Francis S. Smith, then proprietor of the...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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A Remonstrance of the State of the KingdomA Remonstrance of the State of the Kingdom That Order shall be now given for the Printing of this Remonstrance, of the State of the Kingdom. THE Commons in this present Parliament assembled, having with much earnestnesse, and faithfulnesse of affection, and zeal to...
- CHF 5.77
CHF 11.55- CHF 5.77
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- CHF 5.77
CHF 18.48- CHF 5.77
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