Public Domain
Muistelmia KiinastaMuistelmia KiinastaUnohtua ei voi se piv, jolloin ensikerran astuimme maalle Kiinan rannikolla. retn pienuuden, voimattomuuden tunne valtasi sydmen. Istuen rikshoissa, joita miehet vetivt, katselimme kaduilla kulkevia Kiinalaisia. Olimmeko todellakin Kiinassa? Voisimmekohan tll mitn vaikuttaa? Niin, kukas voisi kuvata niit tunteita, jotka tyttivt sydmemme ja...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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The Preservation of the Exterior of Wooden BuildingsThe Preservation of the Exterior of Wooden BuildingsFor a number of years the writers have been making a study of industrial problems and have been publishing the information which they have acquired, regarding the value of various structural materials, for the benefit of consumers...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Destination—DeathDestination—DeathThe yellow gauge clicked with a tiny sound, and the oxygen tank went dry. The relay ratchetted slowly, automatically coupled on the next tank, and the needle on the gauge climbed to high-pressure again. "Shut up!" Tom Headley's tone was thin with suppressed anger....
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Greycliff WingsGreycliff WingsDeepest of sapphire skies, freshest of air, most sparkling of lake waters greeted the senior collegiates, dignified by their position at the head of the school, on their first picnic of the year. By ones, twos, threes and more, they added to the...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Kneetime animal storiesSharp Eyes, the Silver Fox: His Many AdventuresAway up in the North Woods lived a family of foxes. They had big, bushy tails, like a dust brush, and they wore furry coats. Some of these furry coats were of a reddish-yellow color, and some...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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The Magical Land of NoomThe Magical Land of NoomYes, it needs a sail and a mast and a rudder, replied Johnny. Run in and ask Granma for an old sheet to make the sail of, will you, Janey? Ill be putting on a mast and the rudder. When...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Scripture Histories; from the Creation of the World, to the Death of Jesus ChristScripture Histories; from the Creation of the World, to the Death of Jesus Christ - With a Description of St. Paul's Church, LondonIn six days God created the whole world out of nothing; that is to[6] say, the heavens, the earth, fire, air, water,...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Reife Früchte vom BierbaumReife Früchte vom BierbaumVon Zeit zu Zeit tut uns das Lachen not, das Lachen, das ber den Alltag erhebt, die Freude, die uns strkt und befreit; es gibt keinen besseren Arzt auf der Welt als den Humor, keinen besseren Fhrer durchs Leben als die...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Kohtaus kuntakokouksessaKohtaus kuntakokouksessa1. Kuntakokouksen ESIMIES. 2. " KIRJURI. 3. Kansakoulunopettaja HALME. 4. Pastori YRJL. 5. Patruuna STOCKMAN. 6. OLUTKUSKI. 7. Torppari HEIKKIL. 8. Kauppias TOIMELA. 9. ANTTILAN ISNT ja EMNT. ID. ESKOLAN EMNT. 11. TIENSUUN MIKKO. 12. MUUAN VAIMO. 13. Muita naisia ja miehi. (Kunnantupa,...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Szeretve mind a vérpadig (2. rész)Szeretve mind a vérpadig (2. rész) - Történeti regény a Rákóczy-korbólOcskay mindenfle mmor-undorra bredt fel. Kellemetlen rzsek mind: a bor mmornak, a gynyr mmornak s a dicssg mmornak az undora. Ocskay egytt rezte mind a hrmat. Az egyiket a htban rezte, a msikat a...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Szeretve mind a vérpadig (1. rész)Szeretve mind a vérpadig (1. rész) - Történeti regény a Rákóczy-korbólEz a sz zomotor olyan rgi mr, hogy csak a nyelvtudsok s rgisgbvrok ismerik, azok pedig nagyon fogjk a fejket csvlni, mikor megtudjk, hogy itt most egy nagy lakodalom van kszlben, mert amaz egszen...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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The Life and Times of Akhnaton, Pharaoh of EgyptThe Life and Times of Akhnaton, Pharaoh of EgyptThe reign of Akhnaton, for seventeen years Pharaoh of Egypt (from B.C. 1375 to 1358), stands out as the most interesting epoch in the long sequence of Egyptian history. We have watched the endless line of...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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AaroAaroPaljon Erri oli tit toimitellutkin. Lehmikarjan oli asetellut somaan sikeroon laitumelle, mansikan kukkien keskelle, tuuhean lepikon reunaan. Sitten oli katsellut hetkisen niit pivpaisteessa harristuneita kuusen kpyj, ett mitenk ne sivt ja laittanut mnnynkpylampaat laitumelle samalla tavalla. Astiat, kotoa ja kylst kertyt, monen vuoden aikana...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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I've been a GipsyingI've been a Gipsying - or, Rambles among our Gipsies and their children in their tents and vansTHE RIGHT HON. LORD ABERDARE. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF STANHOPE. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF SHAFTSBURY. THE RIGHT HON. THE MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE. THE...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Etruscan Tomb Paintings, Their Subjects and SignificanceEtruscan Tomb Paintings, Their Subjects and SignificanceThe following sketch is based upon investigations made in the Etruscan Tombs at Corneto and Chiusi, and on comparison of the original wall-paintings with the facsimiles and drawings made from them and preserved in the Helbig Museum in...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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The Fly Leaf, No. 2, Vol. 1, January 1896The Fly Leaf, No. 2, Vol. 1, January 1896 - A Pamphlet Periodical of the New—the New Man, New Woman, New Ideas, Whimsies and ThingsWalter Blackburn Harte is beyond doubt and peradventure the leading essayist in Boston today. For Boston perhaps you had better...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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Epidemic Respiratory DiseaseEpidemic Respiratory Disease - The pneumonias and other infections of the repiratory tract accompanying influenza and measlesDeath from lobar pneumonia, bronchopneumonia and measles, fatal with few exceptions in consequence of complicating pneumonia, constituted in 1916 approximately one-sixth (16.8 per cent) of the mortality in...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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A Battle for Right Or, A Clash of WitsA Battle for Right; Or, A Clash of WitsNick Carter stands for an interesting detective story. The fact that the books in this line are so uniformly good is entirely due to the work of a specialist. The man who wrote these stories produced...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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A ciklámen és más novellákA ciklámen és más novellákA kislny most ngy ves. Kedves, csinos okos; de nem mesebeli princeszke s nem vilgraszl csodagyerek. Egy nyolc ves kis bartnjtl pr ht alatt megtanult olvasni, ami figyelemremlt rtelemre, ers kis koponyra vall, de amit vgre az apai szv sem...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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BlackoutBlack-outOld Thak watched fondly as the new telescope was being put into its place. He had been a long time persuading the elders to build this instrument, a duplicate of the one destroyed in the latest great war. It was as fine a telescope...
- CHF 5.81
CHF 11.62- CHF 5.81
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