Public Domain
Fritzchen: Die Geschichte einer EinsamenFritzchen: Die Geschichte einer EinsamenAus dem Dorfe Hohen-Leucken, das seinen Namen seinem hher gelegenen Herrschaftshause zu Ehren, sonst aber nur wie zum Spotte fhrte, kam der Doktor das ganze Jahr nicht heraus. Zwischen Moor und sumpfigen Wiesen lag es arglos eingebettet, und am Abend,...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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Veterinary Medicines, Their Actions, Uses and DoseVeterinary Medicines, Their Actions, Uses and DoseThere is no scarcity of excellent works on Veterinary materia medica and Therapeutics. Many of these will well repay the student for the time spent in mastering them, but none seem to meet the wants of the Veterinary...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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With Trumpet and DrumWith Trumpet and DrumThis volume is made up of verse compiled from my Little Book of Western Verse, my Second Book of Verse, and the files of the Chicago Daily News, the Youths Companion, and the Ladies Home Journal. ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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War Prisoner Money and MedalsWar Prisoner Money and MedalsThe guarantee of humane treatment for prisoners of war is an achievement of modern international law. This interesting and important legal problem was discussed at great length at several international conferences at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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Badlands Natural History Association Bulletin No. 1The History of Badlands National Monument and the White River (Big) Badlands of South DakotaIn 1951 the National Park Service (NPS) launched the concept of developing a documented history for each unit of the national park system. Known since 1984 as park histories, the...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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The History and Romance of Air Mail StampsThe History and Romance of Air Mail StampsThe history of the flying machine reaches back as far as the earliest of mans written records of his thoughts and ambitions. And one can only surmise how long ago it must have been, in the dim...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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Frank Merriwell's Trust Or, Never Say DieFrank Merriwell's Trust; Or, Never Say DieA half million enthusiastic followers of the Merriwell brothers will attest the unfailing interest and wholesomeness of these adventures of two lads of high ideals, who play fair with themselves, as well as with the rest of the...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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Buffalo Bill border stories, no. 1Buffalo Bill, the Border King; Or, Redskin and CowboyIt is now some generations since Josh Billings, Ned Buntline, and Colonel Prentiss Ingraham, intimate friends of Colonel William F. Cody, used to forgather in the office of Francis S. Smith, then proprietor of the New...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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The Princess SoniaThe Princess SoniaMARTHA KEENE had been at work for several months in Etiennes atelier, in the Latin quarter of Paris, and although her appearance would have led one to believe her frail in health, she had never missed a working-day, and always occupied a...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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To the Person Sitting in DarknessTo the Person Sitting in DarknessExtending the Blessings of Civilization to our Brother who Sits in Darkness has been a good trade and has paid well, on the whole; and there is money in it yet, if carefully workedbut not enough, in my judgment,...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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Moloks leende: romanMoloks leende: roman Det var sannerligen en lust att se lektor Tedelius draga ut p sndagsmorgnarna mot Blockhusudden eller Ulriksdal med lektorska och sex barn, alla vlskapade frn topp till t. Familjen utgjorde en hel liten vandrarefrening, som man knde vl till vid Sturegatan,...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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The Little Review, April 1914 (Vol. 1, No. 2)The Little Review, April 1914 (Vol. 1, No. 2) In 1850 an astounding thing happened in England. A little group of artists and poets, known as the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, began the publication of a magazine. It was to be given over to thoughts towards...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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The Catalpa ExpeditionThe Catalpa ExpeditionOne hundred years after the Declaration of Independence, an American whaling captain, George S. Anthony, commemorated the event by enforcing another declaration of independence which set free the Irish political prisoners who were sentenced to a lifetime of servitude in the English...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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Canada, the SpellbinderCanada, the Spellbinder whose foresight and energy, whose courage and genius lifted Canada's pioneer railway to a very high level of service and success; extended its operations from the Atlantic to the Pacific; opened thousands of miles of new scenic beauties and prepared a...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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Three Bright Girls: A Story of Chance and MischanceThree Bright Girls: A Story of Chance and Mischance I. Hot Chestnuts II. Doris's First Dinner-party III. Shopping and a Rehearsal IV. Hugh's Mentor V. Husband and Wife VI. Tableaux Vivants VII. Startling News VIII. Gone! IX. A House of Mourning X. Facing the...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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The Ancient Rows of Great YarmouthThe Ancient Rows of Great Yarmouth - Their names, why so constructed, and what visitors have written about them, also a descriptive sketch of Yarmouth Beach The two most remarkable and noteworthy features of the ancient Borough of Great Yarmouth, that remain unchanged to...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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Impressions and Experiences of a French Trooper, 1914-1915Impressions and Experiences of a French Trooper, 1914-1915TO MY CAPTAIN COUNT J. DE TARRAGON AND TO MY TWO COMRADES 2nd LIEUT. MAGRIN and 2nd LIEUT. CLRE WITH WHOM MANY PAGES OF THIS BOOK ARE CONCERNED WHO FELL ALL THREE ON THE FIELD OF HONOUR...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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Children of PersiaChildren of PersiaThis is a book about Persia, intended to be read by children; and, on this account, much has had to be left out. Do not think, when you have read this book, that you know how bad Muhammadanism is, for a great...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 11.59- CHF 5.79
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El caso extraño del Doctor JekyllEl caso extraño del Doctor JekyllNota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio pblico. Edicin...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 18.55- CHF 5.79
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Het Leven der Dieren: Deel 3.7, De WeekdierenHet Leven der Dieren: Deel 3.7, De WeekdierenVoor een nadere kennismaking met de Weekdieren zijn wij allen reeds eenigermate voorbereid door vroegere ervaringen. Een der eerste verkenningen op dit terrein heeft ons geleid tot het besef, dat een Slak en een Mossel nagenoeg in...
- CHF 5.79
CHF 18.55- CHF 5.79
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